Tag Archive for: GOLDEN CIRCLE

3 Reasons You Should Share Your “Why” with Customers

You’ve probably seen the TED talk with Simon Sinek on the Golden Circle.

He discusses the fact that all of our businesses have an outer circle of “what” (what do we sell or do), the mid circle, which is the “how” (how do we do what we do and is it distinguishable from anybody else who does what we do), and an inner circle is the “why” (what is our purpose for being in business, what attracted us to this business in first place, why are we so passionate about our work).

Simon’s premise is that our customers buy the why we do what we do just as much as they by the how or the what.  And yet, most of the time the why is the last thing we talk about with our customers or prospects.

I believe there are three reasons you should get very clear about the why in your business.

1.  It helps you with your own motivation. 

It’s hard to get up every day and do what we all do without the why behind our actions.  And I think it’s better if the why is about the customer and their business and the work that you do rather than just the income you make.

In other words,”I get up every morning to do what I do so my kids can go to college” is really not relevant to your prospect.

2. The thinking through of “why “do you do what you do will help you communicate your value in a better way.

It will set your inner game right so that you’re not as vulnerable in tough, tight situations.  My sense is that if we operated on a belief of a “solid why” then we’re not as apt to deviate from our process and take some of the crap we take in the market. We will hold firm on our process and our price. Read more