Tag Archive for: email from clients

When A Sales Person Gets Nervous, Bad Things Happen

Had a frantic call from a client who had proposed a solution to one of her prospects. Earlier this week, she got an email from the prospect who “sounded like he was having second thoughts about the deal” she had proposed.

Luckily, she called me before she called him.

What I found was someone who was ATTACHED to a “Yes.” Not a good place to be.

We worked through the process and what had happened. His email sounded not like someone who was backing out–but as someone who was confused and overwhelmed.

My Recommendation

Call him and have an informal conversation with him—without trying to convince him — or defend your solution. Just talk.

Say, “Herbie, I received your email. Am happy to talk through some of your points. It sounds like I haven’t explained things very well to you. Is this a good time to talk?”

Very simple. Elegant. No pressure. No attachment. I’m all for being aware of yellow flags–and listening to what’s NOT being said as well as what’s being said– and addressing them, but sometimes you just need to relax.