Tag Archive for: buyer

Is it Time For a Cool Change?

Probably shouldn’t make any 70’s yacht rock references (“Cool Change” by Little River Band), but this episode is all about change. And the main question is: Given what’s occurring in the world around you, do you need to change?

Bill gives 5 insights on how to look at yourself and rate where the change should happen.

Good episode if you’re in the “planning phase” for 2018.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/2xP_11.02.17.mp3″ title=”Is it Time For a Cool Change?” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2XPodcast-SPP.png” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Are You Sure Your Message Is On Target?

Without trying to be overly dramatic, that’s my question to you: Are you sure you’re communicating the proper message to your market?

Most aren’t.

Which is why I did this episode, where I give you several new ways to think about your target audience, and the messages that will get through.

Also, I prepared a Checklist for you. Just go to BillCaskey.com/50download to get your freebie!

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/2xP_09.06.17.mp3″ title=”Are You Sure Your Message Is On Target?” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2XPodcast-SPP.png” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Is it a Strategy or a Tactic?

If I had a dollar for everytime that topic came up – Strategy or Tactic -I’d be a rich man.

In this episode of the 2X Podcast, Bill emphasizes the power of a good sales tactic, regardless of your strategy. He also suggests that people look down at tactics, preferring to sound high-minded by babbling on about strategy.

Nothing happens in sales until you have a tactic that is delivered properly.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/2xP_08.29.17.mp3″ title=”Is it a Strategy or a Tactic?” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2XPodcast-SPP.png” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]


Finding The Compelling Reason For Change

We so love to get to the features and benefits of what we sell, that we RARELY take the time to find out what’s really going on in the prospect’s life. But, how can you match your solution to their problem – if you don’t know their problem in the first place?

Ready for the answer? YOU CAN’T.

Is it possible that’s why the closing percentage in B2B orgs. is less than 10%? I think so. Listen in and see if you can tell where you drop the ball.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/2XP_08.22.17.mp3″ title=”Finding The Compelling Reason For Change” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2XPodcast-SPP.png” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]


What’s The Big Idea?

The process of creating and documenting ideas is elusive, isn’t it?

Do I keep it in a journal? Do I keep it on my phone? Do I write a quick article about it to keep it fresh?

And what about the BIG IDEAS? How do you “work them out”? Do you even get them?

In this episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill addresses a BIG IDEA around your customer – and how to develop it so it’s usable.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/2xP_08-08-17.mp3″ title=”What’s the Big Idea?” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2XPodcast-SPP.png” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]


What’s The Evidence You’re Successful?

People love “evidence” don’t they? And we should all love it, too.

It’s evidence that leaves clues as to whether you’re on your way to your goals. Or, evidence also helps as you are in the sales process.

In this episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill Caskey discusses the various faces of evidence and gives you some ideas on how you can better use your evidence.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/2xP_07.25.17.mp3″ title=”What’s The Evidence You’re Successful?” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2XPodcast-SPP.png” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]


What Buyer Criteria Should You Know About?

Aristotle first came up with the concept of Modes of Persuasion (furnished by the spoken word.)

In this episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill Caskey takes this and modernizes it a bit to help you see the criteria you are being judged on. That might be nice to know, huh? There are four parts to it.

Suggestion: Have your notebook and pencil out so you can get full value of this episode.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/2xP_07-12-17.mp3″ title=”What Buyer Criteria Should You Know About?” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2XPodcast-SPP.png” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]


Episode #450: What To Do When Everything Stops Working

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcsat, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale take a call from Brady who has been extremely successful over the last few years but all of a sudden has hit the wall.

His pipeline disappeared, his new calls have dwindled, and he’s a bit nervous.

Bill and Bryan not only share some tips for him but also some philosophical ways to look at the issue to get him unstuck and back at the top of the leaderboard.

As usual, this comb through the old mailbag is sponsored by Covideo. You can go to advancedsellingpodcast.com/covideo to get a free trial started so that you can break through the clutter of your prospect’s inbox.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/billcaskey01/17-05-15-450_StopsWorking.mp3″ title=”Episode #448: Decisions, Decisions” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

Episode #449: Too Many Prospects, Not Enough Time

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address a question from a listener in Sweden, who is overwhelmed with leads and responsibilities.

Their first reaction to that is, what a great thing that is, but as he said, “Sometimes that comes along with pitfalls and a feeling of overwhelmed.”

If you are in a business where you have more tasks in front of you than time to complete them, you definitely need to listen to this episode.

Also, check out advancedsellingpodcast.com/covideo to get in on a free trial for the email video application sponsored by Covideo.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/billcaskey01/17-05-08-449_TooManyProspects.mp3″ title=”Episode #448: Decisions, Decisions” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]