Have a Discussion that Generates Real Leads

(This is a concept that will be discussed in our upcoming webinar, “21st Century Lead Generation,” a live event March 28,  12p EST

I struggled for years thinking that we sales and marketing professionals play too loosely with the term lead. To me, a lead isn’t a true lead until there’s a conversation with the prospect that determines if they have an interest, if they have the money to pay for it, and if they are committed to fixing the problem they tell you they have.

When we don’t clearly define lead, any person who shows up in our space becomes a “lead.” And that’s not how you create business. That’s how you become tired…quickly. Read more

Lead Generation, a Hurdle for the Outdated Sales Person


(This is a concept that will be discussed in our upcoming webinar, “21st Century Lead Generation,” a live event March 28,  12p EST

Are you an outdated sales person? You are if your primary sales tactics include cold-calling and finding customers—you know, traditional sales methods from the 20th-century. I know what you’re saying, “The 20th century was just 14 years ago. How can an entire industry be outdated?”

I like to think of the role of the sales person in 21st century terms. I say this because I notice some of us are stuck using the same old traditional sales tactics. We’re in an age of technology-driven efforts and wider markets. Shouldn’t we be further along?

Okay, Bill, if you’re so smart, then what should I be doing to generate leads? Here’s one tip that I’ll cover in a webinar with Brooke Green on March 28: Read more

One True Way To Learn Who To Call On – Go Where The Pain Is

The topic below will be addressed in an upcoming webinar, Calling On The Right Person, on February 21, 2014. To learn more, go to:


OLStip2You’ve been there before, haven’t you? All the way through the sales cycle, awaiting the order, and PRESTO! You find out you didn’t get it. Or, worse (yes, some will disagree with me here) the prospect decides to do nothing.

All that work…up in smoke.

It could have been solved with a simple little question, “Who felt the pain?”
If you analyze it honestly, you must admit that no one you were calling on really felt it.
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How Does Your Self-concept Influence Who You Call On?

The following article addresses some of the points that will be contained in an upcoming webinar called how to call the right person.

If you’re interested in seeing the video about the webinar click this link.


Self-concept is defined by Webster as: the set of beliefs or ideals one has about oneself.

Even though most sales trainers teach techniques and strategies of how to get to the right person inside the company parentheses see calling on the VIP and parentheses, I believe it has more to do with who you believe you deserve the call on which gets back to your self-concept.


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Hot Tip Thursday Episode #1 – How To Close A Sales Call

Hot Tip Thursday Episode #1In the first episode of Hot Tip Thursday, Bill Caskey teaches a couple ways to close a Sales Call and ask the right questions before ending the conversation. Don’t miss this episode or the next, free of charge to all users.



Please Download the Advanced Selling Podcast App to continue receiving Hot Tip Thursday and other Exclusive content FREE of Charge. Available on iPhone and Android.

When Your World Must Change – The Picture Must Change.

Statistics suggest that 70% of us are visual in how we take in information. I prefer to think of it that we are all 70% visual. Social scientists would tell me that interpreting that initial number in the second way is wrong but, oh well.

The bottom line is that if we want to understand something at a deeper level, I believe we need to learn how to draw it out, graphically.

processI was in a conversation recently coaching a sales manager whose company had just been purchased by an outside firm. And the new sales model was very different than the old one. I asked him if he had ever explained the differences to his team. He said he had, and that it wasn’t taking root.

I then ask him if he’d ever drawn the old and new process out – side by side.

“Why would I do that when I’ve told them over and over and over?” Read more

Problems and Solutions In Talking Money With Prospects

To say that the discussion of money is the most important part of the sales process might be an over-reach. BUT, the fact is that if you aren’t willing to embrace the conversation about money, then you will be at a disadvantage further into the sales cycle.

Why do so many people have so many qualms with talking money? Well, in this Whiteboard Wednesday, Bill Caskey deals with it head-on, discussing the problems, the causes and the solutions that await you. As with any roadblock in the sales cycle, it all begins with “the inner game.”

3 Tips On Selling A Premium Product in a Commodity Market

A few years ago, I did a Webinar called “How to Sell A Premium Product in a Commodity Market.” It was one of our best attended webinars we’ve ever done.

Lots of interest in the topic – and I believe I know why.

In this article, I want to update some of the content and give you a couple more ideas.  I picked this topic because it is an ongoing area of concern for sales people – how to sell a premium product into a market that sees price as THE main driver.

Why it’s so tough.

Think about it. We live in a “price leads” society. Advertisers have led us on a race to the bottom by the constant drumbeat of, “Lowest Prices In The Industry!” Or, “We’ll Beat ANY Price!” I know you’ll say, “But I’m not in the retail game.” No, you aren’t. But do you see the attitude that they’ve placed in the minds of buyers?

So the context is that even though your buyer might not jump to “What’s your price?” they certainly have it on their radar.

Here are four notions that I suggest you consider as you extract yourself form the “commodity dungeon” where the only important issue is price:

1. Position Your Self Properly.

Interesting thing about positioning is that it’s not just about what you say – it’s about how you say it. Sales people spend so much time concerned with the “what” and ignore the “how.”

And that’s wrong.

Regardless of your word choice (you’ll have to decide that), the essence of your message should be centered around ‘the types of problems that you solve.’ That’s right – no enthusiastic sales pitches about how great you are – or how smart your team is. None of that.

Frame your ‘premium value’ around the pains and problems that prospects face. Some of those problems they know they have. Some they’re oblivious to. But either way, begin the conversation there.

Be a problem solver not a product seller. There is a trap waiting for you. The prospect sets it and you fall right into it. It happens when the prospect shows interest and you default to “the pitch.”

Instead, when your prospect shows interest in the types of problems you solve, refrain from pitching the product and spend more time diagnosing what that problem means to him. This one thing can do more to change your position (in the prospect’s mind) and help them see that your premium fee is worth it.

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