
Maximizing Your Customer Experience – From a Pro

Have you ever thought about how you make your customers feel?

On this week’s Podcast, I had the privilege of sitting down with Brian Good, a client who’s doing exceptional work as a Senior Manager for Strategic Accounts for a telecommunications company.

From his 20 years of successful selling, he shares his lessons learned about developing a personal brand (Hint: it’s not just about your photos), time blocking for maximum efficiency, and why continued personal development is key.

You won’t want to miss what tips he has to give you. So, grab your headphones (and a #2 pencil) and join me on my interview with Brian Good!

Also mentioned in this podcast:


What’s Your Creative Outlet?

Do you have a creative outlet? I know what you’re thinking, “I’m not the creative type.” Well, I believe we all have a creative side and I also believe we need to drastically improve it.

We are always hearing about, content marketing this and content marketing that. We need to create content just for us. Something that we can use as an outlet for our own ideas.

On this week’s Bill Caskey Podcast, I’ll give you ways you can begin creating your own Creative Outlet. NO EXCUSES!!

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Also mentioned in this podcast:


Episode #428: How To Declutter Your Sales Life

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootAre you feeling the year-end overwhelm?

Does your sales life feel crowded, chaotic or unintentional?

In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale give you strategies to de-clutter and re-focus for 2017.

Are you cold calling just because you think you’re supposed to? Are you aimlessly prospecting without a true strategy behind it?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan share best practices and advice to help you engage in the best ways possible as you move into the new year.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

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