The High Achiever’s Dilemma (LIVE CLIP)

In this episode, Bill takes a section of a recent LIVE Coaching Session called “The High Achiever’s Dilemma.”

He addressed five fundamental shifts that high impact players will have to make. If you’d like to be a part of the next LIVE Coaching Session that Bill does, go to to save your spot now!

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Also mentioned in this podcast:

Sales Revenue Growth With Doug C. Brown



Nobody starts a business and doesn’t think of growing their sales revenue. The only question is how to go about achieving the growth you envision for your company. Joining this episode is the CEO of Business Success FactorsDoug C. Brown, to share part of the knowledge he’s gained from growing thousands of companies. He drops some hard truths that business owners need to be facing and addressing when it comes to processes, systems, and the goal they’re trying to reach. He also talks about the necessity of assessments and audits, even if it’s something that everyone does not embrace. Also, learn the simple formula of business and realize how easy it would be if you can manage to detach yourself personally from the resulting outcomes of your process.

Listen to the podcast here:

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Sales Revenue Growth With Doug C. Brown

I talked with a guy by the name of Doug Brown who works with companies in sales revenue. He’s a growth expert there. He’s worked with enterprise nationwide, Tony Robbins, Intuit, P&G, CBS, a lot of great experience, but he has a system that he talks about. His company is Business Success Factors. I thought it would be good. I don’t usually have people on who are in the same business that I’m in because I don’t want to confuse everybody because I have a very specific philosophy and I want that to come across, but he has similar philosophies. I wanted to have him on. I think you’ll enjoy it. Doug Brown, Founder of Business Success Factors.

I was always building businesses on the side, whether they were small businesses or trying to make them large. I’ve done about 35 of them and some of them have led me into some interesting roles as, let’s say, independent president of sales and training for guys like Tony Robbins, Chet Holmes, and Russ Whitney. I’ve done a lot of the backend for a lot of the trainers, built them sales teams, and things of that nature. What’s led me to where I am now is, I’ve worked with tens of thousands of businesses and I’ve discovered one thing. They all want to grow sales revenue but most of them don’t have a process or a system to do it, so I created that.

When I go into a business, whether it’s a $5 million or $500 million, you would even think the $500 million businesses would have good processes, and they don’t. Some do but it’s not given. When you talk about a process, that can mean a lot of different things. Give me your definition of it.

We can take sales methodologies and talk about them, whatever it might be. The system itself is about ten different facets in sales revenue growth and then the processes are those sub things within each one of those facets that make the facet work optimum.

Can you give me a hard example?

Get an assessment and audit the process. Audit sounds like a bad word, but the reality is, it reveals things. Share on X

Most companies that I’ve worked with myopically focused on 1 or 2 facets. Let’s say they’re focused on usually getting new clients. That’s the big one for everybody. What they’re leaving out is, “How do you increase the buying frequency of that client or the transactional value of that client? How do you get that overall retention up? How do we increase the number of people selling for us?” Things like that. The speed to purchase, margins, prices, even things like meaningful communication, how are we communicating with our clients internally and externally? How are we improving the skillsets of the people that are within there? There are all kinds of facets within these processes, within the facet that a lot of people though are myopically focused on that 1 or 2 things, and they’re missing simple things a lot of times.

I like to say that people love to talk about the outputs and hate to talk about the inputs. What’s it going to take for us to get a new client? We resort a lot of times. As you say, “What are the behaviors? Let’s pound out 100 calls a day.” “Let’s do that.” Then that doesn’t work. We’ll go, “How about 200 calls a day?” We’re working on the wrong end of the problem a lot of times. You mentioned something about this idea of once we get a client, are we getting all we can go out of them and are they getting all they can out of us? How do we take our 1,000 clients that are doing $20 million and get that to $40 million? Maybe that would resolve our problem of pressuring our people and hiring a bunch of people to make 200 cold calls a day that doesn’t work on the front end?

We could reduce our expenses and improve our profitability on the top line. A lot of times, they’re not thinking about farming the account, but the system is not set up. The whole customer journey is not set up as a sale system. It’s set up as 1 facet, maybe 2. Marketing sort of and then sales. They forget things like customer service. Customer service can be a huge source of sales.

The customer journey stops when the first transaction happens than the customer journeys are. It was like, “That’s where it is? That shouldn’t be where it begins.”

They should be looking to expand the sale at every single turn throughout the whole customer journey, and they don’t. That’s why companies are poor at things like referrals, follow-up, and a bunch of things. They all have blind spots. You had mentioned $5 million, $500 million, or $5 billion. Every company has a blind spot. It’s usually only a few things that will unearth the revenue and get them that untapped revenue coming back into their lives. The wonderful part is they’ve usually spent the marketing money already, so that’s sitting there. It’s pure profit.

BCP 8 | Sales Revenue Growth

Sales Revenue Growth: All want businesses and sales revenue to grow, but most of them really don’t have a process or a system to do it.


There’s one thing to say that there’s always a blind spot, but I have my impression of what stops. Let’s say, it’s a $100 million company. You got a VP of sales, 4 or 5 sales managers, 30 or 40 people. What stops them from shining the light on their entire system of generating new clients and generating revenue from existing clients? There’s got to be some stopper or several.

There are several. One is they truthfully don’t know where they want to go. They’re honest, but there’s a difference between honesty and truth. The truth is the objective measurement. They truthfully do not know how much they want to grow by in the next twelve months. They get a number in their head. They go, “We could project this. We could do that.” There’s not this concrete, “This is going to be hit, and we’re satisfied being there. If we exceed this, great.” Most of them don’t know that benchmark. The second thing is people have emotions. A lot of times, even leaders in companies or divisions don’t want to be exposed to a certain group within. They might be doing things that they want to either cover-up. The third thing is they don’t know what they don’t know. They’re not investigating that because they don’t know. They can’t see it. It’s blind.

There’s one also that probably fits into one of those three that you mentioned. There’s a resistance some for some reason to, and it’s sexier than hell to talk about, “Let’s grow from $20 million to $25 million. Doug, here’s your quote. It was $1.2 million last year. It’s $1.5 million this year. Everybody, good? We’ll see you back here at the end of December.” There was very little attention paid to, “How are we going to do that? How do we get from $1.2 million to $1.5 million?” It’s easy to say, “Doug’s always done it before. Post pandemic, maybe there’s a different strategy or Doug strategy could get him to $2.5 million, but he’s bicycling around his territory trying to pick up leads or whatever the old antiquated thing.” There’s a reluctance to getting down and dirty into how are we going to make that happen? Do you concur or is that part of the clarity?

It’s part of the clarity from my definition, but I do concur because it’s not only part of the clarity, but it’s part of the blind spots in the process. Let’s say Doug is exhausted. Why is Doug exhausted at that point? What is causing the issue of exhaustion? Is Doug not leveraged properly on his abilities, his skillsets are not there, or is it the system that he’s within the of the customer journey? There are all kinds of reasons for it, but I fully agree with what you said.

When I bring people on, I always like to ask them a pointed question about, I’m a VP of sales or a CEO, founder of a small company, either way, you’re talking with Doug Brown, who is both CEO and Founder of Business Success Factor. What advice would you give to a VP of sales or president of a company who has read and said, “We might have an issue?” What would be 1 or 2 pieces of advice to begin the process?

Behind every corporate agenda is a personal mission. Share on X

I would sit down and get truthful. Do we want to do something about this? A lot of companies talk about it but they don’t want to do anything about it. They’re uncomfortably comfortable. If you’re uncomfortably uncomfortable, then the next step is, “What is that true north? What is the goal that you truly want to achieve?” Most goals can be achieved. The resistance in the planning part of this is the key. Once the goal is set out, “Let’s get it assessed. Let’s find out where we’re at. Are there any impedances? Is there good stuff? What’s happening, that’s great?” Let’s get the whole picture, get an assessment, and audit the process. I know audit sounds like a bad word, but the reality is it reveals things. Once we do that section of it, let’s take the goal, take the assessment, where we want to go, where we are, and let’s build a growth plan to get there.

That’s a good point there about the clarity of where we are going. I don’t think companies, at least the ones I’ve worked with and I can’t say much about it because I don’t want to give away anything but there is a reluctance to set a goal out in the future and say, “By the time 2022 ends, 2 or 3 years out, we’re going to be this company, doing this business, and market with these kinds of people.” There’s such a reluctance to do that because it’s like, “We’d been through a lot in 2020. Maybe you had this clarity of focus. Maybe 2020 would have been an awesome year instead of an average year?” There’s this reluctance to get deep into clarifying where are we going and what does it look like when we get there?

We have to detach personally from the outcomes a lot of times. That’s the hard part because for a lot of business, especially who started their own companies organically or whatever and they’ve grown them to high proportions or they’re trying to grow them to high proportions, they have a lot of their own personal self invested in the business itself. The reality is that business is simple when you remove people from the equation.

Tell me more about that.

Think about it. It’s a simple formula. It’s money out, money in, equal something. That’s business. We all want the equals to be a plus sign. When we get people in there, they start getting thoughts coming into this. A lot of thoughts are great, but there are some non-serving ones that come into it. That’s where I think that reluctance comes from in a big way, especially if the owner has been the one who’s grown the company. She or he has their identity tied to the business, or internally the vice-president of sales or president of a division, they’ll tend to defend that even if they don’t want to.

BCP 8 | Sales Revenue Growth

Sales Revenue Growth: We have to personally detach from the outcomes in business because the reality is that business is very simple when you remove people from the equation.


A lot of companies equate it to the Super Bowl that was played in the US where Tom Brady won his seventh Super Bowl. As you look back to, when he left the original team, because he’s with a brand new team in 2021, Tampa BAY, only two teams came after Brady after he said, “I’m leaving New England.” One was Tampa Bay, who got him. The other one where the LA Chargers. Nobody else wanted him. Why? Because he was too old. “Why would I want a 42-year-old quarterback?” All these teams are saying, “Our goal is to get to the Super Bowl.” Here’s a guy who’s been there six times. If he wasn’t full-time quarterbacking, couldn’t he give you a little insight on how he got there? We are black and white sometimes. I start to wonder, “Did teams want to get to the Super Bowl, or is that just lip service?” I don’t want to take you into sports, but I think the same thing applies. We want to get to $12 million, but we’re not willing to do what it takes to get there, but we’d like to get there. “You don’t want to get there.”

