Tag Archive for: ideas

The Power of Podcasting

In this episode, Bill takes you on a journey into the world of podcasting and its untapped potential for scaling leads. Say goodbye to traditional methods and hello to a direct avenue to your market.

He breaks down the three podcast formats—solo, co-hosted, and guest—and guides you on equipment, recording, and editing. Discover how to create compelling content that addresses your audience’s needs. He also gives you a 90-day challenge, offering a roadmap to attract inbound calls, form connections, and elevate your sales strategy.

If lead generation is on your mind, tune in and transform your approach with podcasting.

If you’d like to learn more about how Bill can help you and your team reach your potential, go to https://resources.billcaskey.com/corporate-training


Subscribe to The Bill Caskey Podcast to get this delivered to your phone weekly!



Discovering the Power of Beliefs: From Potential to Value

In this episode, Bill he dives into the unexplored territory of beliefs. Just as stories define uniqueness, beliefs shape success.

Bill uncovers the significance of examining your beliefs about potential and market value, sharing insights from his experience in mentoring high achievers. Discover the transformative potential of challenging and reshaping your beliefs, paving the way for personal and professional growth.

Explore how beliefs drive actions, and gain practical strategies to harness their power.

If you’d like to learn more about how Bill can help you and your team reach your potential, go to https://resources.billcaskey.com/corporate-training


Subscribe to The Bill Caskey Podcast to get this delivered to your phone weekly!



Is the Game Rigged?

Is the selling game rigged against you? Or, for you? That all depends on who you ask.

In this episode, Bill gives you 5 ideas you can use to change the game altogether. And, maybe even rig it in your favor.

To download my FREE guide, “5 Reasons You Don’t Have Enough Clients”, just go to http://5reasonsclients.com!

[smart_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/the2xpodcast/11-03-21-GameRigged.mp3″ title=”Is the Game Rigged?” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

The New Philosophy of Selling

We all have fundamental truths about all kinds of areas of our lives, even if we haven’t given it much. But, what is your philosophy about sales?

In this episode, I challenge you to question your false assumptions about selling and give you some ways your can rethink your philosophy about your profession.

To download my FREE guide, “5 Reasons You Don’t Have Enough Clients”, just go to http://5reasonsclients.com!

[smart_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/the2xpodcast/10-20-21-NewPhilo.mp3″ title=”The New Philosophy of Selling” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

Your Counter-Intuitive Path to Growth

On your path to expanding your potential, you’ll often run into roadblocks. And, doing the same things over again will get you nowhere.

In this episode, I’ll give you 3 counter-intuitive ideas to help expand your thinking and push you out of your comfort zone.

To download my FREE guide, “5 Reasons You Don’t Have Enough Clients”, just go to http://5reasonsclients.com!

[smart_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/the2xpodcast/10-13-21-CounterIntuition.mp3″ title=”Your Counter-Intuitive Path to Growth” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

What’s Your Creative Outlet?

Do you have a creative outlet? I know what you’re thinking, “I’m not the creative type.” Well, I believe we all have a creative side and I also believe we need to drastically improve it.

We are always hearing about, content marketing this and content marketing that. We need to create content just for us. Something that we can use as an outlet for our own ideas.

On this week’s Bill Caskey Podcast, I’ll give you ways you can begin creating your own Creative Outlet. NO EXCUSES!!

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/04-08-19-Creative.mp3″ title=”What’s Your Creative Outlet?” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:


5 Ideas To Implement Today

I hate that we snub our nose at ‘tactics.’ It’s almost a way for the ‘elites’ to look down at us we because we aren’t constantly droning on and on about ‘strategy.’

I love strategy, but don’t forget there are things you can do today to grow your business that has very little to do with long-term strategy. And I give you 5 of those in this episode of The 2X Podcast.

I also share that we’ll be changing up the deliverable a bit by doing YouTube videos each week, but I will continue to deliver the audio here as a podcast. We’ll be adding to your learning by shooting videos of these episodes. Go to https://youtube.com/BillCaskeyTraining to subscribe!

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/2xP_08-30-18.mp3″ title=”5 Ideas To Implement Today” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2XPodcast-SPP.png” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]


How Often Do We Buy into False Assumptions?

It’s ridiculous how many assumptions we buy into throughout our life.

Assumptions are healthy. They allow us to navigate the world while not thinking about each and every decision. HOWEVER, the curse of that is that we assume things to be true that just aren’t. On this episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill gives you some deeper things to think about when it comes to our judgment and beliefs. You’ll begin to realize where you buy into old thinking.

He’ll also detail a handful of these assumptions that you must alter if you are to 2X your income this year.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/2xP_01.16.17.mp3″ title=”4 Ways Podcasting Can Help Your Business” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2XPodcast-SPP.png” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]