In our sales training programs, we are consistently teaching people to “drop back” – don’t be so eager. Relax into the circumstance.
Had a coaching call with Lisa yesterday. Usually, Lisa is quite adept at this skill – what we call “staying behind” the prospect. But that’s when she’s “in the process” – not when she’s in pursuit of a first meeting,
She complained of her lack of results in landing those first meetings. When I asked her what she was saying when she called, I was shocked! Was this the same Lisa that was so savvy at leading the prospect through the selling system? How could she sound no needy? 
Circumstances Matter
When the circumstances change, we change. In this case, the circumstance was no longer her sitting in front of a prospect asking about their goals and objectives. It was her on the phone, “trying to get someone” to see her. And she changed her position. But she shouldn’t have.
Let’s face it. You are selling scarcity. Not because your product is scarce (although it could be). But because YOUR TIME is scarce. If everyone in your territory decided to see you, you wouldn’t have the time. And then, you would begin a selection process of who you want to see and who you didn’t.
So why don’t you do that in the first place?
The Solution
When you call (if you must cold call), be skeptical. Hold back. Don’t be so eager. Say, “John, this is Lisa, and I have no idea of what I’m about to ask you would be acceptable.” Or some such phrasing that lets the prospect know that you are not going to pound them for an appointment. Sell scarcity because your worth it.