Tag Archive for: sales success

When Presenting, You’ll Crush It With These Three I’s

Whether you’re running a sales meeting, a prospecting meeting, or just presenting to a group, Bill gives you some very simple but powerful advice to keep you on track. He calls it “The Three I’s.”

Agenda Setting

“You’ll either be part of your own plan or part of someone else’s plan.”

There is very little Agenda making going on, yet it is one of the most important parts of the Sales Process. An Agenda should include what you would like to accomplish as well as what the prospect would like to accomplish. Make place on your agenda for their agenda.

Making An Acquaintance

It seems like making another’s acquaintance is the ultimate in the beginning of the lead generation process. We can get really wrapped up in social media, LinkedIn, and all the other clever technologies but how does one make an acquaintance?
That is the question I’ll deal with in today’s audio tip.

When You’re in a Dip, Do These 7 Things

Since I coach people, I’m privy to their psychology. Often, my coaching clients come to me in a bad state of mind. They’re in what I call, “a dip.”


Let’s get this straight, the dip is a signal that your state of mind is off. You are out of sync. There is nothing wrong with you. There IS something wrong with the conditions you’ve created. Oh, and something else – I am not a psychiatrist. If your dip lasts longer than a few weeks, probably should get professional help.

But for most of us these few ideas can get us started.

Here are seven ideas I gave to a client who came to me about a month ago. He was a super high achiever, but he wasn’t in the right mental framework, and he felt it.

1. On Outcomes. Stop trying. Stop trying to make friends. Stop trying to get deals. Stop trying to get the outcomes that you believe you deserve. We call this “detachment.” The more emphasis you put on your outcomes, the less likely you are to run the process well. Let outcomes come to you. Go out and be interested in others. Be a good listener. Be curious (which I know you are), but let it happen if it’s supposed to happen. Read more

Always Begin Your Sales Meetings With This

I’ve been in three sales meetings in the last month where this very simple approach wasn’t used – and it caused the meeting to be ‘less than’ what it could have been. When you hear what it is, you’ll be shocked that not everyone does this. But even if you do it, I give you a couple of other ideas on how to make it even better!

The 5 Human Needs Of Your Prospect

We talk a lot about “pain and possibilities” as a formula for selling. And how we must, before we propose, know a little about their buying issues.

But there is more. In this audio, Bill reviews the 5 Human Needs that each of us have – yes, even our prospects. Or should I say, especially our prospects. Listen in as he reviews this and use it in your world beginning immediately!

Taking A Stand

Do you ever feel like taking a stand on something, but the courage just doesn’t come? Or, the courage is there but not the words?

In this audio, Bill relays a story of a sales client who was in a client meeting where he needed to take a strong stand. He’ll share the coaching he gave and what happened.

The One Question

What’s the question you want answered? It’s not the answers that you receive. The power is in the questions you ask. The clearer you are with the prospect, the better you can help solve their issues.

Are You an Amateur or a Pro? Here is a Simple Checklist

I’ve been reading a lot of Steven Pressfield lately. He’s written a couple of books that are really good – namely “Turning Pro” and “The War of Art.”


If you’re a client of mine, I’ve probably sent you one of those books to help you grow your business. If you’re not a client, then I urge you to go to Amazon and purchase them both immediately, especially if you are interested in creating a new future for your business.

Most of the readers of my blog are sales or business development people and I thought I would create a very simple five-point checklist to help you assess whether you’re an amateur or a pro (or whether you have amateurs or pros working for you): Read more