Tag Archive for: sales team

Stop Leaving Money on the Table: 3 Profit Amplifiers for Sales Teams

In this episode, Bill Caskey reveals three powerful strategies to increase sales profitability without increasing workload. He unpacks the importance of monthly action planning, visual sales processes, and turning expertise into revenue-generating content. Each strategy comes with practical implementation steps that sales professionals and business leaders can start using immediately.

Bill also shares a personal health update following his recent cardiac event and emphasizes the importance of preventive screening. For listeners wanting to explore these profit amplification strategies further, schedule a conversation at www.scheduleacallwithcaskey.com.

Stay tuned for the next episode, where Bill will share more profit amplifiers from his list of 15 proven strategies.


Subscribe to The Bill Caskey Podcast to get this delivered to your phone weekly!


The $15M Growth Blueprint Your Sales Team Needs

In this episode, Bill shares three powerful strategies that helped one of his client companies double their revenue from $15M to $30M.

Bill breaks down the importance of map building (both company-wide and individual), message refinement, and conversion rate optimization. He explains why great plans should focus on inputs rather than outputs, how to craft messages that truly resonate with prospects, and why most companies are settling for conversion rates far below their potential.

Whether you’re a VP of Sales, company owner, or individual performer, these practical insights will help you drive significant revenue growth in your organization.


Subscribe to The Bill Caskey Podcast to get this delivered to your phone weekly!


5 Skills for the Future Salesperson

In this episode, Bill Caskey shares the five critical skills he believes all business owners, sales leaders, and sales professionals need to master in order to thrive in the future.

Bill explains why these skills are essential for success in the evolving business landscape and provides guidance on how to start developing them. He encourages listeners to assess their current skill set and make a plan to continuously improve in these key areas.

Tune in to discover the future-proof abilities that will set you apart from the competition.

Want to break free and soar to new heights? “12 Bold Moves” is your gateway to a fearless reinvention of self and unlocking unprecedented sales success.  Get your copy now at http://12boldmoves.com

Subscribe to The Bill Caskey Podcast to get this delivered to your phone weekly!


The $15 Million Skill Stack: Mindset Shifts for Sales Growth

In this episode, Bill shares insights from his successful campaign that helped a company grow from $15 million to over $30 million in revenue within two years.

He introduces the concept of the “$15 Million Skill Stack,” emphasizing that business growth comes from mastering multiple skills rather than relying on a single strategy.

Bill focuses on one key element from his 12-part framework: the importance of adopting proper mindsets in sales.

Want to break free and soar to new heights? “12 Bold Moves” is your gateway to a fearless reinvention of self and unlocking unprecedented sales success.  Get your copy now at http://12boldmoves.com

Subscribe to The Bill Caskey Podcast to get this delivered to your phone weekly!


A Framework For Telling Your Story

Story... It seems like everyone is talking about it these days, but how do I get started?

That’s exactly what Bill will tell you on this week’s episode of The Bill Caskey Podcast. He walks you through a framework on how to not just craft your story, but how to build one that will compel prospects to want to work with you.  

What the hell is going on with your sales team? Not sure? Find out by downloading my BRAND NEW leadership guide. Just go to http://billcaskey.com/wth to get your free copy now!

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/01-07-20-StoryFramework.mp3″ title=”A Framework For Telling Your Story” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

The Difference Makers For 2020

On the last episode of The Bill Caskey Podcast in 2019, Bill wants you to make a change in 2020.

He gives you the 5 things that he believes can make a huge difference in your achievement next year. These are all things that he uses in his own coaching and training practice and has seen a serious impact with his clients. 

If you want to chat about how I can help your team implement these and get to higher levels of sales performance, go to http://billcaskey.com/growmyteam.

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/12-03-19-YourTeam.mp3″ title=”What Kind Of Sales Team Have You Built?” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

What Kind Of Sales Team Have You Built?

On this episode of The Bill Caskey Podcast, Bill prompts you to evaluate what kind of sales team that you have built. We are all on a journey in life, what are you doing to further that journey for your people?

Bill gives you some situations and how to handle them like a professional vs. an amateur leader.

If you want to chat about how I can help your team implement these and get to higher levels of sales performance, go to http://billcaskey.com/growmyteam.

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/12-03-19-YourTeam.mp3″ title=”What Kind Of Sales Team Have You Built?” artist=”The Bill Caskey Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/BC-Podcast-Artwork-copy-300×300.jpg” color=”#0f344a” background=”#0f344a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Also mentioned in this podcast:

Episode #504: What are you really motivated by?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, veteran sales trainers and podcast hosts Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale discuss a question that came in that has rarely been discussed on the podcast, “How Can I Motivate My Team?” The guys walk through several different areas of motivation that can either inspire or hold back your sales team.

For you sales leader listeners this is a good opportunity for you to think about your team in a slightly different way and what truly motivates them.

If you’re interested in getting some more information about how you can assess your team’s motivational tendencies, send us a email to [email protected] with the word FEEDBACK in the subject line and we’ll get in touch!

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/billcaskey01/18-06-25-504_Motivation.mp3″ title=”Episode #504: What are you really motivated by?” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

A Proven One Day Training Plan

Well, it’s that time of year when we plan sales meetings and retreats. I’ve gotten a lot of calls recently from companies who want me to come in and speak to their groups but, unfortunately, my time is booked through February. I don’t remember getting a call from you. Hmmm. Oh well, maybe I did and just don’t recall.

Consequently, I wanted to give you CEO’s and Sales Leaders some ideas on how you can run an uber-effective sales training meeting to kick off 2016.
Here are the steps I take both for preparation and for execution of an event.

Step 1: Get Really Clear on Your Objectives. 

I find most leaders are a little fuzzy when it comes to specific objectives for a one-day training meeting. I suggest you write out 8 to 10 things you’d like to see as a result of this meeting and then build curriculum to achieve that. Don’t try to load it up too full. Leave breathing space so that people can absorb the content.

(That’s a major fault of sales leaders and CEOs. They think that since they have everyone in the room, they need to chock it full of content. Less is more. More becomes drivel.) Read more