Tag Archive for: how to

If you want a successful career in sales, do these 5 things.

The WSJ just published an article in October ‘22, that suggested there are 700,000 sales jobs open right now in the US. My observations are congruent with that. 

In my client base, EVERY CLIENT is looking for sales help. EVERY. ONE. 

And with 7,000,000 unemployed (and going higher every month) it strikes me as odd that so many sales positions remain open. 

Yet, they have trouble filling these highly paid positions.

My Two Daughters Are Why

I have two lovely, impressive daughters, Kelly, the older, and Kara, the younger. Both are in the tech space and have good jobs, earning good money, with a good future.

But neither one of them wants anything to do with sales. 

And in the tech space, the salesperson can be a high-income earner – and can be extremely mobile.

And all that resistance after having a father (me) who has been in the sales coaching space for nearly 30 years – 5 books, 1000 podcasts, online courses. I guess the biblical quote. “A prophet is without honor in his own home” rings true. 🙂

So why their reluctance?

They’re both easy to talk to and listen to. They’re both engaging. They’re both sharp and don’t let anything slip by them (sometimes annoyingly so 🙂 They’re both good writers and communicators. And they both are unafraid of strangers.

What gives? 

Well, it’s the same thing that ‘gives’ for many people who could be great in the sales profession but have not made the move. They are sales-reluctant. 

This article deals with some myths about selling and some advice (from Dad).

Understand What Sales Is. (It’s not what you think)

    1. Sales is the intersection of your value and their problem. The key is to find where that intersection is. You do not interrogate people to find that intersection. A good questioner — someone who’s curious — can find it quickly. 
    2. Sales is a ‘helping’ career. You help people get from where they are to where they want to be. You are the guide – think Obi-Wan Kenobi. If you can help enough people get from their A to their B, you will be a high performer. 

Get Clear on the Value You Offer Through the Pain You Find and Fix

    1. Clarity is key here. If you take a sales position, make sure you get training to understand HOW your solution fixes their problems. And become fixated on that. Value is ALWAYS tied to the relief of pain. Once you understand this, the pressure is off. 
    2. All you have to do is find people that have problems (and money to fix). Once you show up, you are simply sorting the people who have problems and want to fix them from the people who have neither. You’re a sorter, of sorts 🙂

Value is ALWAYS tied to the relief of pain. Once you understand this, the pressure is off. Share on X

Human Nature is at the Heart

    1. The saying is, “No one wants to be sold – but everyone likes to buy.” Agree. BUT they like to buy from people who they believe have their best interest at heart. The amateur salesperson only thinks about himself (and his commission). The true PRO can jettison that intent and be totally focused on the problems the prospect has.
    2. Human nature hasn’t changed in thousands of years. People do what they believe is in their best interest (not yours) to do.  So don’t make selling about your outcomes – make it about theirs. 

Stop Selling and Start Finding

    1. I’m blown away by how managers choose salespeople. They think the person who’s the most enthusiastic and the most persuasive will win the day. They won’t. That’s old thinking. The high achiever is a hawk for problems. They don’t create problems for prospects – they simply find them. Once you get really skilled at problem-finding, selling is easy. 
    2. Remember story problems from 8th-grade math? You were unable to solve them until you understood what the problem was. Then it was easy. The skill was in uncovering the problem. Sounds like selling to me.

It’s Not Magic. It’s Process.

    1. It’s a myth to think that great sales professionals have some kind of magic they work on people. Once we get past the “it’s magic” myth, we can work on the real issue – “process.”
    2. Every great performer has a process they work. You’ve heard pro football coaches/players say, “We just followed the process.” Same here.
    3. If you think “process,” you will be successful in the profession. You must have a documented process that illustrates how you will guide people through from start to finish. It must be in their best interest to follow it – not just your best interest. 
    4. If you’re a process-thinker (engineer/technical person), you’ll be great in sales. In fact, in my book “Same Game New Rules“, I suggest that engineers make the best salespeople. Not because they’re smarter – but because they think linearly.

How does it feel now? More confident in your ability to handle this? Thought so. Glad to have helped. 

If you’re considering a move, OR, if you’re in sales now but not achieving at your highest level possible, I created a course called THE NEW RULES OF SELLING

It is a comprehensive, yet an easy-to-consume course that will propel you forward. I’ve lowered the price to $97 so that it’s accessible to the masses.

If you’re considering a move to, or up, check it out. And make the move. You’ll thank me in 10 years.


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Is Your Obsession With Your Numbers Really Helping You?

In this week’s episode I deal with what seems to be an obsession with our numbers in corporate America. I’m wondering how healthy it is or if it’s really helpful for you.

I’m also wondering if there’s another way to look at our achievements, from another perspective, that would make it even easier for us to accomplish our goals.

Actually, I think there is. I give you four things to think about in this episode.

By the way, if you’re a sales leader or manager looking to grow you skills and your business, join me this Friday, May 1 at 12PM EST for a LIVE STREAM. I’ll be discussing 7 important Leadership Strategies that will launch you into World Class status. Click here to save your spot now!

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/04-28-20-Numbers.mp3″ title=”Is Your Obsession With Your Numbers Really Helping You?” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

How Do I Get Out Of This?

Continuing our weekly series on the business disruption caused by Corona. On this episode, I’ll give you the advice that I’ve been giving my coaching clients, how to mentally get out of this.
We need to start preparing ourselves now for when we re-launch our business and how we can get back into growth mode. I’ll give you some ways to think about you plan.

By the way, if you’re a sales leader or a CEO and oversee a sales team that’s not quite performing up to par, go to billcaskey.com/wth to download my free checklist on how to get them back in shape!

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/04-10-20-GettingOut.mp3″ title=”How Do I Get Out Of This?” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

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LinkedIn Group Question and Answer

The Advanced Selling Podcast with Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale

In today’s episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale answer some questions sent in by members of the Advanced Selling Podcast LinkedIn Group. The two important questions answered were first off, “why are certain Challengers more likely to be the top sales people and are they the future of new business?” The other question is “do you need to have another reason to call your client or is it okay to just check in?”

Make sure to join the Advanced Selling Podcast Linkedin Group and post your questions today. We would love to hear from you.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

  • We’re mobile! Get the podcast app in the iTunes store. Search “Advanced Selling” for the free download. App listeners will get something a little extra each week.
  • Interested in what your fellow podcast listeners have to say? Join our LinkedIn group and find out.

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Find Your Own Voice

The Advanced Selling Podcast with Bill Caskey and Bryan NealeIn this podcast, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale give their advice on finding your OWN voice in a sales situation. This is a very important step in improving in many different areas of your life. Follow Bill and Bryan’s steps in finding yourself and tapping into your own heart.

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