Tag Archive for: interview

Why Did I Become a Sales Coach?

I was recently interviewed on a podcast, The Root Of All Success, episode coming soon, and was asked a question that I wanted to share with my listeners.

The question was basically, “why did I become a sales coach”? I share my response and go a little deeper into what motivated me to start and what changes I’ve seen since I started back in 1990.

Be sure to subscribe to The Root Of All Success to be notified when the full episode is released! https://therealjasonduncan.com/podcast/

To download my FREE guide, “5 Reasons You Don’t Have Enough Clients”, just go to http://5reasonsclients.com!

Subscribe to The Bill Caskey Podcast to get this delivered to your phone weekly!


Will Barron Interviews Bill Caskey – The Salesman Podcast

Recently, I was invited to be on with Will Barron, (The Salesman podcast) out of UK. I’ve had Will on my podcast before and find him to be a straight shooter – and a seeker of the truth about how to achieve in this world.

We addressed:

  • The idea of your core mission as a sales pro
  • Some ideas on how you can use content marketing to enhance your position
  • Ideas on the ‘new paradigm of selling.’

Here is the interview in its entirety:

If you want to listen on his iTunes stream, here it is.

Sales Professional?
I’ve had a few requests since the interview – from people wondering how to get access to more of this thinking. We are taking applications throughout the year into The 2X Group, a mastermind/learning group for B2B sellers, which you can find out more about here. http://www.the2xgroup.com

Sales Leader?
I also had some inquiries from Sales Leaders/Managers/VPs for how to implement this thinking inside your company. If that speaks to you, then go here for more information on how to do that. www.worldclasssalesleader.com

Fast-Track Your Business with Laura Patterson

On this episode of The Bill Caskey Podcast, Bill has the chance to interview Laura Patterson, author and President of VisionEdge Marketing.

They discuss some concepts from Laura’s new book, Fast-Track Your Business, and how you can start implementing these concepts in your business.

To learn more about Laura and her new book, go to https://amzn.to/3cHvlkZ.

By the way, if you’re a sales leader or a CEO and oversee a sales team that’s not quite performing up to par, go to billcaskey.com/wth to download my free checklist on how to get them back in shape!

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/04-21-20-Laura.mp3″ title=”Fast-Track Your Business” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

The Future of the Sales Role | Interview with Anthony Iannarino

This is part 2 of my interview with Anthony Iannarino. On this episode, Anthony discusses the power of writing and what the future holds for the profession of selling.

If you haven’t heard part 1 of our interview, go to http://billcaskey.com/anthony-iannarino-part-1/ to listen now.

Learn more about Anthony and subscribe to his blog at https://thesalesblog.com.

By the way, if you’re a sales leader or a CEO and oversee a sales team that’s not quite performing up to par, go to billcaskey.com/wth to download my free checklist on how to get them back in shape!

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/04-07-20-AnthonyPart2.mp3″ title=”The Future of the Sales Role” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

Selling in the Current Climate | Interview with Anthony Iannarino

On this episode of my twice weekly series on the business disruption caused by the coronavirus, I sit down virtually with Anthony Iannarino, B2B sales coach, consultant and best-selling author.

This is part 1 of our interview where we discuss selling in the current climate. Join us next week where we get into what the future of the sales profession will look like.

Learn more about Anthony and subscribe to his blog at https://thesalesblog.com.

By the way, if you’re a sales leader or a CEO and oversee a sales team that’s not quite performing up to par, go to billcaskey.com/wth to download my free checklist on how to get them back in shape!

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/04-02-20-IannarinoPart1.mp3″ title=”Selling in the Current Climate” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

Financially Navigating Through Crisis | Interview with Mark Cade

As we continue our twice weekly series on the business disruption caused by the coronavirus, I thought it might be beneficial to bring you some advice from a financial professional.

On this episode I interview Mark Cade, CFP and Financial Advisor. Mark gives you some ways you can navigate this financial crisis and some benefits that it might eventually bring you.

You can also download Mark’s Investment Hole Document here, https://caskeytraining.com/monthlybundle/mainwp/investmenthole.

By the way, if you’re a sales leader or a CEO and oversee a sales team that’s not quite performing up to par, go to billcaskey.com/wth to download my free checklist on how to get them back in shape!

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/03-31-20-MarkCade.mp3″ title=”Financially Navigating Through Crisis” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

How to Stay Healthy in the Pandemic | Interview with Dr. Scott Antoine

In this special series of how to handle the business disruption caused by the pandemic, I interview the founder of Vine Healthcare in Carmel Indiana, Dr. Scott Antoine.

Scott is a specialist in serious ailments infectious disease, and wellness and functionality. He gives you about 12 suggestions on things you can do starting immediately to build your immune system so that the coronavirus takes no toll on you.

You can learn more about Dr. Antoine and his practice at https://www.vinehealthcare.com.

By the way, if you’re a sales leader or a CEO and oversee a sales team that’s not quite performing up to par, go to billcaskey.com/wth to download my free checklist on how to get them back in shape!

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/03-19-20-Dr.Antoine.mp3″ title=”How to Stay Healthy in the Pandemic” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

How to Communicate Amidst The Disruption in Your Sales Process

We are all faced with the dilemma of how to communicate best during the disruptive times we are in. As a service to you, I am doing a series of podcasts over the next 45 days that will be full of ideas, tips, and strategies to help you communicate amidst the disruption.

My first episode is with Joel Russell, founder of eimagine, a technology company that specializes in remote platforms as well as CRM solutions and other tech services. You can learn more about Joel and his company at http://eimagine.com/.

By the way, if you’re a sales leader or a CEO and oversee a sales team that’s not quite performing up to par, go to billcaskey.com/wth to download my free checklist on how to get them back in shape!

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/03-17-20-JoelRussell.mp3″ title=”Communication Amidst the COVID-19 Disruption” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

What The Hell is Going On With My Sales Team?

Bill recently had the opportunity to be interview by Richard Lomax at Slip Stream Marketing, slipstream-marketing.com/podcast. On this episode, Bill takes part of that interview and dives deeper into the conversation.

This is part 1 of the interview, where he discusses the most common issues that he sees when he starts working with a sales team.

Be sure to join us for part 2, which will be released on Thursday!

If you want to chat about how I can help your team implement these and get to higher levels of sales performance, go to http://billcaskey.com/growmyteam.

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/11-19-19-LomaxInterview1.mp3″ title=”What The Hell is Going On With My Sales Team?” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast: