Tag Archive for: paradigm

Will Barron Interviews Bill Caskey – The Salesman Podcast

Recently, I was invited to be on with Will Barron, (The Salesman podcast) out of UK. I’ve had Will on my podcast before and find him to be a straight shooter – and a seeker of the truth about how to achieve in this world.

We addressed:

  • The idea of your core mission as a sales pro
  • Some ideas on how you can use content marketing to enhance your position
  • Ideas on the ‘new paradigm of selling.’

Here is the interview in its entirety:

If you want to listen on his iTunes stream, here it is.

Sales Professional?
I’ve had a few requests since the interview – from people wondering how to get access to more of this thinking. We are taking applications throughout the year into The 2X Group, a mastermind/learning group for B2B sellers, which you can find out more about here. http://www.the2xgroup.com

Sales Leader?
I also had some inquiries from Sales Leaders/Managers/VPs for how to implement this thinking inside your company. If that speaks to you, then go here for more information on how to do that. www.worldclasssalesleader.com

Episode #496: Paradigm Blindness

On this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale discuss a concept they experience far too often with their own clients, Paradigm Blindness.

We all have a certain way we do things and we become locked in to those ways. We become blind to change and don’t consider other ways to achieve greater success.

Bill and Bryan give you some tips on how to identify your own Paradigm Blindness and some ideas on how you might go about getting out of it.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/billcaskey01/18-04-23-496_ParadigmBlindness.mp3″ title=”Episode #496: Paradigm Blindness” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]