Tag Archive for: position

The Survey Results Are In!

A few weeks ago, I asked you to share your perspective on THE most important skill heading into 2021.

If you did so, thank you. If you didn’t, no worries…I wanted to share the results.

I shot a quick video laying out THE #1 skill area on the minds of our subscribers AND gave you a couple of tips on how you can improve immediately. 
Also, enrollment is now open for both The 2X Group and The 2X Academy.

The 2X Group (Small Group Coaching): http://the2xgroup.com/

The 2X Academy (Online Virtual Training): http://the2xacademy.com

The Dilemmas We’re Facing

My roles as a coach is to bring to the surface the things that we are not always aware of, but are effecting our business.

On this episode, I share 7 dilemmas that we’re facing as sales professionals. At the end of the episode I top it off with the primary dilemma that I believe has the most profound effect in your world.

Also, enrollment is now open for both The 2X Group and The 2X Academy.

The 2X Group (Small Group Coaching): http://the2xgroup.com/

The 2X Academy (Online Virtual Training): http://the2xacademy.com

[smart_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/the2xpodcast/10-28-20-Dilemmas.mp3″ title=”The Dilemmas We’re Facing” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:


Back to the Basics

On this episode I get back to the basics. These are the basic sales skills that are essential for all salespeople to master in order to achieve their goals and properly serve their customers.

This is a perfect time to brush up on your basics as we start to transition out of this disruption.

Also, enrollment is now open for both The 2X Group and The 2X Academy.

The 2X Group (Small Group Coaching): http://the2xgroup.com/

The 2X Academy (Online Virtual Training): http://the2xacademy.com

[smart_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/the2xpodcast/10-21-20-Basics.mp3″ title=”Back to the Basics” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:


Where Are You Taking Your Customer?

On this episode of the Bill Caskey Podcast, I discuss the idea of proper positioning. How do you position yourself in front of your ideal client or prospect and make them think, “I can’t live without this solution.”

If your closing percentage is not where it should be, chances are your prospect has no idea where you are taking them. And, that can all be solved by proper positioning.

To hear my interview with Jason Leister, marketing and business expert, go to https://caskeytraining.com/monthlybundle/mainwp/jason-leister-part-1/.

Also, enrollment is now open for both The 2X Group and The 2X Academy.

The 2X Group (Small Group Coaching): http://the2xgroup.com/

The 2X Academy (Online Virtual Training): http://the2xacademy.com

[smart_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/the2xpodcast/10-07-20-Positioning.mp3″ title=”Where Are You Taking Your Customer?” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:


Will Barron Interviews Bill Caskey – The Salesman Podcast

Recently, I was invited to be on with Will Barron, (The Salesman podcast) out of UK. I’ve had Will on my podcast before and find him to be a straight shooter – and a seeker of the truth about how to achieve in this world.

We addressed:

  • The idea of your core mission as a sales pro
  • Some ideas on how you can use content marketing to enhance your position
  • Ideas on the ‘new paradigm of selling.’

Here is the interview in its entirety:

If you want to listen on his iTunes stream, here it is.

Sales Professional?
I’ve had a few requests since the interview – from people wondering how to get access to more of this thinking. We are taking applications throughout the year into The 2X Group, a mastermind/learning group for B2B sellers, which you can find out more about here. http://www.the2xgroup.com

Sales Leader?
I also had some inquiries from Sales Leaders/Managers/VPs for how to implement this thinking inside your company. If that speaks to you, then go here for more information on how to do that. www.worldclasssalesleader.com