Since I’m a New England Patriots fan, I grew up in Massachusetts. The thing is that Brady left for probably other reasons that we don’t know, but also he was offered, I think it was $6 million or $7 million more at his career place. Why not take it? A thought occurred to me in equating this to business. A lot of times, companies look at top-line revenue and go, “Our budgets were in-line. We are here. Everything’s working,” but then a guy like yourself, or I come along and go, “That’s nice. You grew by 22%. How do you know it shouldn’t have been 34%?” They’re like, “We take a look. There’s another 6% here. Another 2% here and 1% there.” For the same amount of money out, they could have been bringing in more money. I still will anchor myself that a lot of times, it comes back to the personal agenda because behind every corporate agenda is a personal mission of some sort. That’s how it works.

I can go from $22 million to $28 million if I buy my way into the extra $6 million and give away my products. Back to your original equation, cash in versus cash out equals something. It’s not just the top line. It’s what we are delivering to the bottom line. A lot of what you talk about delivers that, not to the top line but also in the bottom. Shortened selling cycles, understanding our customers better calling on the right people, instead of people who don’t fit. I presume that’s in a lot of your work. Doug, you said you had a checklist that our readers could access. Can you tell us how we can get ahold of that?

It’s a marketing and sales checklist. It’s a self-audit. It’ll give you an idea of how you are doing. You could email me at [email protected]. I’ll be happy to have one sent out to you. It’s an eye-opening experience if you’re going to do this because it will poke holes in your current playbook but it will show you some good stuff as well.

He’ll send the checklist back to you. Doug, it has been a real pleasure. We need to do this again later in 2021. I’ll catch up with you again. Thanks for taking the time to be on.

Thanks for having me, Bill. It’s been a lot of fun. I appreciate being here.

Important Links:

About Doug C. Brown

BCP 12 | Sales Revenue GrowthI am Doug Brown, CEO of Business Success Factors. I started working for my families business at the age of three, since that time I have started and built over 35 companies. I have three college degrees, and I am America’s number one expert in revenue expansion and sales optimization. During college at Berklee College, Northeastern University, and Salem State University, I supported myself by selling music equipment to colleges, universities, corporations, and some of the world’s biggest bands such as Aerosmith, Boston, Billy Joel, The Eagles, Extreme and others. I served 12 years in the US Army, during which I was awarded the battalion’s most distinguished soldier award graduating 2nd in my class and was then enrolled at the Massachusetts Military Academy.

After my service, I worked at and became the top-selling sales representative for a 2-billion-dollar company. These experiences laid the groundwork to form my own consulting and auditing company.

I have traveled to 47 out of the 50 US states and 14 countries where I have consulted, coached, advised, and trained thousands of people in business, some of those companies include Enterprise-Rent- Car, Nationwide, Intuit, Proctor and Gamble, CBS Television. I have also served as an independent president of sales and training for companies of Tony Robbins, Chet Holmes, and Russ Whitney. My efforts have collectively generated over 500 million dollars in sales—my last client-generated 3 million dollars in new sales in 5 weeks.


Why You Should Question Your Opinions



Are you able to distinguish your opinion from reality? In this episode, Bill Caskey helps you rethink the world as he makes the case for questioning your opinions and assumptions if you want to grow your business. Certain beliefs create assumptions. Bill shares three common beliefs that are driving your unconscious behaviors, and that you need to question for yourself and your company. Tune in and learn how you can grow your business by reinventing your opinions.

Listen to the podcast here:

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Why You Should Question Your Opinions

I’m going to share with you some things that I’m working on. It’s always interesting to get a little behind the scenes when I listened to a speaker, an author or a podcaster and find out what they’re working on. I will share with you something now that I’ve been knee-deep in and it’s going somewhere. It’s not just an exercise in writing, although I enjoy that. This is designed to help you rethink the world. That may sound like a bigger bridge to cross than a guy like me would want to pursue. I have come to the belief and you’ve heard some of it here on the show. We have certain beliefs and these certain beliefs create assumptions the way the world is, “I believe this therefore I assume that.”

A lot of times, I hear that from my clients when I first start working with them. I start to share some of what I will call counterintuitive ideas, things that go against the norm. They will get up in the air, get their back up and say, “That wouldn’t work in our business. My boss would never let me go for that. Our customers would not tolerate that.” That’s all opinion. How we have come to believe dictates the assumptions we have about life and then that creates opinions. Not to get into the psychological makeup of it but I’m going to give you three here now. These three will tee off this idea in your brain about the question that you need to ask yourself, which is, “What else do I assume about the world?” That might just be an opinion and might not be reality. Let’s go with this.

By the way, if you are a high achiever, I want you to go to At the top banner there’s a colored banner there for a waitlist. I’m pretty sure we’re going to do a High Achiever’s program. That’s for people who earn $200,000-ish and up and want to level up, pursue, leverage their assets and get to a whole new level. I’m assembling a group of those people. If you’re interested in at least knowing more about it, I’m probably going to be doing a webinar or a little get-together here soon. That’s no obligation. This is not any high-pressure thing. I only want people in this program who are truly committed to growing.

There are no sales at all involved. I’m opening it up first to my blog readers. Nobody even on my email list has heard about this. If you are interested, go to the website. Also, if you are interested in changing the game of selling, there is a document on the website below the banner. It’s called Ten Strategies to Change the Selling Game. Download that. It’s a PDF guide. It’s about 10, 12 pages. It’s got some videos with it. It’s good. If you want some free stuff from me that’s more tutorial-focused, that’s a good way to start.

How you do anything is how you do everything. Share on X

What are these beliefs that we have accumulated? I will consider these erroneous beliefs or industry norms that I’m not sure are even right. Let me go through these. I’ve got 29 of these and I’m only going to go through three. A lot of this comes in my programming and coaching. I believe that I can only teach you so many sales tactics in how to handle it when the customer says X. What happens when the prospect decides not to buy? What happens when you get resistance? I can only teach that for so long. Frankly, I get a little bored with it because at some point that’s not the difference-maker.

The difference-maker is how you think about yourself, company, value, customer, role on the planet and purpose on earth. Those are the big issues. Why would I want to continue to work on the minor issues? It’s called majoring in the minors. Forget about the major issues, which is how one thinks about oneself and identifies in this world. I’m going to share with you three of these that are common beliefs that we have accumulated over the years, maybe or maybe not. Maybe for you, not all of these will apply but we’re on the spectrum at least of having these beliefs drive us and some of our unconscious behaviors.

Number one, your eagerness leads to more sales and to an eager prospect. The more eager you are and we see this a lot of times in hiring salespeople. A sales leader will come to me and say, “I want you to interview this person. We’re thinking about bringing him or her on. We want to make sure it’s the right decision. I want to get your set of eyes on it.” It doesn’t take me long. I don’t even have to do a profile test. It doesn’t take me long to look at that person through the filter of a prospect. If this person is going to be out working with prospects, I put my prospect hat on and ask myself the question, “What do I want this person calling on me?” If they’re too eager, not listening to a word I say, not thoughtful in their responses or too quick on the trigger to say something or answer a question, I know if they’re that way with me, they will be that way with prospects. How you do anything is how you do everything.

Eagerness is not a virtue. I want you to be committed. I want you to be all-in to your job but eagerness is a different animal. I don’t want you to be eager. I don’t want you to appear eager. The only eagerness you should have is the eagerness to find out if the problem the customer has is something we can solve. It’s not eager to sell and it’s certainly not eager to talk about yourself and how great you are. How is that helpful for the prospect? They don’t give a damn about that. This idea of eagerness has been misconstrued and we’ve taken it as a virtue. I don’t see it as a virtue at all.


Question Your Opinions: The only eagerness you should have is the eagerness to find out the problem the customer has.


I see it as something that will get in the way. I would rather have you take measured eagerness, be interested in the prospect, what they have to say, be curious about their pains, problems and circumstances but never be eager either to make the next call, set the next meeting or sell anything. Let that happen organically. There are a lot of things to do right there. If you do things right, your close rate goes way up because you’re not trying to make anything happen. It’s happening because the prospect wants your solution badly.

Number two, pressure is good. The more pressure you feel, the more likely you are to excel. Pressure is an interesting animal. I do think there are times when the need to get things done is there. You do what needs to be done. If you are out talking to a prospect and they have an interest and part of your process is putting together a proposal framework. I don’t want you to feel pressured to do that. It just has to be done. If it’s part of your process, it works, it’s going to help the prospect make a decision and help you decide if they’re the right people then you do it. You don’t feel pressured to do it. Most of the pressure that we feel comes from self-imposed sources. We put pressure on ourselves to be perfect, to be the ideal soldier, to be effervescent and magnanimous. We feel pressured to have people like us and take us seriously. That kind of pressure is a losing game because you’re pressuring yourself based on someone else’s opinion of you. It’s hard enough to influence let alone control it. Pressure is going to be a losing battle there.

Another thing about pressure is when you feel it, you exert it. When someone is putting pressure on you, you will put pressure on someone else. It’s a pass-through. You’re the pass-through mechanism. If your manager is putting pressure on you to make more sales, where do you think that pressure is going to go? It’s going to store it inside, a little bit of it if you will. A lot of it, you will pass it onto the prospect and they won’t even see it. It’s not like you’re saying, “I got to make a sale this month or I’m going to get fired. My boss is on my backside. Can you please help me?” You’re not saying that but it’s the small vibes that you give off that the prospect feels even subconsciously. They decide not to do business with you because they say, “This is about them, not about me. I think I’ll find another supplier.”

Pressure is not good. Getting things done is but when it turns into pressure, you’re not free to be at your best. I see this a lot in a business where a business owner has been working in his or her business for twenty years and they’re tired of it. They’re burnt out and they want to do something else but they’ve built this machine that they can’t get away from. Every day they feel pressure to do something that they don’t love. That is a recipe for illness and disaster. If you have a little bit of that, you don’t need to be a business owner to experience that. If you find yourself, “I’m not into what I’m doing now as I was several years ago.” The pandemic and disruption of 2020 spurred that on for a lot of us. It accelerated some insecurities and might even accelerate some skills and competencies but it changed things. You’ve got to ask yourself, “Do I love what I do?” When I get up in the morning every day, “Have I fallen in love with what I do with my customers, audience, market and whatever?”

When you feel pressure, you exert it. Share on X

Number three is one of my favorites. That is the idea, “I need to do more of what I’ve always done to get to the next level.” I’m putting this High Achiever’s program together. It’s a personal coaching group and that’s a lot of that group. What we’re going to do there is focus on, “What got you here may not get you to the next place.” In fact, it’s almost assured not to get you to the next place because things have changed. The world, market, internet, digital communications and a lot of things have changed. A lot of us are hanging on. I put myself here, too. Even though I talk about this a lot and consult with the client’s coach, there’s still a little bit of this that I am holding onto the old way. I remember we used to fax out invitations. We’d fax them out and 25 people would show up. I’d love to have that now with my knowledge. I would close twenty of them but that is not the way anymore.

