Tag Archive for: caskey

My Ultra-Weird Goal That Needs To Be Made Public

Last month, I turned 59 years old.


As I was shooting in the gym that day, I saw a few teens at the other end of the court (basketball) trying to dunk. They were close but not quite there. It reminded me when I was that age, where I couldn’t quite get my hands high enough on the rim to dunk.

Eventually, I nailed it. But haven’t thrown one down in over 30 years.

It got me thinking about my current vertical leap. A quick test – an abysmal 12.  (You know where I’m going with this don’t you?) Read more

Why Do You Do The Work You Do?

In my training and coaching practice, I have frequent occasions to question new clients as they’re on-boarded into my program.

A question that I always ask – and am never quite satisfied with the answer – is “Why do you do what you do?” Read more

LinkedIn Group Question and Answer

The Advanced Selling Podcast with Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale

In today’s episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale answer some questions sent in by members of the Advanced Selling Podcast LinkedIn Group. The two important questions answered were first off, “why are certain Challengers more likely to be the top sales people and are they the future of new business?” The other question is “do you need to have another reason to call your client or is it okay to just check in?”

Make sure to join the Advanced Selling Podcast Linkedin Group and post your questions today. We would love to hear from you.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

  • We’re mobile! Get the podcast app in the iTunes store. Search “Advanced Selling” for the free download. App listeners will get something a little extra each week.
  • Interested in what your fellow podcast listeners have to say? Join our LinkedIn group and find out.

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Price Resistance Might Have Nothing To Do With Price

How you present things is how people see things.

A few weeks ago, a sales person came into our office and was pitching a new water system. They talked about the features and benefits of their offer, but NEVER asked me any questions about what I wanted.  And then I told them the price was too high.

If you’ve ever had a prospect say your price was too high, it could’ve been you forgot to ask the right questions.

How To Become An Expert In Your Industry

What separates the expert seller from everyone else? Can you really position yourself as an expert in your niche? And what benefits will you derive from that? In this episode, Bryan Neale reviews the many types of sales people so that you can see where you fit. Then he gives some ideas on how you can immediately become an expert in your world.

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Interview An Expert

Interview an expert.

That’s right, purchase a $100 piece of equipment that you can record on the phone (or do it by SKYPE…it’s free)

  • And ask them questions about the industry you’re in.
  • Ask them about their vision for the future.
  • Ask them what they see as trends in your business.

Then, put it on your channel.

By interviewing experts, you re-classify yourself as an expert.

-B. Caskey

Finding Your Inspiration

Find inspiration in others…books …authors…online. Put a different quote up on your mirror each week. Take it down to your quick print store and have them design a look for it so you’re proud of seeing it on your mirror.

Here’s one you can begin with by Gandhi. You’ve heard it before but it never fails to inspire me, “A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.” You don’t have the be in the same room with someone to learn something from them.