The One Thing That Will Change Your Sales World

Apologies to the person who created the “flower and the bee” concept but I think that epitomizes perfectly the problem with most sales processes today.


And do we ever have a problem.

The ‘flower and the bee’ phenomena goes like this: in nature the flower must pollinate itself. It sits there waiting for the bee (one of the many ways pollination happens) to pollinate it. The flower does not labor, nor does it stress about bees showing up. Bees, on the other hand, are scurrying about trying to find food, and pollinating the flower.

In business, sales people are typically the bees and the customer is the flower. Sales people scurry around the country looking for food.

Why does it have to be that way? Why shouldn’t the sales professional be sitting – allowing the prospect to show up for them? Why?

It’s because we don’t plan it out that way. (We actually might, secretly, like the scurrying about looking for plants -err prospects.)

We have bought into the flower/bee process so heavily in sales that we refuse to even admit that it’s all wrong. (We also do this when job searching…wrong again.) Read more

Want to Make More Money? Bring More Value!

Jim Rohn said it decades ago but it still rings true, if you want more money, bring more value! In this audio clip, Bill lays out a way for you to make more money by becoming move valuable to those who pay you. Your income is a by-product of that, but unless you get your arms wrapped tightly around that concept, you and I might be fighting a losing battle. At your next sales meeting, play this clip and spend 20 minutes discussing it.

When Presenting, You’ll Crush It With These Three I’s

Whether you’re running a sales meeting, a prospecting meeting, or just presenting to a group, Bill gives you some very simple but powerful advice to keep you on track. He calls it “The Three I’s.”

Agenda Setting

“You’ll either be part of your own plan or part of someone else’s plan.”

There is very little Agenda making going on, yet it is one of the most important parts of the Sales Process. An Agenda should include what you would like to accomplish as well as what the prospect would like to accomplish. Make place on your agenda for their agenda.

Making An Acquaintance

It seems like making another’s acquaintance is the ultimate in the beginning of the lead generation process. We can get really wrapped up in social media, LinkedIn, and all the other clever technologies but how does one make an acquaintance?
That is the question I’ll deal with in today’s audio tip.

Always Begin Your Sales Meetings With This

I’ve been in three sales meetings in the last month where this very simple approach wasn’t used – and it caused the meeting to be ‘less than’ what it could have been. When you hear what it is, you’ll be shocked that not everyone does this. But even if you do it, I give you a couple of other ideas on how to make it even better!

The 5 Human Needs Of Your Prospect

We talk a lot about “pain and possibilities” as a formula for selling. And how we must, before we propose, know a little about their buying issues.

But there is more. In this audio, Bill reviews the 5 Human Needs that each of us have – yes, even our prospects. Or should I say, especially our prospects. Listen in as he reviews this and use it in your world beginning immediately!

Taking A Stand

Do you ever feel like taking a stand on something, but the courage just doesn’t come? Or, the courage is there but not the words?

In this audio, Bill relays a story of a sales client who was in a client meeting where he needed to take a strong stand. He’ll share the coaching he gave and what happened.

Malcolm Butler, The New England Patriots and Being Ready

Last night, Malcolm Butler made a huge interception at the right time in Super Bowl XLIX.

If you heard his interview this morning, you heard him say that he failed in practice last week to stop that very play. But inside, that interview he said, “But this time I was ready.”

“I was ready.”  Read more