There’s not a lot of fax machines hanging around waiting for my fax. I can wish and hope all I want that things go back to normal or the way they were or whatever normal is. The fact is that what got you to where you are now is probably not going to get you to 2X where you are now. If you’re a high achiever, I don’t care what kind of achiever you are. It doesn’t matter. There’s got to be a realization on your part and maybe now is it. It sounds like I’m preaching, “Come up to the front afterward.” At some point, there’s got to be a realization. There’s got to be an awakening inside of you that says, “I can’t keep doing the same things in the same way and expect to get massively different results or expect to get the same results and work less.” This is not only always about 2X-ing everything. Your income and revenue are not always about that. I want you 2X your quality of life, your sense of fulfillment and what you do. Often, what got us here won’t get us there.

The questions for you are, “What is there? What does there look like? What will get me there? Where am I going? How am I going to get there?” Those are the questions that will allow you to get out of this old mindset of, “I just do more of what got me here.” I’ve witnessed people who have changed and reinvented themselves. They have new energy and inspiration. They reignited the fire underneath them. It was like, “I used to do it this way. We’re not going to do it that way anymore. We’re going to do it this way.” There are tweaks along the way. A lot of times, there are infused energy in the psyche when you change things and say, “We’re going to get to a new goal but we’re not going to do the same things that got us here.” Take a look at those three things. As I talk about them, hopefully they resonated with you to the point where you start to examine, “What are some new beliefs?” New beliefs are awesome if you can start to believe something new.

I was listening to a psychologist talk about the disruption of fundamental axioms. In other words, it’s just disruption of things that you’ve come to believe are true. These three things are part of that. When we disrupt those and start to look at them, we can go in 1 of 2 directions. We can either go in awe and say, “If I could get out of this whole belief, look at the future that could be created for me. That’s awesome and awe-inspiring,” or we say, “That’ll trigger us, that shock. There’s no way. I think it won’t happen. It isn’t going to happen in my lifetime. There’s no way that would work on my world.” You go into a runaway from mode.

When I introduce things to you, I probably will lose readers because some of you will say, “Enough, Caskey. You’re crazy. You’re on crack. You’re doing something weird behind the scenes. You’re talking about stuff that I don’t even want to talk about.” We need to talk about it because if you’re like me, you have quite a few years of productive life left and you don’t want to keep repeating the same mistakes. Anyway, I hope that helps you. Go to There are lots of free stuff there. Get on the waitlist for the High Achiever’s program if you’re not on it already. Also, the PDF guide, Ten Strategies to Change the Selling Game is on the website. See you next time. Bye.

The Perfect Sales Process

BCP 10 | Perfect Sales Process


Everything is easier when you’ve figured out the smooth and tight-knit process that works for your business.

In this episode, Bill Caskey helps you achieve that as he shares the six steps to creating the perfect sales process. Understand how you can trigger an event that will lead people to have an interest in your product or service. Learn as well the pitching strategy that million-dollar producers are obsessed about. In addition, Bill shares an approach that he found to receive less resistance when talking to a client regarding the problems you’re trying to solve.

Listen to the podcast here:

[fusebox_track_player url=”″ title=”The Perfect Sales Process” ]

The Perfect Sales Process

We’re going to talk about the perfect sales process. We talked about this a little bit before, but we’re going to go deeper here.

Whenever I start working with either a coaching client one-to-one, which I don’t do a lot, or The 2X Group, one of my small group coaching programs, or my leadership group, I always ask the question, “What is your vision for your business? What’s your ideal outcome?”

It’s hard sometimes to answer that question. I’ve talked about that before as well, but I want to talk about the ideal sales process. Forget about your income five years out. I’m not talking about that. We’re talking about the ideal sales process.

There are six steps to it, and it’s a framework. I want to share it with you because it’s important that we look at our own sales process and say, “Where are we off? Where is it not working?” My belief is that you should be closing 50% of the deals you’re proposed. If you’re going to get 50%, sales process had better be buttoned up.

  1. There’s a triggering event of some kind in the prospect’s world. It could be that they’re talking with a friend and the friend says, “I’m closing 80% of my deals. How many are you closing?” He says, “I’m closing 10%. How are you doing 80%?” You need to check out this content or this podcast or this person. I’m not talking about me here, just anybody.

    There’s got to be some kind of triggering event. Sometimes a triggering event is you send out an email and it causes people to think. It’s that first step where you’re trying to create some interest in your product. If you think about it as the human nature element of the sales process, at some point, a person has to have an interest. They don’t go from no interest to buying. They go from no interest to interest. The triggering event is supposed to be that.

  2. Search and seek. Once I have some interest in something, I might go check things out, probably online, or maybe with my peer group or friends of mine or colleagues. I go on a little mission to search and discover more. Who is this person whose blog I’m reading or whose video I’m watching? Who else is in the market? Who else has similar content? Who else should I be thinking about when I ask people to bid or start to engage people. It was always a search and a seek part of the buying process.
  3.  Get invited in. Sometimes this can be you’re sitting there, doing nothing at 8:30 in the morning and you get an email from someone and they say, “I checked out your website, your blog, whatever, and we’ve got a problem here. I’d like for you to come in.” That’s the ideal where they invite you in. It’s not where you’re banging on their door trying to get in but where they are inviting you to the party or the table.

    The reason they’re inviting you in is that they have a problem. If you do the right job on that first initial contact, that first initial conversation, it gets a whole lot easier for them to justify inviting you in. The key thing here in terms of strategy and attitude is don’t oversell. Listen to what they have to say. Listen to their circumstance or their dilemma if they have any. What are they trying to accomplish? Why did they decide to seek now? What is there about now that makes it important for them to pursue some engagement or some more information. The getting invited in step is number three.

    In our world, we are very quick to pitch and very slow to ask, so be curious. Share on X

  4. When you get there, they reveal everything and you get out of the way. You do not sell, pitch or convince, you listen. I was on a call with one of my leadership clients. They’ve got twelve sales leaders in the program. One of the ladies on the call said, “This is our biggest problem. I phone shadow people. I’m listening to their calls and we don’t ask enough questions.” We start pitching too early. She said, “When I’m hearing it, I’m signing to the person who’s on the phone, ‘Stop, cut it. Don’t talk about your solutions.

    You haven’t found the problem yet.’” In our world, we are very quick to pitch and very slow to ask. Be curious. I always say that the highest achievers I know, the million-dollar producers and more, they are obsessed with understanding the prospect’s circumstance.

    They want to know all about it. Why did you happen to do that? When did you try to get that fixed? What if you don’t fix this? What’s the cost of the problem? They’re obsessed with that. There’s something that stops us. I don’t know if it’s ego, probably a little bit of ego or if we’re impatient. We think sometimes that if we ask too many questions, it’s going to slow the sales cycle down. It will do the opposite. The more questions you asked and they got to be the right questions. They can’t be intellectual questions and manipulative. You’ve got to truly be curious about their circumstances.

  5. Once they go through that and tell you and reveal everything to you, then you go back to your den, to your office, to your studio and you create a solution. Everybody knows that it’s a presentation, a proposal, a solution. I want to make sure that I have time and that the prospect knows the process I’m going to go through. Once that meeting is done or several meetings, I know this is not a one-call thing.

    You might have several meetings where you’re understanding the issues. You then go back and you return with a recommendation. I don’t like the word proposal. It sets up too much resistance. I like to think of it as a recommendation. Step five, you return with a recommendation and recap the problem. If you have dialed in with the prospect on how much the problem costs them to have, then that’s got to be in there too.


Perfect Sales Process: In terms of strategy and attitude, don’t oversell. Just listen to what people have to say and their circumstances.


Another thing that you do there, and we’re not going to talk about much on this episode, but you’ve got to have a success path. You’ve got to be able to look the prospect in the eye and say, “If you follow me on this journey and you engage me, let me tell you what you can expect. Let me tell you what the milestones are. Let’s talk about how this is going to work.” We are terrible at that. We hope the prospect trusts us. I know that we spend a lot of time talking about trust and relationships and all that. I buy that. Unless you are laying out what working with you looks like, then how are they to know? Are they just to trust you? You’re still a stranger to them. Even if you’ve had a couple of meetings, they still don’t know much about you. It’s important when you return with the recommendation, you also return with a success path.

6. You begin work. You calendar something. You say, “If you want to get this done by the end of June, we’re going to have to start May 1st. Here’s what it looks like. I’m going to need an answer by the end of this week or next week or whatever.” You become very timeline-oriented and focused.

If they start to give you grief or you sense that you’re moving too quickly for them, you can always back off and say, “Do I move too fast for you here? Do you feel pressure because that’s not my intention? My intention is you said you have this problem. It’s costing you $14 million a year. I figured there was an emergency. That’s why I’m urgent because I sensed that you are urgent.”

Your urgency is not urgency to close the business. It’s urgent to get the problem solved and start working on the problem.

That’s the ideal sales process.

Some event causes them to search and seek. They find you, invite you in, and reveal everything to you. You return with a recommendation, and then you timeline the work together. Sometimes it’s hard to follow because if the triggering event is cold calling on your part, that’s okay. It’s still a triggering event. If you’re good at finding the problem and starting to understand the circumstance that they’re involved in, that could be the triggering event. This is not to say it’s not a cold call, but you’ve got to be careful with the cold call because typically, they’re not set up that way. They’re set up to try to get an appointment. I don’t want to run appointments if the person has no pain, no interest, no inkling at all to be curious about their situation, whether they can be helped by me or by anybody.

Jay Maymi Gives You a Lesson In Battling the Inner Enemies

BCP 5 | Battling Inner Enemies


There are times that the one blocking your path to progress and success is no other than yourself, and the only way to get through is battling your inner enemies head on. Jay Maymi joins Bill Caskey in this episode to impart a lesson on doing so and doing it effectively. Jay discusses the importance of having the proper mindset in order not to become a product and a victim of your environment. Understanding that everyone is made the same, he iterates the defining factors that separate you from others. Jay also shares the strategies and techniques he’s developed to give you that edge against your inner enemies.

