Episode #366: Getting Ahead in Sales


Looking for ways to get ahead of your sales competition?

In today’s Mailbag Monday edition, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale respond to David’s question with advice about tactical things you can do to improve your effectiveness as a sales person.

How do you plan and prepare for your day, your week, your quarter?

Do you dig in head-first or do you methodically map out your time?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan give you techniques you can use to seed your day to make it more productive and profitable. They’ll even share a secret about where to find the best sales people on a Friday afternoon… and be careful, their list just may surprise you.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

Episode #365: Blind as a Bat

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootDo you struggle with creating a plan and sticking to it? How do you balance hyper-competitive DNA with the inner game principles?

In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale try to stump each other with “blind” questions (no pun intended on Bill’s eye!). They pose a question to the other person with no prep or filter, and you won’t believe the techniques they come up with when put on the spot.

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bryan gives you specific, actionable steps to take to develop your skills if you’re not a planner and want to improve. Bill shares his philosophy and step-by-step approach for coaching someone who is struggling with the balance between being highly-competitive and a healthy sense of detachment.

If you’re a fan of Bryan and Bill’s quick-thinking approach to tough questions, you’re going to love this episode.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

Episode #364: Mental Myths in the Sales Process

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootThere’s only truly one thing you can control in the sales process— yourself. In today’s Mailbag Monday episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale dive into a question from Rocky about how to show up and be helpful in the sales process.

Do you regularly check in with yourself to think about your inner game?

Do you truly have pure intent when talking with clients and prospects?

What myths do you have in your mind that aren’t actually real at all?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan share strategies for inserting yourself into the sales process while maintaining clean intent. They give you language-based tools to help you know the words to use to truly be intentionally helpful to your prospects. After all, you can’t control other people or what they think… you can only control you. Show up as your best self every single time and watch the world shift around you.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

Episode #363: Margin: Secrets Of The Pro’s

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootHave you noticed that some sales people just seem like they “get it” more than others?  In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale explore what the top 5% do that make them stand out and have greater success than their peers.

What are they doing differently than everyone else?

Why are people afraid to ask those at the top for their advice?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan dive into ways you can up your selling game, including tips for the tiny tweaks that make a big impact. The great news: the differences aren’t major. True sales pros know the growth is at the margin.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

Episode #362: Sales Assets – More Than Just Numbers

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootAre you utilizing all of your assets in your sales process? In today’s Mailbag Monday episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale explore a question from Chelsea about how to use your talents to strengthen your impact when opening doors in sales.

Do you have characteristics of your personality that you ignore when working your sales process?

Do you utilize your personal interests, skills and things you love to do to help you connect with others?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan give you techniques you can use to insert more human elements into your process. They help you focus on the things you love to do outside of sales and put them into use in your sales career. If you’ve ever thought to yourself “What if they don’t like the real me?”, this episode is for you. The world needs more of the “real” person in every sales situation, and Bill and Bryan will tell you just how to do it in this episode.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

#352: Cardone Zone comes to The Advanced Selling Podcast

Grant Cardone

How can we have people buy from us when they don’t even know we exist? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale go to the source today for the answer to that question (and many others). Grant Cardone, author of The 10X Zone, If You’re Not First, You’re Last and Sell or Be Sold, is the epitome of hustle and an expert salesman.

Do you want to know Grant’s secrets for success?

Are you curious why Grant believes salespeople are needed now more than ever?

In today’s episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bryan and Grant dive deep into why salespeople have a unique opportunity in the new era of digital selling. Learn from the best of the best— hear a few stories, have a lot of laughs and get re-engergized about your career in sales from this thought leader and legendary salesman.

One Hour of Goal Setting

As part of my sales training for my clients, we hold monthly telephone calls with small groups of sales people. On those calls, we talk about deals they struggle with, opportunities they see and tactics on how to land those prospects.

On a recent call, I was asked about goal setting. Specifically, “How much time should we spend in goal setting activities?”


My answer surprised them. I suggested that for every hour they spend setting goals, they should spend 20 hours planning them out. 20 hours!!!??!

The idea with “goal planning” is to give yourself a roadmap of EXACTLY how you will accomplish the goal.

Doubling Your Business

Let’s say you have a goal to double your business in the next year. Pretty awesome goal I’d say! But before you hit the streets to accomplish it, write it out on a piece of paper, place it in front of you and set aside 4 hours for Goal Planning. Read more

Selling Isn’t Meant To Be A Struggle

51pCTMwjjLL._SX355_BO1,204,203,200_One of my favorite books of all time was a 60-pager written by Stuart Wilde called, “Life Was Never Meant to be a Struggle.”

In this book, he addresses how life demands effort, but not struggle. As he defines it, “struggle is effort, laced with negative emotion.”

In sales, we struggle a lot, don’t we? Struggle to get an appointment. Struggle to get to the right person. Struggle to position our product in the best possible light. Struggle to close the sale.

But, should we feel ‘struggle?’ I don’t think so.


In markets that are abundant, you should be on the lookout for “ideal fit” between your customer’s pain and aspirations, and your solution. If there is no ideal fit, then you must move on.

Traditionalists among you will say, “No, Bill, you must be persistent and press hard to make the sale.”

Really? Is that really what you think? Sounds like struggle to me.


1. Be clear about the value you bring. How can you determine an “ideal fit” if you aren’t quite sure of the value you bring and what problems it will solve for the customer? Bullet-list the elements of your value so you can become clearer about it.

Another bulleted list you should make is the characterization of your ideal client. Do they have money? Are they interested in growth? Do they look outside for help? Do they respect your ideas?

These two lists should be the filters that you shoot prospects through to see if you should spend one more minute with them.

2. Align behavior with purpose.  If you struggle in a component of the sales process, say lead generation, then you aren’t looking at it correctly. I had a mentor who said, “If you’re feeling pressure, you’re doing something wrong.” This is why I say, “align with purpose.” This means to state what your purpose is in your profession.

If it’s to make a lot of money for yourself, then you aren’t operating from a place of High Intent. Every thing that happens to you in the sales process will be seen as a threat to your core purpose.

But if your purpose is to be a hero to your target audience…or to serve them exquisitely…or to solve the biggest problems they have, then you are “on purpose” and in sync with what they want. You both want the same ting.

And when you are on purpose, prospecting behavior will never be a struggle. 

3. Take the pressure off early. Tell the customer upfront that it’s OK if this is not a fit. Why would you have any other point of view than that? If it’s not a fit in his/her eyes, are you going to continue to hang around? No, of course not.

But by saying it…out loud…you separate yourself from the hundreds of amateurs who have come before you.

When you apply pressure, you are not in-disposable. Your are DISPOSABLE.And if you are disposable (or feel like you are), you will struggle in the profession.

Let me know how you do at implementing these three simple ideas!

Going All The Way

Are you Going All The Way With Your Sales Message?
Or, are you dancing at the margins? It’s time to get in the game with delivering your unique message!