What You Can Learn About Achievement From The Stacey Dash Interview?

Recently, Stacey Dash (unknown to me until I saw this and researched her) was on Meredith Vieria. Personally, I don’t watch Vieria mainly because of the tact she took in this “interview.” The video is below.  Watch it, then come back and read on.

I love this girl! Unafraid to speak on a hot, controversial issue, and speak her truth.

I hear this all the time: “My territory isn’t large enough.” “My compensation plan isn’t fair enough.” “People don’t answer the phone like they used to.” “Prospects lie.” “I can’t get referrals anymore.” My company doesn’t invest in me.” “My company has no vision.”

All of these statements (and Meredith’s unbelievably arrogant questions) are perfect examples of our buy-in to a victim mentality. And it wears us out. Actually, it renders us unable to adopt a stance of personal empowerment.

Strategies & Solutions
So if you’ve ever said (or thought) these things, then here are five actions you can take right now, to get out of that state of mind and into a more empowering state.

1. Take a class. Sign up for a class at a local institution and get good at a core competency that you’ll need as your business changes.

2. Listen to a podcast. Yes, of course, The Advanced Selling Podcast would be first on my list, but there are thousands of others. Michael Hyatt, Lewis Howes, Tim Ferriss, to name a few.

3. Watch a YouTube video.  College courses are online now, on YouTube or iTunes University. Your ability to learn from others is unlimited..and it’s free. Tune off the TV for an hour a night and watch something helpful. After 100 of these, you will have inspiration to expand your possibilities.

4. Invest in yourself. Take money out of your checking account and buy something that improves your lot. A book, a self help course. Invest 10% of your annual income in your growth. And watch your opportunities rocket.

5. Ask someone who’s done it. The best, quickest way to learn a new way to do things is to ask someone who’s done it. I know that might be a shock to your ego, to admit you’re clueless. But being clueless is no excuse. (Yes, that was Dash’s first film, “Clueless.”) Then, as you learn new things, find a way to implement those in your world.

Alternative Listening
If you want to listen to an inspirational interview with someone who takes the exact opposite approach (as Meredith), then take a listen to this episode of Lewis Howes’s Podcast:

Lewis Howes’ interviews Than Merrill, a real estate investor who has accomplished more in five years than most of us do in a lifetime. Listen to how he does it. He’s waiting for no one.

Political Comment
Did you notice the arrogance in Vieria’s questions? Here she has someone on her show who is doing quite well and who is trying to help people with a dose of self-empowerment. But she was having none of it. Why would she not have asked Stacey, “Hey, how did you do it?” “What advice would you have for people who feel the deck is stacked against them?” “Walk us step by step through how you got to where you are.”

But that wasn’t her agenda. Her agenda was to belittle Stacey. And she did that impeccably. Come on Meredith. You had the perfect chance to help women (and men) create a new future and blast some old, awful stereotypes, but you blew it.