Listen to the podcast here:

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Jay Maymi Gives You a Lesson In Battling the Inner Enemies

I am glad to be with you now. I think you’re going to enjoy my special guest. His name is Jay Maymi. He’s written many books on selling. He reached out to me here. He hosts a radio show in Northern Texas on a Dallas radio station and talks about business. He’s an entrepreneur and talks a lot. He’s written a book about the mindset of selling. We love that topic. He goes a little bit in a different direction, a little bit deeper in some areas than we have. I thought you’d like to know some of his perspectives. Here’s my interview with Jay Maymi.

Jay Maymi is our guest now. I call him Mr. Eclectic. He does a lot of things like entrepreneur, actor, author and radio host. Who knows what else he will tell us he does? Jay speaks to us from North Texas. He is the host of that radio show on 570 AM KLIF in Dallas. Jay, welcome to the show.

I appreciate you having me.

You reached out to me here so I thought, “Here’s a guy who’s done a lot of things in his life and has written several books.” Your story is fascinating. Can you give us a rundown on who the heck Jay Maymi is?

Whether you realize it or not, we're formed with the same organics. What separates us is usually our environment. Share on X

Jay Maymi is a body double. I do have a twin whose name is Joe Maymi. We are adopted twins from a Hispanic household. My parents came here from Puerto Rico in the 1960s. They settled in Spanish Harlem, a place called El Barrio in New York, which is where I’m originally from. My parents had decided to adopt after my mother not being able to bear children after three attempts. The story goes. They went down to the agency. This was back in the ’60s. You could just show up and say, “I want somebody,” and they’ll give you somebody.

They got a BOGO deal, a Buy One, Get One. They went home. Needless to say, it’s economically challenging enough to raise one child, let alone two, in those days. My mom had to stay home and stop working at the factory. My father had to pick up a fourth part-time job in order to make ends meet. It was economically very challenging for us. I grew up in meager means, just enough to put food on the table and clothes on our bag. I didn’t have all the fancy stuff that kids had.

It was a rough neighborhood where you could easily find ways to get into trouble if you wanted to make money the wrong way. Me and my brother decided if we wanted to have a new pair of sneakers and all the cool things that kids had, we had to go out and figure out a way to make money on our own doing the right way. We started up a ‘picking up bottles and cans’ business for a nickel when we were thirteen years old. That started in me an entrepreneurial development where now it’s flourished and continues to flourish in many expressions.

You came up in not the best of worlds in terms of economics. A lot of us who grew up in the ’60s and ’70s had decent housing and enough to put food on the table. As you said, “My parents never dressed me in anything but hand-me-downs and rags.” There was something glorious about that because when we look around and say, “I guess if it’s going to be, it’s going to be up to me to do something.” Tell us a little bit about the attitude that that upbringing might have given you.

The reality is that you can either become a victim of your environment, your environment will shape you and your destiny, or you could certainly decide, “This is not who I am. I will not become a product of the environment. I’m going to bend the will of the universe.” I decided to do the latter. For me, I look back on my life now, I think about those challenging times as a blessing. That developed in me a character of determination, hard work, grinding and recognizing that everything that I’ve been able to accumulate is a blessing. I’m very appreciative of it. I take nothing for granted. My story, so far, is still developing. I still have a lot more to go and things to do, but now it becomes a testimony. The greatest thing someone could walk away with when they exit this existence and dimension is to be able to have someone say, “That guy left us a positive role modeling of how to thrive even in difficult situations.”

We’re going to shift to sales now since I know you’ve written several books about sales, sales psychology and some devotional books. I’d like to get into a little bit of that because most of my audience are either VPs of sales, presidents, sales managers, sales professionals, anybody who acquires customers or builds and grows accounts are in my audience. When we started talking about the psychology, I was struck by it because I don’t think enough people are talking about it. We talk about the psychology of the buyer a lot. We don’t talk much about the psychology of the seller. If you could give us a few minutes on how you hopped on that topic and then we’ll dive a little deeper into some of the strategies?


Battling Inner Enemies: You can either become a victim of your environment or decide that you will not become a product of it and that you’re going to bend the will of the universe.


It’s interesting, I have written a handful of books on psychology of selling, subliminal sales techniques, prospecting, closing, and a number of different areas in sales that I think a lot of novice sales professionals struggle with. At a certain point, as I was speaking with a number of different individuals, even in my own organization, which I’ve trained and hired financial representatives, I realized, “After a while, you can provide enough training, techniques, tactical stuff and product training as much as someone could utilize, but why is it that that person who was probably over-trained still struggles, doesn’t excel, their performance never reaches any peak, and they’re trafficking at that novice level? You have those who don’t need much, but they soar.”

There’s got to be more than training and motivation. I realized, “What’s happening behind the scenes?” I started to dig back into my academic degrees of Psychology, Behavioral Sciences and Social Work. I said, “There is something that has to be going on behind the scenes.” I didn’t have to go very far than my own life. I said, “Let me see what’s going on in my head. Why do I struggle? Why do I have starts and stops at times?” I realized that I was dealing with a lot of head trash and inner struggles, what I call invisible enemies, that I had to deal with. I had to face them in order to realize, “These stumbling blocks are going to stop me from moving forward, regardless of how much more training I have personally.”

I wrote this book called Battling Invisible Enemies: Facing Your Inner Struggles Head On for myself. I had to talk to myself about, “What’s going on here, Jay? What’s the deal? Why do you get up in the morning and you’re in the battle already, you haven’t step one foot on the floor yet, and you’re swinging?” It took some time and I wrote this book. As I wrapped it up, I gave a copy to my brother who was a sales manager in New York for a big real estate company. He said, “Jay, you nailed it. Don’t keep this to yourself. Let’s get it out to some folks.” Of course, my wife helped me publish my material. We got it out there. Every person who’s read it whether in sales or not, they could have a job that requires a better performance of them. They’ve all said, “This has met us exactly where we were at. We’re struggling with these invisible enemies.” It’s become my bestseller by far because it’s dealing where people are. In ’21 after a year of ’20, a book like this is needed more now than ever.

The most ambitious people have the greatest battles. Share on X

I’ve devoted a lot of episodes and my posts online to the mental health of sales and sales management functions. A lot of companies still did well in 2020. They’re looking decent in 2021, but to me, there’s an underwriting churn that’s happening because of all the stuff that’s happened. A little uncertainty and the ground beneath their feet has been shaken a little bit. I would anticipate your book being even a bigger seller in 2021. You didn’t say you were reluctant to publish it, but you had some thoughts about, “Is this going to be accepted? Is this what the world wants?” Of course it is, but tell me about some of that resistance.

I understand entertainment. I’ve been in the entertainment world. If you are going to be asked to speak in front of a group, especially in a peak performance setting, top-sales professionals in a format where there’s a lot of inspiration and motivation, the last thing they want the speaker to talk about is the guy who is struggling with depression, discouragement, doubt, anxiety, and stress. These aren’t sexy topics. No one walks out of there fired up. This is one of those books where the person who will read it probably won’t let anyone know that they’re reading it. You are not going to find a guy in the office reading this before morning before he makes his calls. It’s one of this under-the-radar, on-the-ground books.

It’s like what we used to do with Playboy magazine. We would hide it somewhere. That’s what your readers would do.

We know it’s there. We’ll go back to get it, but don’t let anyone see us reading it.

We laugh but I know high achievers, $500,000 and $1 million people who still struggle with this stuff. It has very little to do with financial success. E.E. Cummings said, “Be kind to people because you never know what battle they’re fighting inside.” I’ve seen people who are million-dollar earners fight huge battles inside. Sometimes it’s impostor syndrome, out of their comfort zone, or they don’t feel deserving. We all have battles.

There’s no question about it, we’re humans. One of the things that I talk a lot about in my talks and my videos when I get a chance to get on stage, I’m a very real person. I don’t speak in Pollyanna. I’m not highfalutin in a way that I have to be so impressive that you lose your sense of humanity. I tell folks, “Whether you realize it or not, we’re formed with the same organics and chemicals. We breathe the same air. We have the same bone structure. We have the same infrastructure. We have the same brain in terms of a left hemisphere and right hemisphere. We’re the same.”

What separates us is usually our environment, but not even that much because if you looked at my environment, you would say, “That guy has got a future that is probably going to end up somewhere behind bars or in the corner office with a green outfit and the broom.” It’s not about your environment. It’s about what you make and the experiences that those decisions bring forth. A lot of bad decisions and experiences is going to foster what I call the downward spiral. I wrote about that in the book, “The downward spiral is where you get caught into the spiral of worry. It leads to stress, anxiety and fear. Now, you’re on your way down to doubt, disbelief, discouragement, and depression.” It can happen to anybody in a split moment.

It’s a cycle that can take you down quickly unless you are practicing some serious self-reflection or self-awareness mindfulness or whatever you want to call it. We are so busy and reluctant to spend any time with ourselves. As you said, you had a lot of one-on-one talks with yourself when you were going through some of this, and this is what came from it. Something came from it that’s going to help a lot of people.

The most ambitious people have the greatest battles. The folks who are at $2 million, $3 million or $5 million a year of production or income, higher or greater, got there because they’re highly ambitious and highly-driven people. It’s almost like a double-edged sword. The higher your ambition and the more you’re driven, the chances are the greater the battle because you’re always striving for that next best version of yourself. Internally, even though you’ve done well, you still struggle with, “Am I good enough to get there?” It’s because you’re ambitious and driven. The person who has nothing going on are not motivated. They’re living what I call a quiet life of desperation or a quiet life of settling. They aren’t going to battle much with enemies or struggles because they’ve got nothing that’s driving them. There are some more driven ones with a greater battle there.

Let’s get into a little bit of psychoanalyzing a salesperson or chief executive no matter what. Give me a couple of things that you think people struggle with in the context of what we talked about. It could be something specific or general. What do you see people struggle with? Let’s talk about some solutions.

BCP 5 | Battling Inner Enemies

Battling Inner Enemies: If you’re going to speak in a peak performance setting where there’s a lot of inspiration and motivation, the last thing they want to hear is the guy struggling with depression or discouragement.


Let me give you a very real example. My brother, I mentioned him earlier, is a successful real estate manager for a decent-sized firm in New York. He had his sales meetings on Thursday mornings. Often enough, he’ll call me the day before and he says, “Do you got anything I could share? Do you got a joke? Do you got something that I could open up my meeting with or a tip?” I always give him something, whatever I’ve got. At his first meeting of the year, he asked me for ideas and what he could introduce. The conversation evolved into him questioning and doubting whether or not his sales force sees the value that he brings them week-to-week. He questioned whether the value is perceived by his sales force or if he, himself, seen as a valuable person. It was either, “Is the content valuable? Or is he valuable to them?”

