Tag Archive for: positioning

The Dilemmas We’re Facing

My roles as a coach is to bring to the surface the things that we are not always aware of, but are effecting our business.

On this episode, I share 7 dilemmas that we’re facing as sales professionals. At the end of the episode I top it off with the primary dilemma that I believe has the most profound effect in your world.

Also, enrollment is now open for both The 2X Group and The 2X Academy.

The 2X Group (Small Group Coaching): http://the2xgroup.com/

The 2X Academy (Online Virtual Training): http://the2xacademy.com

[smart_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/the2xpodcast/10-28-20-Dilemmas.mp3″ title=”The Dilemmas We’re Facing” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:


Back to the Basics

On this episode I get back to the basics. These are the basic sales skills that are essential for all salespeople to master in order to achieve their goals and properly serve their customers.

This is a perfect time to brush up on your basics as we start to transition out of this disruption.

Also, enrollment is now open for both The 2X Group and The 2X Academy.

The 2X Group (Small Group Coaching): http://the2xgroup.com/

The 2X Academy (Online Virtual Training): http://the2xacademy.com

[smart_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/the2xpodcast/10-21-20-Basics.mp3″ title=”Back to the Basics” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:


Where Are You Taking Your Customer?

On this episode of the Bill Caskey Podcast, I discuss the idea of proper positioning. How do you position yourself in front of your ideal client or prospect and make them think, “I can’t live without this solution.”

If your closing percentage is not where it should be, chances are your prospect has no idea where you are taking them. And, that can all be solved by proper positioning.

To hear my interview with Jason Leister, marketing and business expert, go to https://caskeytraining.com/monthlybundle/mainwp/jason-leister-part-1/.

Also, enrollment is now open for both The 2X Group and The 2X Academy.

The 2X Group (Small Group Coaching): http://the2xgroup.com/

The 2X Academy (Online Virtual Training): http://the2xacademy.com

[smart_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/the2xpodcast/10-07-20-Positioning.mp3″ title=”Where Are You Taking Your Customer?” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:


3 Videos That Will Radically Shift Your Client Positioning and Results

As you begin to think about 2016, I want you to consider three things to commit to next year.

I want you to create…yes I said “create”…3 videos for the expressed purpose of landing new clients.

How can videos help me land clients? Well….are you ever in for a surprise! Let me start with a blanket statement. OK, it’s my opinion….but a statement it is.

Video will help you tell your story, compel people to seek you out, and help you position yourself properly prior to client contact. 


Last week, I was in a coaching session with two sales leaders and their lead generation person. In the conversation, I found that they’re asking prospects to fill out a form on the web, then hit SUBMIT. Then, their lead person emails them back to set up a call. Read more

3 Tips On Selling A Premium Product in a Commodity Market

A few years ago, I did a Webinar called “How to Sell A Premium Product in a Commodity Market.” It was one of our best attended webinars we’ve ever done.

Lots of interest in the topic – and I believe I know why.

In this article, I want to update some of the content and give you a couple more ideas.  I picked this topic because it is an ongoing area of concern for sales people – how to sell a premium product into a market that sees price as THE main driver.

Why it’s so tough.

Think about it. We live in a “price leads” society. Advertisers have led us on a race to the bottom by the constant drumbeat of, “Lowest Prices In The Industry!” Or, “We’ll Beat ANY Price!” I know you’ll say, “But I’m not in the retail game.” No, you aren’t. But do you see the attitude that they’ve placed in the minds of buyers?

So the context is that even though your buyer might not jump to “What’s your price?” they certainly have it on their radar.

Here are four notions that I suggest you consider as you extract yourself form the “commodity dungeon” where the only important issue is price:

1. Position Your Self Properly.

Interesting thing about positioning is that it’s not just about what you say – it’s about how you say it. Sales people spend so much time concerned with the “what” and ignore the “how.”

And that’s wrong.

Regardless of your word choice (you’ll have to decide that), the essence of your message should be centered around ‘the types of problems that you solve.’ That’s right – no enthusiastic sales pitches about how great you are – or how smart your team is. None of that.

Frame your ‘premium value’ around the pains and problems that prospects face. Some of those problems they know they have. Some they’re oblivious to. But either way, begin the conversation there.

Be a problem solver not a product seller. There is a trap waiting for you. The prospect sets it and you fall right into it. It happens when the prospect shows interest and you default to “the pitch.”

Instead, when your prospect shows interest in the types of problems you solve, refrain from pitching the product and spend more time diagnosing what that problem means to him. This one thing can do more to change your position (in the prospect’s mind) and help them see that your premium fee is worth it.

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