Tag Archive for: mindshift app

Getting Ready For the Next Recession

Getting ready for the next recession. It’s coming. Maybe not for a few years, but now’s the time to get ready. Remember how you felt when it hit you like a ton of bricks in 2009? Don’t EVER EVER let that happen to you again.

Make a list of the top 10 things you need to do (in your business) to get ready.

  1. More customers? Check.
  2. More alliances? Check.
  3. More money in your bank account? Check.
  4. Refer this blog post to your tribe? Check. (Ooops. Got carried way, there)

Biggest Challenges Facing Customers

OK, here’s yet another list we want you to make. The reason for this list is prod you into paying attention to the pains that your customers have.

The shift here is that you should be constantly focused on their issuesnot yours. And you can’t do that if you don’t know what to listen for. So make the list, then take the top 3-5 most common issues and insert that into your story.

Setbacks Have Great Lessons In Them

Obstacles and roadblocks…we all have them. You’ve heard the saying, “Kites rise against the wind, not with it.”

And yet, we do all we can to avoid setbacks. Not saying you should look for failure, but it’s just a big universal feedback mechanism that should signal that you may be off track.  Use it as such.

Setting Your Goal

Set the goal and work backwards. Ask the question:

  • What will have to happen for me to accomplish that?
  • Or, you can do what others do… “what are the roadblocks?”

That list of roadblocks evolves into your ‘strategy’.

Skills For Your Future

What are the skills that you will need to excel? Not just survive but excel? You should be doing this exercise once a year because skills change. It used to be that sales people did not need to know how to write, so copywriting skills were optional. Not anymore.

What other skills are required for your future business that you’re a little weak on? Now, go to youtube and search on those skills with the key word “tutorial” after. Then, spend 5 hours on each of the skills you identify. Watch what happens.

-B. Caskey

Take Note of The Things That Speak To You

Read and make note of those things you read that really speak to you.We might read a 300-page book…and see only 3 things that spoke to us. That’s fine.Take those three things and try your hand at writing about them.

You learn more when you write about something.

  • Why did they speak to you?
  • What will you miss by not adhering to those lessons?
  • How have those lessons shifted “how you think?”

-B. Caskey

A System Of Ideas

Have a system for fleshing out ideas. Great ideas, if not written down, disappear.  Make it a habit to acknowledge your ideas by giving them the respect of writing them out. Great authors will tell you that the ‘very act of writing about something makes it more real.’ So give your mind some respect and flesh through some of your ideas.

Be Careful Before You Pick One

Role model…be careful before you pick one. We get the request often to ‘create a mentoring program.’ It all sounds good in theory. But there are many things you have to look at before you select one. Unconditional interest’ in your success is one. They can’t care about you more than you care about yourself, but they have to have some kind of interest in your outcomes.