That’s a very real reflection that a lot of sales leaders face and feel. They don’t want to admit it, but I think there’s a lot of that.

You’re correct. I was at a meeting, and the gentleman of that company, very successful in financial services, was echoing the same thing. He’s got a sizable sales force. I said to my brother, “One of the things to recognize is that not everybody is going to appreciate you or your efforts. That’s the world that we live in. That’s the world of sales management. It’s the way that it is, but they have to respect, if nothing else, your time. Do they understand the time that you put into preparing? Do they value it? Do they respect it? What kind of return do you think you can get from them if they did? If they valued, understood and respected the time that you put in, forget about the content and you, the time and the effort. If you have them or you can help them, understand that whether or not it’s the content they find valuable or they find you valuable, at least respect the time. That helped him feel better. He was at a place where he started to feel doubtful and that helped him get through a little bit about the stumbling block.

That’s good because self-doubt creeps in. Self-doubt and fear can come visit your mind but don’t let them take up residency. Sometimes they do and we don’t even know it. We start to doubt everything we do, whether it’s a podcast, sales call or building our business plan, “Is this enough? It sounds like a lot. I don’t know if I can do that.” Self-doubt enslaves us sometimes and we don’t even know it.

It’s disempowering. By the way, if you carry self-doubt on your face, other people will see it. I used to tell one of my young directors of our company, “Do you believe in what you’re saying?” He said, “Absolutely.” I said, “Will you tell your face?” It was like, “I don’t believe what you’re saying.”

We all think we’re clever enough to hide it but we don’t. Give me another struggle. You talked about the context of a sales manager but the thing about the mental and emotional sides of achievement that you find people struggle with. I want to ask you a question about potential and how we help people get to their potential. What’s another one?

Let me give you something that’s close to your answer. I think you’ll see why I say that. I put out a video called The Struggle. This is what the entrepreneurs, professionals, sales pros and even directors struggle with. I did a tongue-in-cheek and said, “The struggle of EDD.” Most people in that video, when I put the acronym EDD, they figured out, “That’s erectile dysfunction.” When I opened up the video I said, “It’s not what you think. I’m not talking about that struggle. That’s not the struggle.” I said, “EDD is Entrepreneurial Delusion Disorder.” Every salesperson, sales manager struggles, and entrepreneur struggles with. It’s where you deceive yourself to thinking that you’re doing all you can. You get into this place that you are convincing no one else but yourself. You’re doing all you can. You’re performing at your best. You’re giving it all you’ve got. You’re fully committed. You’re fully in. There’s nothing else you need to learn. You’re good. All is well. That’s delusional.

One of the things that I always talk to people about is, “Let’s address this EDD and see if you’re struggling with it because the symptoms if I’m looking at them, you’ve got EDD. Your numbers don’t reflect how confident you are about your performance. You don’t show up to any training. That means you think you know it all. You’re not willing to learn more so that means you’ve got an issue with pride. Those are all symptoms of EDD.” There’s a whole talk I gave on that, which was funny. It addresses what I think hurts more organizations, which is having too much people run around with EDD. It certainly hurts the individual themselves unless it’s pointed out, just like any disease.

The higher your ambition, the more you're driven and, chances are, the greater the battle. Share on X

We all get defensive. As a trainer and somebody goes into companies, business-to-business sales teams and works with them, the first question I always ask is, “What’s not working? Where can it be better? What’s working maybe 50% but not working all the way?” Sometimes it’s a struggle for people to come up with it because we live inside our own soul all day long. We don’t see ourselves the way others see us. All we know are the positive things and there’s always room for growth. There’s always something you could be doing even slightly better. I’m not talking about working an extra four hours a day. I’m talking about slight variations in language, technique, and strategy. I love that EDD. We all have it. Jay, how can people get your book and follow you online? If you have a social media presence, tell us how we can follow you.

A number of ways. You could visit my website, which is You could also look at my show website, I’m on YouTube, google The Jay Maymi. You can find my training YouTube channel, which is Survive to Thrive. I have tons of videos on there on prospecting and mindset. I also have my Facebook page at The Jay Maymi.

If people go to, they can find all the other channels from there, correct?

All my goodies would be on there.

Jay, it’s been a pleasure to get to know you. I hope this will be valuable for you. We’re going to get it out here. I think this topic is extremely relevant all the time, but especially right now. I appreciate you spending time talking to us.

I appreciate you inviting me. I hope it helps someone.

Thanks, Jay.

Important Links:

About Jay Maymi


There is an advantage to growing up in a humble setting with meager means. The reality of your circumstances can either pummel you into mediocrity or extract from you a burning desire to excel and rise above. My story is one of the latter. For the last three decades my hunger to rise above has yielded an impressive array of accomplishments. From multiple successful businesses to bodybuilding championships, radio, TV, stage, and print work to authoring 5 books; from an entire Sales and Personal Development series to speaking in front of many diverse audiences on different topics; all have uniquely qualified me to offer valuable knowledge, instruction, inspiration, and impact to those seeking to develop a higher and greater expression of themselves. Whether you are visiting my site for personal development, sales training, performance mentoring, or simply to be inspired, I welcome you and am thankful you have decided to take a look.

The Lies We Are Told – Part 2‬



In this follow-up episode, Bill Caskey jumps right back into how experts mislead us as he talks about the lies the experts tell us. He focuses on challenging beliefs and the importance of taking a second look at the teachings in your life that you thought to be true. Get to know five other ways that experts are misleading you. Learn what trainers and coaches usually focus on that are contrary to the critical components needed for your success. Tune in so you can stay away from the lies the experts are telling you.

Listen to the podcast here:

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The Lies We Are Told – Part 2‬

I’m glad you are here. We’re going to do part two of our lies, myths and misgivings. Things that you’ve been taught and instructed to do by sales trainers and coaches over the years that no longer work or there’s a better way. If you didn’t read part one, no problem. Go ahead and read this, then you can go back. I gave you five. Number one, if you would ask better questions, the customer is going to be more likely to buy. That’s a lie. Number two, work harder, mind and grind longer. Work your tail off and you’ll succeed. I’m not saying that work ethic is not good but that’s not a recipe for success. Number three, it’s all about the numbers. Make more calls and sales. Number four, don’t worry about your personal brand. Who do you think you are? The company has a brand. That’s good enough. Number five, don’t worry about scaling your business. Let me, as your leader or manager, and that’s what the sales trainer would say is, “Don’t worry about scaling. You go out and hammer outcalls one at a time, you’ll be successful.”

From reading this blog, there are better ways to solve problems. I want to give you five more and some solutions around these. If you like any of those five and you didn’t read the prior show, go back and read to it. I give you some solutions there. We’re continuing from the past episode. I got a lot of these from LinkedIn and I want to acknowledge all of the people on LinkedIn who shared their ideas with me. I’ve got 35 to 40 comments and had good conversations with some of you. I’m going to mention a couple of you here.

The trainer and coach don’t pay much attention to your mindset. They’re all about production and behavior. We used to talk a lot about behavior. What are your sales behavior and activities? Not a word was mentioned about, how do you feel about that? What’s your mindset going into that behavior? The mindset on the way into the behavior will determine the behavior and the effectiveness of it. I find that most trainers stay away from mindset or they’ll give you some lousy thing like, “Be more confident and abundant.” I talk about abundance but I would never say to someone, “Be more abundant. You need to ratchet up your abundance thinking.” That isn’t helpful.

The mindset on the way into the behavior will determine the behavior. Share on X

The question is, “How do I do that?” Mindset is a critical component. If you’ve ever witnessed yourself, and it’s hard to witness yourself sometimes, in a slump or everything you touch turns to what things aren’t working in the market. It’s probably got something to do with your mindset, your emotions, and your perspective of the world has changed. When you’re on a high and everything you touch turns to gold, you’re like Goldfinger in the old James Bond series, then you want to make calls and go out because you’re attractive. That’s all about mindset. It’s not about behavior. Behavior is influenced by mindset, but you got to take special care of your mind. What are you putting into it? How are you feeding it? What do you do with it during the day? Do you let it run willy-nilly across the stream of consciousness? Are you delivering to your mind things that are going to help it stay on track? Mindset is huge.

Number seven, I want to know what your numbers are. Don’t worry about the plan. Usually, sales managers and trainers sometimes will say this. I’ve heard it from trainers I’ve been involved with them over the years where I’ve collaborated with them. It becomes get clear on your goal and the rest of it will take care of itself. I do think there’s truth to the clearer and more vivid. You can imagine what your goal looks like when it’s complete. That does energize you but there still has to be a plan. Unfortunately, most sales professionals have been taught how to project-manage. That’s exactly what goal setting is. It’s developing a number out there and an ideal outcome.

Let’s say you want to generate 300,000 hours of personal income next year. You did 150,000 last year. You want to 2X. We’ve got a program for that. It’s called To get from 150,000 to 300,000, it’s going to require some thinking through it and some fleshing out of things. I find that most coaches don’t help you do that. They’re more interested in what you want to accomplish, which is important. I’m not discounting the importance of that, but there is a how-to, “I’m here now. I want to get there tomorrow. What is the middle or bridge look like?” Project management is a critical skill. I’ve said this for the last couple of years, project management is a critical skill for sales professionals in the B2B space. Every goal, customer, initiative or project is a project.

BCP 8 | Lies We Are Told

Lies We Are Told: Position yourself appropriately in the marketplace by creating content that’s valuable for your customer base or your prospect base.


Number eight, you don’t need to be spending time creating content. You need to get out and sell. Coaches do not understand the importance of creating content on your media platform for the world to sample. By the world, I don’t mean the world, I mean the world of your prospects, your niche, your audience, whatever you want to call the people who would get value out of reading, consuming, watching, listening, whatever that content is. I don’t think coaches and trainers spend nearly enough time teaching you the theory of content marketing. Content marketing came along a few years ago and it was hot for a couple of years.

It has lost its luster and it’s coming back mainly because I believe you, as a business-to-business sales professional, need to position yourself appropriately in the marketplace. That’s why you wear the clothes, drive the car, and ask the questions. Everything is about positioning and I’m not talking about faking it. I’m not talking about the Instagram influencer faking its positioning. I’m talking about positioning yourself. The way you position yourself is you create content that’s valuable for your customer-base or your prospect-base. That might mean writing an article a week on LinkedIn at a minimum. It could be shooting a video once a week for LinkedIn. I’ve got a couple of clients who shoot them 2 or 3 times a week.

