Tag Archive for: salespeople

The Ultimate Selling Strategy: Change Your Thinking.

I got a call from a client last week. She had just begun our program with her company and had heard us talk about “changing how you think” in order to get better results. We hadn’t yet gotten into the details of that, but since she called, I shared with her the five areas of change needed to radically change results.

I hope you can use this information to achiever better sales/business results for yourself. We’ll probably do a podcast (The Advanced Selling Podcast) on it soon.

=1 Change how you think about yourself. Most of us see ourselves as victims in a big economy–held hostage by market forces and company forces. We are quick to blame others for our malaise. That’s what’s so cool about sales–it’s up to you. It’s your accountability that is THE factor in whether you’re a success or not. See yourself as an abundant being on a mission to bring value to your customers. Whether they buy or not–or whether they buy on your time line–is irrelevant. All that matters is that you’re in the present moment with them while in conversation about their pains/issues/matters of the heart. The greatest sales strategies in the world won’t work if you aren’t thinking correctly about your self in the sales process.

=2 Change how you think about your market potential. Most markets are abundant. Yet, when I hear salespeople talk about their sales funnel, it appalls me at how scarcely they see things. Your market is in a lot of pain that they need you to fix for them. Never forget that. And because there is an abundance of pain–and an abundance of money available to fix that pain–then you are in an abundant market. Period. Never let the scarcity of another (even a prospect) effect you.

=3  Change how you think about your roles as a sales professional. This is cool and very simple. Your role in the sales process is to create an environment for the truth to occur. You have to create a safe atmosphere where your prospect is so comfortable telling you the truth, that it’s easier to do that than to lie to you. You’ve heard the expression “buyers are liars.” Well, it’s only because amateur sales people drop into “convince and persuade” mode and make them lie. If you’re creating the right environment, buyers won’t lie.

=4  Change how you think about your value. The value you bring to customers hovers around the intersection of THEIR PAIN and YOUR SOLUTION. Stop thinking your value is all about your benefits and features. Your benefits are only relevant if they have a pain and they believe you have a solution for it. NEVER LEAD WITH YOUR VALUE. Lead with them telling you their problems–and you determining if you can help them. Most corporate selling strategies lead with how great they are for the client. If your a prospect, do you want to hear that?

=5  Change how you think about the sales process. “OK class, who should control the sales process? The one with the money?” NO. THe one wtih the solution. Most sales people get this wrong. But you can only control the sales process to the extent you change your thinking on #1-4. If you merely try to exert control of the sales process without work on #1-4, then you’ll appear crass and amateurish.

So that was my answer to my client. Obviously, in training, I go into much more detail, but thought you’d maybe get a little something from that.

Any comments? I know someone will take me to task for something I said (or didnt’ say), so have at it. And recognize that a change in sales results starts in the mind–not in the market.

Lead Generation Seminars–What Works-What Doesn’t?

Seminars are outstanding ways to generate “conversations” with prospects—and ultimately leads. But if done poorly, they can ruin your brand. If you’re a sales professional and you are asked to do a seminar, then take these into consideration.

FACT: Every company has expertise that lends itself to sharing at a seminar (telephone, webinar or face to face). I’ll post later on some ways to organize your material, but for now, we’ll talk about DO’s and DONT’s.

What To Do
Here are some tips on what to do when presenting a seminar designed to generate leads (or conversations):

1. Find Out Customer Objectives
This can be in the form of a PDF you send out on an autorespond when they sign up. Or you can pass out a brief questionnaire when people sit down. Remember, in our sales approach, we sell to the pain–to teh problem. How will you know how to convert your knowledge if you don’t know the pain of the group.

This also gives you a chance to talk about what you WON’T cover in a seminar upfront so people don’t leave disappointed. I always say, “John, that’s a great point. Because of limited time, I won’t be able to address that fully here. If you’ll mark on your business card, I’ll make sure we talk later.”

2. Tell Stories
People don’t want to see PowerPoints. They want to hear stories–stories of real people solving real problems. If you don’t have 5-10 good, short stories, then you’re probably boring your audience.

If you are not a story teller by nature, then do 3-5 short Case Studies. Remember, a case study should follow the following format: a) What was the problem you’re client was having? b) What impact was that having on their business? c) What solution did you bring to them? and d) What is life like now for the client. That’s the ONLY format to use.

3. Never Answer The First Question
This goes for salespeople on a call as well. The question the prospect asks you is never the real question. It is a “poser” for a deeper question. Consequently, you should find out what’s the question behind the question.

Barb (attendee): “Bill, how do you handle it when a prsopect tells you they don’t have the money to buy?”

Bill (me): “Good question–did everyone hear that? (then repeat the question). Before I answer that, give me a little more data — what exactly did you say that caused that reaction?”  You see, if I answer the question as posed, I may miss something that she said to cause the prospect to respond in that manner.

Once I know that, then I can answer the question. EVERY QUESTION HAS A DEEPER QUESTION BEHIND IT. You do the prospect a severe disservice if you merely answer the question asked.

OK-Now What NOT To Do

1. Stop Reading Your Freakin’ PowerPoints
Every good presentation book says this yet no one apparently is reading those books. If you’re in professional sales and you have to rely on a PowerPoint on a projector, then you’re making too much money.

2. Never Let People Out Without A Commitment
I am not looking to close someone from the front of the room. But you must never, ever let someone leave, after you’ve worked with them for the length of the seminar, without a clear future on what to do next. It frustrates your participant too. If you’ve done a good job upfront, finding  out what they’re pain is, then why shouldn’t you close for a future action?

3. Don’t Spend More Than One Minute on How Great You (or Your Company) Is
I was at a seminar earlier this year. The introducer spent 10 minutes on the qualifications of the main speaker. Come on….one minute is enough. It was laughable. I know you’re proud of your accomplishments, but did you know ‘they don’t care about you?’ They only care about you to the extent that you can help them to a better future.

If you don’t do lead generation seminars, then find a reason to start doing them. But if you do them, follow the very-simple tips above for a magical outcome.

Get Real….REALLY

I was watching a sales training infomercial at 5:30 AM yesterday and have to share. First, I must commend the author for recognizing the need for sales training to be part of the ever-growing infomercial programming found on cable TV and local access channels. With all of the get-rich-no-money-down-don’t-have-to-sell-anything-systems floating around your boob tube in the wee hours of the morning, it’s nice to find one that actually has some real application.


The content in this infomercial was so FAKE I almost threw my TV down my laundry chute. Enough already.  SALESPEOPLE……….LISTEN TO ME…………..


There is an epidemic of manipulative phrases, slick-tongued words and bullet-proof closing moves plaguing today’s sales trainers and amateur salespeople. I don’t get it. Sales training hasn’t evolved for 25 years.  We seem to be stuck in the same old…..”gotta ask for the business” …..”always be closing” ……mode that our grandparents invented. Maybe we should go back to rotary phones and typewriters while we’re at it.

Look: Let’s all agree that if we were all just real – just who we are – and if we all just tried to help our prospects and get out of the way when we realize we can’t help….we’d all sell A LOT more stuff and make a lot more money.

Get Real….REALLY…..be yourself. ….no one wants to buy from a fake.