Tag Archive for: Strategies

Strategies for Effective Leadership with Karl Bimshas

In this podcast, Bill interviews leadership consultant Karl Bimshas, bimshasconsulting.com. They discuss the challenges that leaders face in today’s world and strategies for effective leadership.

Karl shares his background and experience in leadership and executive coaching, and they delve into topics such as communication, confidence, and imposter syndrome.

Listeners will gain insights on how to improve their leadership skills, regardless of their position in an organization, and navigate the ever-changing landscape of leadership in today’s business world.

Can this “One Thing” radically improve your closing percentage? Go here to find out: https://resources.billcaskey.com/the-one-thing

Also, if you’d like to schedule a call with me to discuss how I can help you or your team reach your true potential even faster, go to http://scheduleacallwithcaskey.com

Subscribe to The Bill Caskey Podcast to get this delivered to your phone weekly!


5 Proven Tips to Bet On Yourself

I just shot a quick video that teaches what I’ve been using with my clients entering my programs.

It’s all about how to bet on yourself and get the most out of that bet.

To download my FREE guide, “5 Reasons You Don’t Have Enough Clients”, just go to http://5reasonsclients.com!

Are You (Accidentally) Annoying Your Prospects?

I was recently interviewed on a podcast where the host asked me why most salespeople are annoying. I thought my answer was so damn good I shot a video for you about it.

In it, I share four ways you might be annoying your prospects, and you don’t know it.

To download my FREE guide, “5 Reasons You Don’t Have Enough Clients”, just go to http://5reasonsclients.com!

Alternative Growth Strategies for B2B Sellers

Are you up for some alternative growth strategies? I thought you might be. Therefore, I shot a video I thought you might like to see. In it, I share three alternative strategies to business growth in 2023.

After all, you’re either a podcast listener of mine, or you’re on my email list, so I know you are interested in personal and income growth.

To download my FREE guide, “5 Reasons You Don’t Have Enough Clients”, just go to http://5reasonsclients.com!

3 Simple Closing Strategies for B2B Sellers

I think everybody in sales should watch this video…it has to do with how to 3X your business simply by working on very specific conversion strategies.

And I know it will help you, too. And that’s what I’m all about – helping sales professionals grow their skills – and their income.

To download my FREE guide, “5 Reasons You Don’t Have Enough Clients”, just go to http://5reasonsclients.com!

Episode #432: Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootDo you ever feel anxious, nervous or scared in sales?

In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address a coaching client who feels overwhelmed in her new position in sales. As they talked, they decided that sales people have feelings everyday – and, sometimes they aren’t particularly helpful.

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan give you some tips on how to deal with those ‘negative feelings’ in the profession. They’ll tell you what the pros do wth the feelings that arise and what you can do WHEN those feelings come up.

Touchy feely? Yes. But feelings must NEVER be ignored – they should be acted upon!

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/billcaskey01/17-01-09-432_Feelings.mp3″ title=”Episode #432: Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings” artist=”The Advanced Selling Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

Episode #430: December Action Plan

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootIn this episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale discuss the most important things you can do in the next 10 days to finish up this year and start next year properly.

Do you feel stressed out during the holidays?

Feeling like time has run out?

There is still time to get things done before the end of the year. It’s a great time to think how you will jumpstart 2017. And, on this week’s Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan will give you some precise ideas on how you can do that.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/billcaskey01/16-12-12-430-DecemberAction.mp3″ title=”Episode #430: December Action Plan” artist=”The Advanced Selling Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

Episode #429: Your Brand = Your Reputation

Do you think “branding” as a salesperson is all about your company’s logo or your social media accounts?

In this episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale talk to branding expert Tyler Borders to learn more about why brand matters so much in sales.

Do you know how you and your company want to be perceived by your prospects?

Have you ever asked the people who know you best how they describe your brand?

In today’s episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan dissect Tyler’s branding philosophy to give you a different way to think about building a brand of your own. Hint: It’s not just about what you say on your LinkedIn profile.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/billcaskey01/16-12-05-429-TylerBorders.mp3″ title=”Episode #429: Your Brand = Your Reputation – Tyler Borders” artist=”The Advanced Selling Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

Episode #428: How To Declutter Your Sales Life

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootAre you feeling the year-end overwhelm?

Does your sales life feel crowded, chaotic or unintentional?

In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale give you strategies to de-clutter and re-focus for 2017.

Are you cold calling just because you think you’re supposed to? Are you aimlessly prospecting without a true strategy behind it?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan share best practices and advice to help you engage in the best ways possible as you move into the new year.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/billcaskey01/16-11-28-428-Clarity.mp3″ title=”Episode #428: How to Declutter Your Sales Life” artist=”The Advanced Selling Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]