Every time they post one, they title it. They get to test the market to see what the market wants. Don’t let people talk you into, “Your job is to sell.” Here’s what happens if you create content. You create an article, you title it with something that’s relevant to your prospects, take one of the top problems your prospect has. Let’s say you’re in the commercial real estate business. A potential prospect might be asking him or herself, “Should I buy a building, lease a building or lease space?” I don’t know whatever that is. That’s a decision. Why don’t you write an article called, Should I buy a building or should I lease space? A question every business owner should be asking or something like that. When people come across that article, they’re in the same town you are, they start to read your profile, and they say, “That’s a good question. I’m going to have John come in here and talk to us.” You get the call. You had no idea this person was looking. You can’t buy a list of people necessarily. Maybe in the real estate business you can, who are looking. Somebody has found you because you have delivered content. That’s valuable to them.

90% of buyers want to feel safe in their business and in your presence. Share on X

Number nine, we don’t spend enough time addressing the psychology of the buyer. There was a trend in the ‘80s and ‘90s talking about buyer psychology. It seems like we went very quickly to seller psychology. We love the psychology topic, but we went quickly to what’s the psychology of the seller. Brian Tracy even wrote an audio recording set called The Psychology of Selling. We got very interested in that. I liked that. You need to be studying both the psychology of the buyer and the psychology of yourself. We talk a lot about it in this show. Your own mindset, ethos, your soul, and how your energy can rise and fall based on how you think about things. Don’t forget about the buyer. Here’s one thing that you need to know about buyer psychology. This goes for any buyer. Not every buyer might but 90% of the buyers want to feel safe in their business and your presence. When you show up and you are eager, enthusiastic, you’re pitching and you’re closing from the time you walk in the room, that does not make people feel safe.

I know some of you sellers who have become so good at that. It has become so much a part of you. You say, “How can I unhook myself from that?” You’re going to have to because I’ll bet you, you’ve lost sales where you have been too eager and you didn’t condition the environment for the prospect to feel safe. You can still be yourself and do that. We call it the up-front agreement or the setting of the tone up-front. You’ve got to make sure that when you walk into the room, whether the room is virtual or physical, you create an environment for safety. Safe environments sell. It allows the prospect to tell you more about what their issues are or it allows you to move forward with freedom where you’re not constantly thinking, “When is he going to object? How am I going to close? When should I throw the money section out?” You’re not doing that because you’ve created this environment where two people are having a human conversation. I believe that’s important for buyer psychology. You’ve got to pay attention to it.

Number ten, people will shy you away from personal marketing. I know we talk about branding we have but I’m talking about personal marketing. What is your personal marketing plan? I haven’t seen any trainers talk about this. They talk about making cold calls, outreach and going to networking events. There’s more to marketing than that. That’s more sales stuff. I want marketing. I want to know are you doing a webinar? Have you written a white paper or some kind of a free report or a lead magnet as it’s called in the internet marketing world? Something that is enticing enough for a prospect that they would give you their name and email address to download it because they know that there’s something on the other side that would be valuable for them.

That’s the essence of marketing now. It’s giving something away, getting their email address, and then sharing other tidbits, tips, tactics and strategies along the way through email. You have a lot more power when you have an email address than you do when you have a social media connection. I’m not against social media connections, but email is still the killer app. It probably will be for a while and maybe text, but at least email. What are you doing in your personal marketing to capture email addresses from people who have an interest in what it is you do, you say, you produce, and how you bring value to people? If cold calls are your only outreach, then you’re making a huge mistake. You’re undervaluing yourself. You can do better than that.

Read up a little bit on lead magnets. Try to figure out, “What kind of marketing steps can I take?” Maybe you want to have a YouTube channel or record a Q&A every Friday of some of the things that you heard in your market over the week and post them up on LinkedIn, YouTube or the video sites. That’s marketing for you. We’ve got to think about marketing in terms of educating our prospects so that they come back and reach out to us. I’ve talked about the lead Parthenon before and we can talk about it in subsequent episodes. The idea with that is you have a Parthenon, you’ve got 5 to 7 pillars of leads coming in. Some of those may be outbound where you’re making a call going to an event. Some of those we want to be inbound.

I would say, if you don’t have any inbound leads, then you need to start focusing on that because that’s what’s going to help you scale your business. I also casually slipped in The 2X Group. If you have any interest at all and be a part of a small group coaching program, the fees are nominal and the value is extreme. We meet twice a month. If you’re interested in that, you can go to, jump on a call with me, and tell me a little bit about what you want to accomplish. We’ll see if it could be a fit for you. See you next time. Bye.

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Are the Experts Misleading You?

Have you ever questioned the things that are being taught by the experts you follow? I think you should.

It’s easy to think, “well, they’re the experts, so they know best.” However this isn’t always the case and you can be easily mislead by having this belief.

On this episode I give you 5 areas you should challenge in your own beliefs and the things that you are being told.

If you’d like to have a discussion about your team, text CASKEY to 69922 and you can get right on my calendar!


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Are The Experts Misleading You‪?‬‬

BCP 4 | Mislead By Experts


Are the experts misleading you‪? In this episode, Bill Caskey thinks you should be questioning the experts you listen to as he talks about challenging beliefs and how experts can easily mislead you. Thinking that experts know best can sometimes be detrimental to you instead of advantageous. Bill shares five areas in which you need to take a deeper look at and challenge your own beliefs and the expert’s beliefs. Tune in and take charge of your own beliefs and be wary of experts.

Listen to the podcast here:

Are The Experts Misleading You‪?‬‬

I am happy to be with you. Happy New Year. I’m glad to be back with you. Hopefully, 2021 is starting off well. I know that everybody’s talking about 2020 and 2021 and what it’s going to look like. I’ll leave that for the experts. I don’t have any predictions. Predictions that I’ve made in the past have not come true so I got away from the prediction game. One thing that I did notice in 2020 is that we had a lot of experts on the scene. You can call them scientists and experts. Primarily, it was around the COVID and the pandemic. It seemed like you’d hear an expert say one thing and then a month later, they’d say something different or far enough off that you’d say, “Did you know that a month ago when you had other advice? How have you changed your advice so much?” We have become a little leery of experts. That’s understandable. I even said something on Twitter that I’m leery of experts. I had a couple of people holler back at me and say, “Aren’t you an expert? Should we be leery of you?” I should have answered, “You should listen to what my advice is because I give a lot of advice and a lot of tips on this show, but you’ve got to use it and make it work in your world. If it doesn’t, don’t use it. If you don’t believe it’ll work and you know it won’t work, then don’t use it.”

BCP 4 | Mislead By Experts

Mislead By Experts: Better questions help, but the questions need to be primarily around their current circumstance.


I always suggest trying things, give it a go, or give it a shot. If something that I say resonates with you and you say, “That makes a lot of sense.” Put it to use and try it. Double down on it if it works. Throw it out if it doesn’t. One thing I’ve realized is that some of the experts in the sales training and coaching business have misled us. I don’t think they’ve lied to us. I mentioned on LinkedIn that there are some lies that are out there, but a lot of what has transpired over the last several years is that coaches and trainers have their set regimen. They have their curriculum and they’ve made no changes in it. These large coaching companies can’t go and change curriculum all at once so they live with what they’ve been using. I’ve got five areas that our trainers and coaches have misled us. I’ve got fourteen, but I’m not going to go through all these. I’ll go through five and then I’ll hear what my audience wants. If they want more, we can do another episode on five more. The reason I think this is important is if you can look at what you’ve been taught to believe and reconfigure it a little bit based on the current model, the current circumstances, the current environment, then challenging beliefs is okay. It’s healthy.

I find a lot of people, when I go in and start coaching a group or coaching individuals, they’ve been taught something when they were young and it’s carried over years and years. When you’re first out of college or school, you take a sales position and you have a strong mentor, coach, or manager. They will say something and it’ll stick with you because you’re fashionable and still forming your opinions. Yet often, we wake up when we’re 50 years old and we say, “How did that ever get into our brain? Where did that come from?” I am a big proponent of checking out your beliefs. Your beliefs and your actions are almost always congruent. If you check out your beliefs, which we’re going to do here a little bit, you might find some ways to improve them.

If it resonates with you, try it. Double down on it if it works; throw it out if it doesn't. Share on X

Here is my list. I’m going to go through five and I’m going to give you the alternative here too. Think about these as if someone has told you this, suggested this, you’ve read it, you’ve heard it, or if you watched it. Number one, if you would ask better questions, the customer will be more likely to buy from you. I love questions. I love finding out what the issues are that a potential client has, understanding those issues, and then crafting a solution to help them solve those issues. There are beautiful things that happen when you ask questions. Number one, never interrogate. I see this a lot. I get it used on me a lot when I’m the prospect. It’s somebody on the phone or face-to-face will be pummeling me with questions. All in the spirit of getting to know more about me and what my dilemmas are.

You’ve got to be careful when you ask questions. You’ve got to deserve the permission to ask the questions. The alternative to that so that you don’t interrogate people is upfront in the process. Simply make the statement to the prospect of the question. “Is it okay if I ask you some questions about your current circumstance, what you’re facing, and what you’re trying to accomplish so that I can better understand whether we can help you or not?” That’s how you get permission. It lowers the resistance for the prospect because now they know why you’re asking the question, as opposed to shining the light in their eyes and getting interrogated. It’s not a good system. Better questions help but the questions need to be primarily around their current circumstance, not around what your budget and when you want to have this implemented. Those are questions you can ask down the road but primarily upfront, you want to get permission to ask questions. Create a safe environment so the questions you ask will be answered truthfully.

You’ve heard the saying that prospects lie. They do, but 90% of the time, they lie because of us because we forced them to lie by not providing a safe environment, not asking the right questions, or asking questions that are too assumptive at the beginning of the sales process. That’s something our trainers and coaches have told us. Ask more questions, ask better questions but there’s a little bit more to it than that. Do that upfront thing where you ask for permission. Number two, if you would work harder, longer, and grind more, good things will happen for you. The old grind it out mode of selling and achievement. Here’s where the old trainers and coaches are a little bit right and where they’re wrong. Number one, they’re right because working hard is not a bad thing. I would rather see you work hard in the market than sit around, eat dark chocolates all day and wait for something to happen because you know that’s not going to be the case.

