
The Dangers of Attachment

On this episode of The Bill Caskey Podcast, Bill dives deep into the mindset shift of Detachment. Detachment is being emotionally neutral to the situation at hand. It doesn’t mean you don’t care, it means you’re not attached to any specific outcome.

Bill explains the danger of Attachment and the 5 Problems it creates for sales people. He also gives you some ways to combat attachment and become more detached from your outcomes.

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Man or Mouse?

We are faced with choices everyday, some hard and some easy. In those hard choices we can either shrink or be brave.

On this week’s episode of the Bill Caskey Podcast, Bill talks about these moments that define us and make us a man or a mouse. Many times in these difficult moments we choose to hide and become the mouse. We know it when we do it, but choose the easier path.

On this episode Bill, shares some ways that you can be brave and be the man in these difficult decisions.

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Creating Content That Generates Action

Are you getting leads from your online content?

Most of the time the answer is no. Why is it so hard for most people to create content that generates market action?

On this week’s episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill gets in to the details of what is standing in our way of creating consistent content and why most people fail. He also gives some way to overcome those barriers.

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Episode #531: How To Handle Pressure When You Are A High Achiever

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale continue the CoVideo Mailbag series and take a listener call from Cara who is a top performer at a Fortune 1000 company.

Cara just got her numbers for the next 12 months and she is feeling a bit of performance anxiety. Bill and Bryan break down the real issue and provide a handful of things to think about if you are in similar kind of circumstance.

If you’re interested in having Bill or Bryan or both come to your upcoming sales meeting, send us an email. In the subject line, put “Come see us” to [email protected].

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Habits Of Omission

Are your destructive habits costing you?

On this episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill discusses 7 habits that can be detrimental to the sales process. If you are struggling in your business, it might be because of one of these habits.

These habits are often overlooked, but once you realize and correct them you will find motivation.

If you like this episode, be sure to share your comments on Twitter with the #2Xlessons

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Episode #530: How Soon Should I Reach Out?

You just made a new connection on LinkedIn that would be a great prospect, is it too soon to reach out?

On this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bryan Neale and Bill Caskey take on that very listener question from Jean-Pierre in the Netherlands. Too soon and you could ruin a connection, too late and you could miss an opportunity.

Bill and Bryan give some thoughts on this situation and they give some indicators they’ve noticed when it’s the right time to reach out and when it’s time to let it be.

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Motivation, Energy & Time

Bill recently had a coaching client reach out to discuss an issue she was having. She has consistently been at the top of her sales team and just had her best year ever in 2018. The issue she is having is that she can’t seem to get back her motivation or energy to make 2019 even better.

After talking with her, Bill realized that there was a deeper level issue going on and he needed to uncover what was really going on.

On this 2X Podcast, Bill gives you some ways you can regain your Motivation, Energy and rethink how you spend your Time.

If you like this episode, be sure to share your comments on Twitter with the #2Xlessons

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Episode #529: Managing Your Manager

What should you do when your Sales Manager doesn’t do things the way you would do them? 

In this first episode of 2019, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address a question from the CoVideo mail bag from a listener, who brings up how his manager makes demands on him, referring to a very specific scenario.

Bill and Bryan take this question a little bit broader to the notion of how do you manage your manager, if that’s even possible?

Also mentioned in this podcast:

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Are You Journey Minded?

On this episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill gives some ideas on how you can become Journey Minded in the sales process. This is how you take your prospect from here (where they are) to there (where they want to be).

In a world where prospects are demanding more and different, it’s really easy to become obscure and irrelevant as a sales professional. That’s why it’s so important to constantly be adapting to change.

One of the biggest areas people struggle in is how they see themselves in the customer journey.

If you like this episode, be sure to share your comments on Twitter with the #2Xlessons

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