
#339: Better Stories = Better Selling – Bo Eason


How do you stand out from the pack— at work, in the sales process, anywhere? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale talk to THE expert on high-stakes storytelling in today’s episode. Back to The Advanced Selling Podcast by popular demand, Bo Eason shares his best practices for learning to tell your personal story effectively.

  • Where do you begin?
  • What is the first step you can take to learn how to share your story?
  • Why is it so important?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan ask Bo for advice you can use right away. If you think your story is boring, won’t be compelling or is just like everyone else’s, this episode is for you. Bo reminds us that as humans, we all crave interaction and connection. Your personal story will allow you to connect with your prospects and clients at a level you haven’t before. The minute you start telling your story is the minute you stop selling a commodity… and increase the likelihood of your success in the deal.  Sound crazy? Jump into this episode to find out more.

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#337: Stop Chasing Prospects — Coach Micheal Burt

Coach Micheal Burt

Do you think of yourself as a person of interest? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale interview bestselling author Coach Micheal Burt today as they explore how you can become the person everyone can’t live without.

Do you work with a coach? It may be a sales coach, a fitness coach, a team coach, even a therapist.  How does your coach find the “X” factor in you that makes you unique?

In today’s episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan talk with Coach Burt about traits of a good coach and characteristics of people who work with coaches (like you). What do you have that other people want? Your desire, your connectivity, your connections, your product or service? Coach Burt shares his best practices for becoming the person who has prospects chasing them, instead of the other way around.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

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Episode #336: Ego: Confidence or Arrogance?

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootWhen you hear the word “ego,” do you cringe? Can ego be a helpful tool for salespeople? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale explore the blessings and curses of a powerful ego in today’s episode.

When does your ego get in the way of an interaction with a prospect? When can it help you actually do your job better?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan will help you determine if your ego is helping or hurting you. They share their checklist of ways to know when ego is your friend and when it’s your enemy. They offer specific tactics Sales Managers can use with your teams, and they make recommendations to help you check in on your own self-awareness. You’ll also learn Bill’s secret assumption about clients that will change the way you look at your interactions from now on.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

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Episode #335: Personal Branding – Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield

Can salespeople really build their own personal brand while still representing their company or product? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale learn the power and impact of content marketing from one of the world’s best— fitness expert Ben Greenfield.

Ben offers his tips and strategies for building your personal brand using activities you’re probably doing every day. Do you like to write or draw? Create videos on your iPhone? Post to social media? Ben will teach you how he used his own favorite medium to become an international fitness expert, allowing him to build his brand without spending millions of dollars on marketing and advertising.

In today’s episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan get a crash course from Ben on turning your content into your best marketing tool. Ben strives to make art every day— something that intrigues people and makes their life better. Learn how he does it and how you can too.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

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Hot Tip Thursday Episode #2 – Calendar End Dates

Hot Tip Thursday Episode #1In the second episode of Hot Tip Thursday, Bryan Neale tells how to make your deals run smoother by using Calendar End Dates. Don’t miss this episode or the next, free of charge to all users.



Please Download the Advanced Selling Podcast App to continue receiving Hot Tip Thursday and other Exclusive content FREE of Charge. Available on iPhone and Android.

Find Your Own Voice

The Advanced Selling Podcast with Bill Caskey and Bryan NealeIn this podcast, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale give their advice on finding your OWN voice in a sales situation. This is a very important step in improving in many different areas of your life. Follow Bill and Bryan’s steps in finding yourself and tapping into your own heart.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

How To Become An Expert In Your Industry

What separates the expert seller from everyone else? Can you really position yourself as an expert in your niche? And what benefits will you derive from that? In this episode, Bryan Neale reviews the many types of sales people so that you can see where you fit. Then he gives some ideas on how you can immediately become an expert in your world.

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Sales Action And Running Prospect Meetings

Whiteboard Wednesday returns to its roots this week with Bill (who’s actually in front of a whiteboard) discussing how to handle a sales call when there are many of them and only one of you. He gives you a simple technique that few use that will help you begin on the same page.

And Bryan Neale rants a little bit about his fat wallet (except for there’s no money in it….only receipts). The essence of this rant has to do with taking action.

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How To Improve The Sales Mind

In this episode, Brooke Green takes a look at how we can improve the creative juices that make up the sales mind. Yes, sales people MUST be creative, but most are a bit afraid of it (our opinion). So Brooke let’s fly with some ideas.

Also, Bill Caskey rants about a cold call he received from an insurance agent (with a huge national brand).

*Watch other Whiteboard Wednesday Episodes:

*Coming June 27, 2011, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale interview Pat Williams – Senior Vice President of the Orlando Magic. View the episode “What Every Salesperson Can Learn from John Wooden” at