Hard work is not a problem, but I’m not sure grinding and longer work is the answer. This is where strategy comes in. Here’s an example. I can make 100 cold calls trying to get somebody on the phone, trying to get them enthused, and inspired about training or developing their people or I can create a web page that is designed specifically for the person who is not sure whether they want to purchase training or work with their people and it walks them through some of the elements of that. Should I even invest in my people? How do I know my people are right for investment? How do I know my people are coachable? What kind of metrics would we use if we invest in a training solution? How do we know it pays off? There are lots of questions that people have at the beginning that will be good strategic ways for you to determine whether a person is a prospect or not. Rather than make 100 calls, I would rather you send out 100 emails linking your potential prospect to a page where they can work for themselves. They can decide for themselves if they’re a prospect for you.

I heard a stat from Gallup that was done in November of 2020 survey. It said that 33% of buyers prefer a sales-free process and 44% of Millennial buyers prefer a salesperson-free process. What does that tell you about someone who feels a cold call from you who’s not expecting your call and not even thinking about the problems they have in your area? They’re not going to be open. Whether you believe those numbers or not, I do. Gallup is pretty solid with their research. The question is, how you make the initial part of the process salesperson-free and give them enough information, educate them, and teach them why a lot of people are not prospects for you. That’s okay too. Beyond bias and be brutally honest. On that page, you have a place for them to calendar a call, schedule a call with you, or you follow up. Grinding out a bunch of cold calls, you’re only going to get 5% to 10% of people to talk to you. Those people are probably not thinking about you when they pick up the phone and answer.

I don’t like grinding. It’s better to take a strategic approach and say, “Let’s map the buyer journey. The buyer upfront is not looking for a sales call. What they’re looking for are information and education. How should I be thinking about the product or service you sell?” Number three, I hear this a lot from people like VPs of Sales and CEOs. It’s all about the numbers. Are they making the calls? Are they getting their results? What’s our revenue? How many new customers did we get? I know I have a love-hate relationship with CRMs but in the world of data and all the CRMs that are out there, you’re logging everything into your CRM and somebody can look and say, “Johnny, you only made ten new calls this week. No wonder you don’t have enough stuff going on.” There’s more to it than just the numbers. We’ll say, “What’s behind the numbers?” If I’m not making enough calls, not producing enough LinkedIn videos, or if I’m not doing the behavior that I have decided as a sales professional, I have decided it’s going to take to generate the results I want, then there’s something else stopping me. That’s where people need to look.

BCP 4 | Mislead By Experts

Mislead By Experts: If you’re not offering them any value in the sales process, what makes them think you’re going to offer any value once they buy?


Why don’t you like cold calls? Rejection? You’ve got to flip the script. Instead of trying to get them to see you or invite you on a Zoom call, you change the script to, “I’ve got something that would be beneficial for you. Would you like to see it?” When they say yes, you send them a link or you send them a document. That way, it’s not you calling and trying to get something. It’s you calling and giving them something. It’s a whole lot easier to make a cold outreach call. I’m not lobbying for those cold calls to me are one element of prospecting. Unfortunately, most sales organizations still live and die by the cold call and cold outreach. I don’t buy that. There are better ways to do it but if that’s what you are doing and you don’t like doing them then find a way to love and like it. One way to do it is to invite people to a process and something of value for them. If you’re not offering them any value in the sales process, what makes them think you’re going to offer any value once they buy?

I’m a big believer in educating your prospect and making them a more sophisticated buyer. Sometimes, I miss that. I jumped right to, “What are you trying to accomplish? What is the pain costing you?” I don’t educate the buyer. They go off to two other places who might educate them and I’m out. It’s a double loser. They don’t get me. I don’t get them. Is it all about the numbers? The numbers matter, but I want you to look behind the numbers. What is it that’s stopping me from executing the numbers? Number four, don’t worry about your personal brand and who do you think you are. Nobody’s going to say that to you, but they’re thinking that. When you go into your manager or if you’re a VP of sales and you say to your people on the executive team, “We’re going to undertake an initiative this month or this quarter. We’re going to start building the brand of the sales professionals that are on our team.” This applies primarily in the B2B space, not the B2C space as much, but it could. What kind of reaction are you going to get from people? “That’s a great idea. Let’s put them on video. Let’s work on the LinkedIn page. Let’s work on the profile. Let’s have each of them do a podcast.” No, they’re not going to say that. They’re going to say, “Our brand is fine. Our marketing department works on our brand all the time.”

The reality is, in B2B sales, your brand matters. If you have a LinkedIn page, you have a brand. It may not be intentional and sound but you’ve got one so why not take the time to improve that? I’m not talking about being an Instagram influencer or being all over the internet. I’m talking about LinkedIn primarily here, but you need to create your own brand. When someone looks you up online because you have set an appointment and they see nothing of value from you, all they see is a Contact Me page and there’s no video on it, there’s no special advice, suggestions, or education, how important are you to them? I’ve told the story about the purchasing manager for a Fortune 1000 company. He says, “I get a lot of requests for meetings from salespeople. I go to their LinkedIn page. If they don’t offer me any help or I can’t see anything of value they bring, I decline the offer. I’m not going to see people who haven’t taken the time to create something on their LinkedIn page that says, ‘Here’s what we do or here’s how to buy.’” Your personal brand and B2B sales matter. It’s going to matter even more in the next couple of years. Not less but more.

These trainers who are out there saying, “No, I got a cold call. Don’t produce content. That’s not your job. Stay in your lane.” Stay in your lane was the worst piece of advice I ever heard. You’ve got to build your personal brand. Ignore what the coaches and trainers say. It’s remarkable to me how many trainers and sales coaches still don’t believe in personal branding. It’s unbelievable and yet, I can point to twenty different case studies of people who have done it and what’s happened to their income. Here is number five, don’t worry about scaling your business. You let me scale our business by hiring a bunch of more people like you. You need to get out and make calls. Worst advice in the world. That advice might’ve worked several years ago when we didn’t have media platforms that you could create content for and catch the eye of prospects. When it was only a one-to-one game, it was a physical game, and how many people are you reaching out to connecting with and seeing on a weekly basis. I understand that, but if a sales coach and business trainer are telling you don’t worry about scaling your business, that’s poor advice. I want you to scale your leads and the processes.

Your beliefs and your actions are almost always congruent. Share on X

What if you had five people who set appointments with you every week because of something they saw online, something that you reached out, and they could book an appointment with you right online to have a discussion? What would that be like? Forget about the week thing. You had people who were seeking you out and reaching out to you. Would that allow you to scale your business more? Of course. What if most of those people or 80% of those people had been through a process of some kind so that when they got with you, they were serious about solving a problem? They may not buy, but if somebody is serious about a problem, they’ve consumed your videos, they’ve watched your content online, they feel comfortable with you, they’ve seen you so that you’re not as scary as maybe you are if you’re just another salesperson that they’re reaching out to, how well positioned would you be if that’s the case? If your phone is ringing or your calendar is dinging because you have new appointments, how well-positioned are you going to be? You are going to be great. You don’t have to be all that good, but you don’t have to be a wiz or a master if people are calling you, saying, “Here’s my problem.”

Those are the five pieces that trainers and coaches missed. I’m going to give people the benefit of the doubt that a lot of the world has changed around these people but I am convinced that if you were to check these five things out and you’re doing these or you’re thinking this way, it’s because somebody has imprinted that in your mind from a long time ago or you’re scared but I don’t buy that. If you’re interested in talking more about some of these, you can reach me at We’ve got peer groups and mastermind groups starting where we teach these things. If you’re interested in that, go to There are plenty of ways to get in touch with us there. Hopefully, this helps. Connect with me through LinkedIn if you like. We’ve got some interviews scheduled here in the next few episodes that you’re going to like. We’ll talk to you soon.

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Your Future in Sales

BCP 3 | Sales Future


Technology brought upon a lot of changes and improvements that would dictate your future in sales. In this episode, Bill Caskey talks about the history of employment to pinpoint these changes and how they help you understand the flow that the sales industry is following. He presents five questions that will surely help guide you towards the right path and secure your position in the place where sales is at the moment and in the foreseeable future. Understand why it’s necessary to keep up with technology and improve your skills even if you have people who will do them for you. Also, learn about the impact of investing time and money in yourself in order not to get swept away by the progress of the environment.

Listen to the podcast here:

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Your Future in Sales

I wanted to give you one more episode. I want to have you give this some thought. You’re heading into some downtime maybe at least at some point, hopefully you’ll be able to shut it down. What I want to talk about is you looking at yourself. Not just for 2021, although that seems to be the common theme, is what are you going to do next year? What are your goals? What are your plans? I want you to take a little bit longer, look at this and not look at this as what you need to do in the next 30 days, but what you need to do over the next year or two. You can get started quickly. You should, but I want to have a little bit longer view of this. If you have not checked out, lots of free resources there. If you want to get in touch with me, you are free to do so.

We’re working on putting together some programming. If you’re a CEO, president, you want me to help you with your team or if you’re an individual contributor or leader, you can get access to me on the page. I listen to a lot of podcasts. That probably is in sync with what you thought. Some podcasts are good. Some episodes are bad. It doesn’t take me long before I can figure out pretty quickly whether I want to listen to it or not. One podcast that I especially like is James Altucher. He’s quirky and funny. I like him. He has some interesting guests. He had a guest by the name of Jeff Wald who wrote a book called The End of Jobs.

BCP 3 | Sales Future

Sales Future: The job tenure will continue to go downward because people are mobile and able to take new jobs.


In that podcast episode, I encourage you to listen to it, it’s about an hour long, Jeff, the author, talks about how jobs have morphed over the years. Going back couple hundred years, we had the agricultural economy where 80%, 90% of Americans and people all over the world were in agriculture. That was an hour of work for an hour of pay. There was not much mechanization there. It was all by hand. We moved into the industrial economy and the industrial revolution, mid 1800s, then we moved into what he calls the electrical economy then into the information economy. That’s where we are now, the data, the information economy.

He is suggesting that jobs will change a lot brought on and accelerated by what we went through in 2020. This trend was on aligned to happen anyway. It was accelerated by the pandemic. Two areas that he says is pretty safe, one is creative, anything that has to do with creative. It’s hard to outsource creative projects. He says outsourcing is obviously going to be a big factor. It’s not outsourcing to China and India though. It’s outsourcing outside of your company. He said, if a company wants to launch a product, the VP of marketing may not walk around the building and say, “Who’s available for this project?” He or she may say, “Who are the best five people I can get in the world or in the US or whatever economy you’re in to launch this product?”

