
What You Can Learn About Achievement From The Stacey Dash Interview?

Recently, Stacey Dash (unknown to me until I saw this and researched her) was on Meredith Vieria. Personally, I don’t watch Vieria mainly because of the tact she took in this “interview.” The video is below.  Watch it, then come back and read on.

I love this girl! Unafraid to speak on a hot, controversial issue, and speak her truth.

I hear this all the time: “My territory isn’t large enough.” “My compensation plan isn’t fair enough.” “People don’t answer the phone like they used to.” “Prospects lie.” “I can’t get referrals anymore.” My company doesn’t invest in me.” “My company has no vision.”

All of these statements (and Meredith’s unbelievably arrogant questions) are perfect examples of our buy-in to a victim mentality. And it wears us out. Actually, it renders us unable to adopt a stance of personal empowerment.
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The Problem With Idea Generation – And a Solution

More ideas are not better. I know there is a saying, “If you want to come up with a great idea, come up with lots of ideas.”


But I see Presidents and Salespeople generate idea after idea – and yet have little to show for them. So what happens. Here’s my take.

My sense is that the person that has the idea (the creator) is seldom the person who will implement the idea and bring it to profit. I didn’t say “never,” I said seldom.

So the idea-creator needs to have either a) someone around him/her who can flesh out the idea before investing too much time dreaming about it. Or, b) a system that walks them through the ‘fleshing out’ process. Read more

Off Track Thinking

Have you ever felt derailed? What is the track you are on? What do you want out of life? If you can determine what your track is, it is much easier to obtain your goals.

Fallen Short Of Your Vision

As you look at your life, have you fallen short or gone beyond the vision you had for yourself? If your vision is clear, you are much less likely to fall short. It’s time to take charge of your life.

Going All The Way

Are you Going All The Way With Your Sales Message?
Or, are you dancing at the margins? It’s time to get in the game with delivering your unique message!

Old Model vs. New Model

Sometimes our success has less to do with our actions – and more to do with the model that we use to see our opportunities.

The 3 Conflicts

It is said that great leaders are effective when they can remove all impediments to success. In your personal affairs, there are three conflicts that might be roadblocks to your ultimate success.

Mindset and Mechanics

A client of mine, after a two day event, asked me to summarize all 16 hours into one page. I’ll do better than that. Here it is in two words.

Getting Ready For the Next Recession

Getting ready for the next recession. It’s coming. Maybe not for a few years, but now’s the time to get ready. Remember how you felt when it hit you like a ton of bricks in 2009? Don’t EVER EVER let that happen to you again.

Make a list of the top 10 things you need to do (in your business) to get ready.

  1. More customers? Check.
  2. More alliances? Check.
  3. More money in your bank account? Check.
  4. Refer this blog post to your tribe? Check. (Ooops. Got carried way, there)