The Prerequisites For 2X Growth

On this episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill addresses a very common mistake that most salespeople make when they decide to try and drastically improve their results, they JUMP.

They jump to making more calls, working more hours and desperately making more connections on LinkedIn. Those are all great things, but if you don’t do the prerequisites first, you’ll never get to where you want to be.

Bill gives you 6 prerequisites you can start on today, before you begin your journey to 2X!

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Episode #455: How To Get Appointments The Right Way

On this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, veteran and sometimes humorous sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale, answer a voicemail bag question from Scott in Ohio.

OH-IO! (You’ll have to hear the episode to know what that means).

The guys warn Scott about his thinking and then provide a handful of recommendations on how he can get more appointments in his markets.

This mailbag is sponsored by Covideo. You can go to to get a free trial started so that you can break through the clutter of your prospect’s inbox.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Episode #455: How To Get Appointments The Right Way” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

The Importance Of Your Sales Funnel

In this episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill channels his inner marketing voice and shares what every sales pro needs to know about building a SALES FUNNEL.

Every service/product you represent NEEDS a funnel. And Bill talks about how to start building your’s today.

He also shares some ideas on The Customer Journey.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”The Importance Of Your Sales Funnel” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]


Episode #454: When Your Prospect Won’t Call You Back – REMASTERED

In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale remaster an episode that is the number one downloaded podcast of all time in their library.

Here is a link to the episode from 2010:

It’s one of those issues that haunts people and there’s a lot of drama and calories burned on what do I say to get the customer to call you back.

In this episode, Bill and Bryan give you a handful of tips on how to not only prevent the issue from occurring but what to do when it hits you.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

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Episode #453: “I’ll Just Take The Brochure”

In this episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale take a CoVideo Mailbag questions from Brian in Colorado. Brian’s question is about how to handle the dreaded, “I’ll just take a brochure, and call you back” objection when he thought he was about to close the appointment.

Do you ever feel like your prospect is not taking action when you know they are ready?

Bill and Bryan turn the mirror back on Brian and question his mindset and how he is approaching the deal.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Episode #453: I’ll Just Take The Brochure” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

Episode #435: Conveying ALL of Your Value

In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale take a mailbag call from a listener.

Sara ’Smile’ sends us a voicemail about her concern that some of her prospects, after working her process, want something she us unwilling to sell – mainly because it won’t work AS WELL as another solution. It’s a great question.

In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan walk her and you through some ways to rethink how to approach it.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Episode #435: Conveying ALL of Your Value” artist=”The Advanced Selling Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

Episode #434: Remapping the Sales Process

In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale take on the topic of process: but not in the usual sense. REMAPPING the sales process is the new idea.

What do you do when the process doesn’t go perfectly? (Because it never does.)

How do we tactically implement a process that is VALUABLE to the prospect even if they don’t buy from you?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan give you tactical sales tools to answer these and other challenges when the way we want to sell (PROCESS) doesn’t go as planned….

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men …….(email us if you know the rest of the quote

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Episode #434: Remapping the Sales Process” artist=”The Advanced Selling Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

Episode #423: Old School Sales Language

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootBudget. Prospect. Rapport. Value-add. Pain points.

Tired of the same words that may be contributing to old school thinking in the sales process?

In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale dive into how the labels and words we use in sales may be negatively impacting the outcomes we achieve.

Are you still asking your prospects about their pain points?

Do people tell you your product/service doesn’t fit into their budget?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan give you new alternatives to the same, tired language. They will help you modernize what you say and give you strategies to avoid using words that are overused and misunderstood. Learn how to update your sales language starting right now.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Episode #423: Old School Sales Language” artist=”The Advanced Selling Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

Episode #422: Mailbag Monday from Down Under

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootIt’s a two-part question Mailbag Monday at The Advanced Selling Podcast.

In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale answer questions from Luke in Australia.

Are you looking for ways to help your prospect calls be more effective?

What if your prospect doesn’t talk or engage in your conversation?

Bill and Bryan will help you examine your messaging, context setting and your process. Are you bringing a “I hope they say yes in this meeting” energy to your conversations?

Learn how to focus on the right things and make your interactions more effective in this episode.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Episode #422: Mailbag Monday from Down Under” artist=”The Advanced Selling Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]