Tag Archive for: sales videos

A New Way To Look At Selling

Many of our models in our world are broken, but it’s hard for us to reinvent any model unless we look closer at what it is now.

In this video, Bill Caskey explains how the old sales model of “convince and persuade” no longer works. He offers a new way to look at selling and gives one tip to help you get the power back in the sales cycle.

**This sales training video took place in Indianapolis, IN on 5/1/12 at the Caskey Refresher Seminar.

3 Tips On How To Write An Email To A Prospect & Things You Should STOP Doing Now

Sales people have a tendency to blame everything on those lousy prospects. But is that true?

In this episode of Whiteboard Wednesday, Bill Caskey rants about about a sales person he met at a game last week. This guy was a real ‘moaner.’ He asked Bill, “Why aren’t these prospects returning my emails or phone calls?” Bill shares with you his response.

In part two of the video, Bill offers an email template that can work in almost all situations.  He claims:

“We tend to write emails in the state of need and that shapes what we say and how we say it.”

**You can learn more tips on how to write emails to a prospect or your client at: http://emailitsellersguide.com/


Are You Bringing ‘Presence’ to Your Prospects?

Not donuts…or lunch…or coffee mugs. But are you bringing your ‘full self’ when you meet with people?

In this video, Bill tells you a story of how he and his team are brought in to interview sales people upfront before an offer is made. What they see is not good. And it all gets back to the little word with big implications: Presence.

He tells you what he looks for in those interviews and how you can think about what you bring to prospect meetings.

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What Happens When The Prospect Tries To Derail You?

In this episode, sales trainer Brooke Green relays a story of how she – the actual sales chick – almost allowed the prospect to drag her off track in a big sales cycle. She’ll share with you sales lessons she learned, how she righted the ship and what she did to get the sales process back on track.

Also, Bryan Neale shares with you his sales-God-meditation thoughts about the topic of ‘market abundance’ and how that impacts your sales attitude.
You won’t want to miss this.

And Bill? He’s relegated once more to the mere “introducer” role, a role he doesn’t seem happy about.

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Whiteboard Wednesday Trailer

Whiteboard Wednesday, a bi-weekly Web TV Show for Sales Professionals, is now available! The show is a tactical guide for any sales person to use in navigating the turbulent waters of professional selling!

If you want to change your results in sales or leadership, you must…must…change your thinking.

Once you do, you’ll find the business market quite easy to pursue. You’ll find that your confidence soars. You’ll find situations that used to frustrate you now become easy.

We suggest that every problem you have in business today is a result of old, antiquated thinking. Isn’t it time to change?