

I must admit. Sometimes I just don’t feel it. I get bored. I get tired. I get overwhelmed with all the sh** that needs to get done, but never have the time to do. Yep, I get in the proverbial “rut.” You, too?

As I sink into those places, I have to catch myself and right the ship. Here are some of my favorite “go-to” strategies for getting back to “Unstoppable.”

Is it in my mind or in my motion?

That’s really the question, isn’t it? Is it just a “thinking” problem or a “mechanics” problem?

In other words, am I thinking about my life and my mission all wrong? Or, do I just not have the actions right?

A Solution (Not “The” Solution)

I’m aways reluctant to give advice here, since we’re all cast of different personalities with various needs, virtues and deficits. But, here is what I do that seems to work for me:

1. Get Moving. Yep- Move. Lift. Exercise. Sweat. Jump. Walk. Run. Shoot (as in baskets). It helps to get the blood flowing again. Tony Robbins says, “Motion Leads to Emotion.”

[shareable cite=”Tony Robbins”]Motion Leads to Emotion.[/shareable]

2. Return To Purpose. When I get off track, it’s because I’m off purpose. I’ve taken a detour away from what I do best and what I want to accomplish. I engage in ‘shiny object syndrome.’  What is your purpose? Are you spending most of every day pursuing that?

3. Outsource The Menial. I spoke with a client last week who was in such a state – bored, overwhelmed. When I asked him to list out his Active Projects, most of them required skills that he didn’t have. One was ‘research.’ So I gave him the name of a Virtual Assistant who could help him with that. He hired her and…we’ll see. But he felt relieved that he didn’t have to do it all himself.

4. Get Grateful. You’ve heard the suggestion of making a list of people/things you’re grateful for at the end of each day. Not bad advice. We get “too close to the action” sometimes and forget how lucky we are. Just to be alive and healthy.  And have a bright future ahead.

5. Exorcise The Demons. Those demons creep into our lives constantly. Seth Godin (http://www.sethgodin.com/) and Steven Pressfield (http://www.stevenpressfield.com) refer to it as the lizard brain at work. When we’re unstoppable, we have intentionally or not, laid those demons to rest.

6. Create Something.  Stop consuming and go create. Maybe it’s a woodworking project (that is foreign to me, but not for some :). Maybe it’s writing an article of the 5 biggest mistakes your customers make when they consider a purchase like you sell. Maybe it’s a graphic representation of your value.

Bottom Line: It is up to us to right our own ship. So, hopefully these help you if you’re not feeling particularly unstoppable at this moment.

How do you change your state of mind? Would love to hear.

2 replies
  1. Paul
    Paul says:

    Here’s another. 7. Help somebody. My energy surges when I take the time to help somebody. Doesn’t matter what it is… maybe just listening to their problem and offering words of comfort or advise.

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