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The Perfect Agenda For A Half-Day Sales Training

Yes, I know, I’m giving away something that I typically charge for, but here’s why I’m doing it: I am inundated with blog readers (sales people) sending me their frustrations with the sales meetings and sales training they sit through. I can only hear that so much before it wears me down. You see, I […]

When To Coach In The Moment

There are two philosophies of how to coach people’s behavior. One is to save up the counsel and dump it all on them at one time. (I use the word “dump” kindly). The other way, which I talk about in this audio clip, is to coach them at the moment of infraction. Hope you can […]

Agenda Setting

“You’ll either be part of your own plan or part of someone else’s plan.” There is very little Agenda making going on, yet it is one of the most important parts of the Sales Process. An Agenda should include what you would like to accomplish as well as what the prospect would like to accomplish. […]

The Stress of High Achievement – Observe the Shmita

Can year after year growth wear teams out? Just got off the phone with a client who has experienced unbelievable growth in the last 5 years – I mean 25%/year – in a $15,000,000 firm. He just gave everyone the numbers for 2015 and then called me saying, “My people seemed stressed.” Rightfully so. Twenty […]

Making An Acquaintance

It seems like making another’s acquaintance is the ultimate in the beginning of the lead generation process. We can get really wrapped up in social media, LinkedIn, and all the other clever technologies but how does one make an acquaintance?   That is the question I’ll deal with in today’s audio tip.