If you aren't constantly learning how to do your job better and take on new responsibilities or skills, somebody else will take your place. Share on X

We will bring people in as an ad hoc team for a period of time, then disband them. That way, the company doesn’t have to pay all the overheads and long-term salaries, but they can get good people. They may pay more in the short run for those people, but they won’t be burdened with all the overhead of having a bunch of people sitting around with nothing to do. I know in most companies, that’s not the case, but sometimes if I don’t have people who can do it, I need to go outside to get it done. That was one thing that he said is going to be a dislocation and jobs of the future won’t always be you go in, you work in a cubicle and when you’re done, it’s 5:00, you clock out and you leave. It’s a 9:00 to 5:00 or 8:30 to 5:00 job. He says that’s all going to change. It’s already started to change. One thing that he brought up that I thought was interesting is he said, in 1960, what is the average duration for a job? How long will people typically work at a company?

What is your guess on that? 1960? What was the average tenure of the employee at a job? It’s five years. He says, “Do you know what the average tenure of a job is now or back then?” It was 4.2 years. He said, “This idea that it used to be that people got a job and they stayed forever.” Now we don’t do that. He said, “It’s not true. The stats and the data don’t back that up. The tenure has gone down, but it hasn’t gone down that much.” His point there is that the job tenure will continue to go downward because people are mobile. They will be able to take new jobs now. They don’t want to move, but they don’t have to move because a lot of jobs are going virtual. He says that number will continue to go down the average tenure or duration of a job.

The other thing he said is a couple of jobs cannot be outsourced. One is sales and one is anything creative. That’s good news for those of us who are in the sales profession or who train and coach salespeople. I was enthused about that. He talked about though that the role of sales will change. He didn’t get into a lot of that. I want to get into this a little bit now, but he said the roles of all these jobs you’re going to change. It used to be that when you had a creative person and you wanted to hire somebody or bring them on for a project, you bring them into the office. You’d sit in a room. You’d document everything. That’s not happening. It probably won’t because the creative may not be proximate to the company, may not be down the hall or down the road. It may be across four states. If you find a creative person who is good at what they do, what difference does it make where they are?

That’s the creative side, back to sales. As I look at sales and the people that I work with, the companies and the individuals, I do see a lot of changes coming. I want to give you five things. I wouldn’t even call them skills, although they could be, there are some skills underneath each one, but things that you’re going to need to prepare for as a sales professional or as a customer acquisition professional, anybody who is in the game, VP of sales, CEO, entrepreneur, president of attracting clients and keeping clients, what skills will you need? What areas of focus will you need to be better at in order to do that? I’m going to go through these one at a time. I’ve got five. This is not an exhaustive list. I want to give you some things to think about here and then you have to grade yourself if it got any improvement in that. “Do I need coaching there? Do I need to buy a course in that?”

BCP 3 | Sales Future

Sales Future: The way you learn how to write is to write, and the only way to improve at it is to keep doing it. The better writer you are, the better communicator you are.


Number one is lifelong learning. A lot of people talk about that. It’s a phrase that’s thrown around a lot, but he said we have to get serious about it. If you aren’t constantly learning how to do your job better, do different parts of it better, take on new responsibilities, get better at marketing or whatever the skills are that you need to be better at, somebody else will be there to take your place. Tenure is not going to matter as much. The question is, are you the best person to do the job? My question to you is, are you a lifelong learner? The way I would ask that is how much money do you invest in yourself each year? Do you take a percentage of your income and throw it back into you? You should. I know I do.

A lot of people that I see who are successful have think nothing of investing 5% to 10% of their income every year, whether it be online classes, small group coaching or one-to-one coaching like we do, taking a class at a community college. I’ve got a client who is about 55 years old who thought he was pretty good at technology, but he felt like things were passing him by, so he went out and hired a 28-year-old friend of his daughter’s. They went to college together. He was in the tech business. He brought him in and spent a few hours with my client and spent $300 or $400 on this. He had a long list of things that he wanted to learn how to do.

Never count on somebody else to market you like you can market yourself. Share on X

This young man taught him, from scratch, how to edit and record audio, how to record and edit video, how to set up a simple webpage or a website. He had 4 or 5 things that he wanted done. After those 3 or 4 hours, he knew how to do those things. You say, “He’s the CEO. What does he need to be building webpages for?” He won’t be building web pages, but he needs to know how it works. He needs to know how easy it is to record an edit video because when someone comes to him in the company and says, “I don’t have time to record and edit video.” He can say, “I learned in an hour. I’ll teach you in fifteen minutes. How to do it, still got that time as an excuse?” How much of your income is going back into yourself? Are you a lifelong learner? I don’t mean picking up books, although that’s not bad. I don’t mean consuming mass quantities of podcasts. I mean learning something. I’m going to give you 3 or 4 things here that you can apply to that. Learning something that’s going to be valuable for you in your business going forward.

Number two skill is video. Anything that has to do with video, shooting video, writing the script for the video, editing it, uploading it. I know you may have people that do that for you, which is fine, but you need to understand how to craft and produce good video. You don’t have to learn how to do a documentary if you don’t want, but you need to at least learn how to do video. You need to know how YouTube works. Do you know how many billions of hours a day are watched on YouTube? It’s 1 billion, but that still seems like a lot. I can’t fathom.

I don’t know how to put that in context. It’s like when somebody says, “You know how much money he made?” It’s like you would stretch, end to end, $100 bills to the moon and back. The point is that lots of businesses are on YouTube. Here’s another interesting stat from Gallup, only 9% of small businesses have YouTube channels. You know the big guys do, but what about you? If you’re a small business, I use small business $100 million or less, or you have a territory and you’re a frontline sales professional, do you have a YouTube channel?

They’re easy to set up. Could you create a channel that has all of your videos on it, that houses them, so that when somebody says, “Tell me a little bit more about what you do.” You tell them, say, “I’ll send you a link to my YouTube channel. I’ve got a lot of videos there on some of the experiences and case studies and interviews with clients.” Number two is video. It’s a skill. There’s a lot of skills within that, but you need to be better at producing video. Stop worrying about what they look like, start producing them. You don’t have to upload them if you don’t like them, but you got to sit in front of a camera with a microphone and you’ve got to try. You’ve got to make a stab at this.

Number three, writing skills. This goes back a little bit to video, but it also goes to email, writing documentation, proposal writing. Any persuasive copy, you need to be better at. Most people don’t know how to write persuasive copy. It’s hard. Like I was telling my 2X Group, I listened to a podcast by Jerry Seinfeld. He writes an hour a day, seven days a week. An hour a day, he writes skits and things that he observes in the market and the world. He has all these little bits that he’s written over the years. He has a new book out, got 300 and some little sketches in it. He writes every day.

The guy interviewing him, Tim Ferriss said, “How did you learn to write so well?” He says, “The way I learned to write so well is I write every day.” Sometimes we can go to class, to school and do online programs, but sometimes the way you write is to write. It’s like a lot of things, the only way to learn how to do it and improve that is to keep doing it. I always believe that the better writer you are, the better communicator you are. I had a client in one of my groups at 2X Academy say that thing. He says, “Sometimes I ramble a little bit. When I write things out, I get a lot clearer, and my communication gets a lot better.” Even if you’re not a professional writer, if you don’t get called on to write copy, I still believe that writing has a lot of by-product value to you, so get good at it. That’s number three.

BCP 3 | Sales Future

Sales Future: The clearer you are about your offer and the product or the service that you represent, the easier it is for somebody to say yes.


Number four, I’m going to use the term marketing here, but I don’t mean in the traditional sense of the word of pricing and promotion and graphic design. I mean more content and social media type marketing. Do you know how to generate new discussions with prospects? Do you know how to create content that causes someone to say, “Phil does that? I need that. I need to talk to Phil.” If you’re not doing that, people never know you even exist. If you have a client base of 100 clients and a territory, of course they know you exist, but are you creating something that you can post on social media, whether it’s LinkedIn or whatever platform, people see it, share it, consume it and reach out to you. Social media/marketing is going to be a critical area for sales professionals in the future.

I know some of you say, “I’ve got somebody that does that.” Maybe, but they probably don’t do it in the voice that is your voice. Anything you can do to get some more reps in at social media marketing, you can listen. There’s a good podcast called Social Media Marketing. It’s Michael Stelzner. Listen to podcasts. Learn the basics of marketing now. Never count on somebody else to market you like you can market you. You can have somebody at your company who is a marketing director. They might be marketing the brand of the company, but who’s marketing you? Probably nobody.

You’ve got to be more attuned to that. Sometimes the way you have to look at yourself when it comes to personal brand marketing is you have to get outside yourself a little bit and say, “If I’m representing Bill Caskey and I’m his marketing person, how am I going to market Bill?” You have to get outside of yourself because you’re humble and you feel a little self-conscious about putting your stuff out there. You can’t. There’s a way to do it so you don’t look weird, but you’ve got to learn how to market yourself and how to brand yourself.

Number five, I believe we’ve all got to get better at this concept of packaging. Whether we’re packaging an assessment and selling an upfront assessment to prospects, whether we’re packaging an offer of some kind like, “If you work with me, here’s what you get. Here’s what you don’t get. Here’s what’s included. Here’s how everything works.” You’ve got to become a better packager of your value. You can take that to mean a lot of different things, but let’s say you sell accounting services. You have done this in the past where you reach out to somebody and they say, “Come on in. I’m not happy with my accounting firm. I’d like to talk to you.”

At some point, you’re going to have to present an offer. “Here’s what it looks like to work with my firm. We do this and then we do this and here’s what’s included. Here’s what the promise is about what you’re going to get at the end. Here’s how we handle issues.” The clearer you are about your offer, offer I mean the offer of your value, the product that you represented, the service, the clearer you are, the easier it is for somebody to say yes, and worse or better, the harder it is for them to say no, because once they say no, they’re walking away from all that value.

What got you here won't get you there. Share on X

I find that we all struggle with that, me included, is we’ve got to get a lot better at giving voice to our offer. The way you do that is to package it and understand packaging. I hope that helped you. Those are five. There’s more where that came from. As Wayne Gretzky’s dad, Walter, said to him, the world’s oldest and most overused cliches, “Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it is.” That’s what I wanted to give you, is let’s start to look at the sales profession of where it’s going, not from where it was because what got you here won’t get you there. The question is, what demands are going to be needed for you to continue to grow your income, your power and your impact? These five skills or ideas will help you get there. Go to I know it’s been a weird 2020 for a lot of us. It’s been good for some, not so good for others, but take some time and relax. I will see you back here and we will be talking to you then.

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