Tag Archive for: Rabbi Daniel Lapin

The Essence of Fulfillment with Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Bill  is joined by Rabbi Daniel Lapin to discuss the general well-being of society and how individuals can focus on what truly matters despite external challenges.

Rabbi Lapin offers insightful perspectives on the differences between those who work with ideas versus those who work with tangible things, and how this impacts one’s connection to reality.

He emphasizes the importance of becoming the person you envision, nurturing key areas of life – family, finances, friendships, fitness, and faith – and understanding the spiritual underpinnings that enable human collaboration and progress.

Learn more about Rabbi Daniel Lapin at https://rabbidaniellapin.com

To listen to Rabbi Daniel Lapin on the Advanced Selling Podcast, go here: https://advancedsellingpodcast.com/episode-359-religion-sales-success-rabbi-daniel-lapin/


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#359: Religion and Sales Success – Rabbi Daniel Lapin

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootReligion and Sales— not heard together very often, right? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale bring in the expert on the topic today when they talk with Rabbi Daniel Lapin, known world-wide as “America’s Rabbi.”

The author of “Thou Shall Prosper” digs into challenges people have around the acceptance or demonization of making money. Were you raised to believe money is a good thing or a bad thing? How does this impact your mindset in your sales role now?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan learn Rabbi Lapin’s thoughts about how to not feel guilty when you make money, and how to truly serve your customers in the sales process.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

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