Entries by Bill Caskey

Take Note of The Things That Speak To You

Read and make note of those things you read that really speak to you.We might read a 300-page book…and see only 3 things that spoke to us. That’s fine.Take those three things and try your hand at writing about them. You learn more when you write about something. Why did they speak to you? What […]

Demonstrating Empathy

Not many of us practice empathy. Our work with Hogan Assessments indicates that 80% of us have an “empathy deficiency.” Does your leader empathize? Probably not. But you can’t complain if you don’t practice it either. Next time someone tells you something, don’t change the subject. Dig deeper. Ask them their feelings about the topic. […]

A System Of Ideas

Have a system for fleshing out ideas. Great ideas, if not written down, disappear.  Make it a habit to acknowledge your ideas by giving them the respect of writing them out. Great authors will tell you that the ‘very act of writing about something makes it more real.’ So give your mind some respect and […]

Finding Your Inspiration

Find inspiration in others…books …authors…online. Put a different quote up on your mirror each week. Take it down to your quick print store and have them design a look for it so you’re proud of seeing it on your mirror. Here’s one you can begin with by Gandhi. You’ve heard it before but it never […]

How To Improve The Sales Mind

In this episode, Brooke Green takes a look at how we can improve the creative juices that make up the sales mind. Yes, sales people MUST be creative, but most are a bit afraid of it (our opinion). So Brooke let’s fly with some ideas. Also, Bill Caskey rants about a cold call he received […]

Forward Progress

We don’t pay enough attention to “forward progress.” Appreciate it. Look back and marvel at your accomplishments. How often do we do that?  You’ve heard of the gratitude books – where you write down what you’re grateful for – so that more of it comes. Same with this. Each week, write down your list of […]

Be Careful Before You Pick One

Role model…be careful before you pick one. We get the request often to ‘create a mentoring program.’ It all sounds good in theory. But there are many things you have to look at before you select one. Unconditional interest’ in your success is one. They can’t care about you more than you care about yourself, […]

If One More Out-of-Work Sales Person Calls Me…

OK…so the headline might be a little harsh (and maybe I’m a bit grumpy tonight). But I must tell you — that while I’m happy to help out-of-work sales people network, I’m frustrated with their general lack of creativity when it comes to job hunting. Let me see if I understand this…you fancy yourself as […]

How To Get To The Decision Makers – The New Reality of Selling

It’s not often that we get to have an esteemed guest the level of Kevin Eikenberry (From Bud to Boss) but we have him on The Advanced Selling Podcast. (Listen to the rest of the podcast “From Sales Person to Sales Leader” : http://www.advancedsellingpodcast.com/from-sales-person-to-sales-leader/) Also on this week’s episode, Brooke Green talks about how we can […]