Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Our team is meeting with a strategic planner today an before we meet with him, we were instructed to watch a few videos.

This one in particular really hit home for me!  I can guarantee it will inspire you to look at yourself, your business and your message in a different way.

About the Video

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers …

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!

Do you agree with Simon?  Why do you do what you do?


3 replies
  1. Dave Price
    Dave Price says:

    Bill: Ironically enough I just stumbled on this and watched it last night; three times. It was a catalyst for a day-long soul search today and a revision of my purpose statement, which I’ll admit still isn’t quite right. Popular sales and marketing verbage speaks often of “core values” and the like; I think this is about as core as it gets. It’s been said that the quality of our lives is directly proportional to the quality of the questions we ask ourselves; I think this hammers it home.

    • Bill Caskey
      Bill Caskey says:

      Dave, thanks for sharing your nice note. I agree…WHY is as core as it gets. Yet, sometimes we’re reluctant to share that…as if it’s supposed to be some well-kept secret. ‘Why’ you do what you do should be shared with EVERYONE!

  2. John
    John says:

    Absolutely fantastic message…..How can I incorporate ” Why I do, and Why my company does” into my message?

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