Do You Know The Leader Of Your Client Firm?
This to be used with a previous post titled Don’t Call on Them Until You Know How To Talk to Them.
As I re-read that after it was published, I realize there was a separate topic underneath that article and that is just as important to front line sales people and account managers: Your willingness – and skill – in calling on the CEO of your client company.
One of the craziest stories I hear as a sales coach is when I hear a salesperson who doesn’t know – and has no relationship with – the CEO of their own client. Yes, I realize that in some super-ginormous companies, you can’t get to the CEO, but in 80% of our clients, we can. So why aren’t you?
Afterall, if you’re in prospecting / growth mode, start with the leaders of your own client firms. A) It’s easier to get to them because you are a current supplier. They will either take your call, or you can get introduced to them by others. And, B) chances are you will generate most of your new discussions from references and what better person to refer you than a CEO. Why? Guess where CEO’s refer…you guessed it, OTHER CEOS.
So, tomorrow morning when you make your TO-DO list, save a line for “Call a Client CEO.”