Tag Archive for: high performers

When Do You Review Your Sales Call?

How many times have you been on a sales call and neglected to review the call right after it happened? Actually, a better way to ask that is, “Have you EVER stopped right after a sales call to review the results – either with yourself or with someone who accompanied you?” I wouldn’t say it’s difficult but I would say it’s seldom done.

One of my favorite authors right now is Daniel Coyle, The Talent Code, and he talks about the best time to review your performance. You guessed it, it’s right after the performance.

jack-nicklausHe tells the story of Jack Nicklaus, the famous pro golfer, who said the best time for learning how to improve his game was in the hour right after day’s tournament round.

He felt like it was at that time, that everything was fresh in his mind. Even though he was tired, he made himself do it.

It gets back to the attributes of the high achiever:

They are willing to do the things that few do – even when they don’t feel like it.

So the next time you have a sales call, regardless of whether it goes well or not, take 15 minutes and review exactly what happened. You’ll be amazed at that moment of insight.