The New Sales Model -Free Seminar

We’re hosting an event on February 15th or 16th at our Training Center in Indianapolis called, The New Selling Model, A Unique Philosophy for 2007 Business Growth (a long title I know, but it was as creative as I could get).

The idea of this is to expose attendees to the content that has been helping hundreds of companies grow their business. I’ll talk about such things as  *the new role of the sales person,   *the power curve and how to control the sales process,  *mastering the inner game of selling,  *modern communication skills, and  *the total assessment–how to assess where you (or your team) need work.

To register, go to and choose which date you want to attend. Plus, that page will tell you more about what you’ll learn–for those who need more detail.

We will be audio taping this, so if you can’t be there in person, and you want a copy of the program, I’ll announce how you can get that later on this site. We’ll have this available as an MP3 download or a physical CD.