Tag Archive for: leadership

A Common Enemy

Do you and your prospect share a common enemy? The enemy could be mediocrity, averageness, or even a competitor. But, when you figure out who that common enemy is, you’ll become a united force battling it together.

The Perfect Agenda For A Half-Day Sales Training

Yes, I know, I’m giving away something that I typically charge for, but here’s why I’m doing it: I am inundated with blog readers (sales people) sending me their frustrations with the sales meetings and sales training they sit through. I can only hear that so much before it wears me down.

You see, I was a part of a sales team at one time. And I wish my leaders would have given me a chance to participate in the type of meeting that I’m giving to you.

This is an actual agenda from a 1/2 day event I was paid a fair sum to do for a company a week ago. I thought you’d like to see it and send it on to your leader or use it yourself.



When To Coach In The Moment

There are two philosophies of how to coach people’s behavior. One is to save up the counsel and dump it all on them at one time. (I use the word “dump” kindly). The other way, which I talk about in this audio clip, is to coach them at the moment of infraction. Hope you can learn from this.

Who Did You Become?

My sister sent me a motivating article yesterday called Who Did You Become? by Marc Cenedella.

I’m sharing it with you because I feel it will inspire us all to self-reflect on ourselves and where we are today.

Sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy this blog.


Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Our team is meeting with a strategic planner today an before we meet with him, we were instructed to watch a few videos.

This one in particular really hit home for me!  I can guarantee it will inspire you to look at yourself, your business and your message in a different way.

About the Video

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers …

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!

Do you agree with Simon?  Why do you do what you do?


Demonstrating Empathy

Not many of us practice empathy. Our work with Hogan Assessments indicates that 80% of us have an “empathy deficiency.” Does your leader empathize? Probably not. But you can’t complain if you don’t practice it either.

Next time someone tells you something, don’t change the subject. Dig deeper. Ask them their feelings about the topic. And ask them “why” they feel that way. Don’t pry into their personal matters—just care enough to ask the next logical question. It’s profound what you’ll hear.