Tag Archive for: prospect reaction

One Deadly Sin of Poor Listening…

*The following tip is from the magazine Going Bonkers – Edition: “Are You Listening To Me

Finishing The Other Person’s Sentences

This may seem like a harmless behavior, but it conveys another message that hurts relationships: “I know how to complete your thoughts better than you do.”

When you commit this sin, you most likely do so with good intent.  You may think you’re showing the other person that you’re on the same wavelength, that you think alike.  In fact, finishing a sentence is even worse than interrupting.  It’s one thing to stop someone from speaking.  It’s something else to speak for him.

If this sounds like you, next time you finish someone’s sentence, watch the person carefully.  They may not say anything, but see if their eyes or body language reveal their true feelings.  Do you see a slight grimace? Does the person’s eyes narrow or glare?

Once you witness a negative reaction, you’re less likely to make the same mistake.