
Selling, Marketing and Business Philosophy with Jason Leister – Part 1

Occasionally someone comes along who catches your eye as a person who can provide expertise to the business world and on how to properly think about client acquisition. Jason Leister is one such character.

I subscribed to Jason’s newsletter several years ago and have had several conversations with him over the years. Recently, I had the pleasure of having him on the podcast which which we divided up into a two part series.

Jason shares his expertise on selling, marketing and how to develop a strong business philosophy.

I think you’ll enjoy Jason’s perspective on client acquisition. You can find out more about him at and be sure to subscribe to his newsletter!

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Episode #525: Can You Summon the Courage When You Need It?

In this week’s episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address the notion of courage.

They play a clip of Brené Brown, who was interviewed by Michael Gervais, on the Finding Mastery Podcast. Brené talks about the number one attribute that people are looking to leaders for, but we think the same thing applies to sales professionals, you have to have courage.

Bill and Bryan give you six areas that they believe courage can come in.

Also, if you haven’t enrolled in our live masterclass on December 13th, go to to learn more and to register!

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Episode #523: My Generation

On this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bryan brings up an observation that he has been seeing a lot, the generational differences in the workforce today.

Bill and Bryan discuss the differences and similarities between the generations and how they buy. They give you some tips on how you can interact with any of them, no matter what generation you might fall into.

If you have a question you want answered on the podcast, send us an email at [email protected]. (We love audio if you can record your question!)

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Episode #521: Standing Out From the Crowd

Have you every wondered how you can differentiate yourself in the sales world?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan talk with John Lefler, the outbound Sales Manager at John gives some ideas on how you can use greeting cards to be unique in your market.

CardsDirect is a new partner with us and they have some very unique designs and approaches to helping you stand out from the crowd as you manage your clients and seek out new prospects. You can find out more at

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Episode #518: It’s a Relief Party

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan begin the planning process for 2019, but they start in a completely different way than you’re used to.

The first step in preparation of next year is to take inventory of the beliefs that we might have in sales that hold us back. Then the next step is to begin to release those beliefs and in their place, insert beliefs that are more conducive to higher achievement.

If you’re interested in bringing Bill or Bryan or both into your company for a year-end sales training, send us a note at [email protected] and we’ll get back with you to discuss your team!

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Episode #517: How Do You Deal With Loss?

On this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address the topic of rejection, loss, and disappointment.

There is a myth that we have to just move on when we get disappointed, and not feel the feelings that comes along with that. But we think that’s wrong.

Bill and Bryan give you some things to think about when it comes to preventing the feelings that come along with loss and disappointment, and what to what to do when it does happens.

If you have a question that you’d like to get to the guys, send a voice memo to [email protected]!

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Episode #512: How To Turn Podcast Listening Into Income

In this episode, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale take an email from a listener who has refined the art form of taking podcast content and turning it into usable mechanics to help him grow his income.

So the guys set off on a journey and give you seven ways that you can listen to podcasts, The Advanced Selling Podcast, or others, in a way that helps you implement some of the ideas that you hear.

One of the tips was, email the podcast host with a question, so this offer stands. Send your question to [email protected] and we will answer it on an upcoming episode.

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Episode #508: The Best Sales Advice Ever

In their sales training businesses, Bill and Bryan are both often asked the question, “what is the best sales advice you can give me?”

This is usually a pretty difficult question because no one answer will fit every situation. And, with so many different sales methodologies out there, how can you know what’s best?

On this week’s episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, they guys decided to step up to the challenge and put together their lists of the best advice they’ve either ever gotten or ever given.

If you have a sales question you want answered, send us a voice recorded message to [email protected] and we’ll answer it on an upcoming episode!

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Episode #503: When is Persistence a Deficit and not an Attribute?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address a deeper subject of persistence. Often times we can become overly persistent, and it will cost us big money in the sale cycle.

The guys also realized they’ve been calling on the same prospect and they both lost the deal, which adds material for this topic. They discuss some ways to handle the rejection and possibly even learn from the experience.

If you’d like to get your question answered on the podcast, send us an email to [email protected] with a voice memo attached, and we will get it on the air.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

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