Tag Archive for: maker

The MOST Overused Term in Business Today

This is the fifth in a series of seven articles outlining the need for NEW RULES in your selling efforts. In this article, we’ll look at the Dynamic of Value.

Anyone else get annoyed when a company drones on and on about their “value”? You’ve heard all the iterations of this: Value Add. Value Proposition. Value Statement. 

Usually it means something like this, “We bring value – and if we talk enough about how much value we bring, then it’s likely you’ll begin to believe it.” 

Well, that’s not good enough today.

I’ll share a new way to look at “value” so you can change the rules of the selling game. As I’ve done in each article in this series (click here to read the other articles), my sole aim is to help you change the entire dynamic of the buyer/seller process.

If you do it right, you’ll be the prize that others will seek. Wouldn’t that be nice? Well, it’s possible, if you read this series and begin to ACT. Read more

Stop Trying to Get Customers to Make a Decision

This is the third in a series of seven articles outlining the need for NEW RULES in your selling efforts. In this article, we’ll look at the Dynamic of Decisions.

Remember the good ole’ days when you were trained to ask the customer, “Who makes the buying decision on this?” (Or, some version of that.)

Well, that implied something very obvious – but wrong.

That implied that it was THEM (or someone at their company) making the decision, not you.

We also used elaborate metaphors like the Fox, the Champion, the Sponsor, the Hen (OK, maybe not the hen).

Then we would pull out the org chart and have them tell us who would be involved in the decision. And we’d get lied to. (You forgot that part, didn’t you?)

This process must change.

Today, you must alter the “Dynamic of Decision.” Changing this dynamic enables you to reap enormous rewards and stop wasting time with non-qualified prospects. Read more