Tag Archive for: you control your own destiny

Are Your Best Years Behind You or Ahead of You?

It seems like an obvious question doesn’t it?  If I were to ask a hundred people on the street they would all say their best years are ahead of them.  But would they really feel that way or would that just be the politically correct thing to say?

The best years of your life by Albert EllisI was doing my annual New Year’s cards for my daughters. One daughter is 18 while the other is low 30’s. I believe the future is so bright for that generation that they should feel blessed — they have some many great years in front of them.

I actually believe that although most people do not.

And as I wrote their cards, I wondered aloud whether I felt that way about myself at 55 years old.  Can I honestly look in the mirror and say that my best days are ahead of me when I’ve had 55 years of a great life?

I have some rather long lifelines in my family (my dad lived to be ninety-seven and his mother ninety-five) and when people ask me when I’m going to retire I tell them retirement for me would be certain death.

So, for those of us that are in our 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, how do we ensure that in fact the best days are in front of us?

Here is a list:

  1. Stay current.  As we get older it becomes harder to stay current with the new technology/social media/web world but we must.  I know several people who have not been able to figure it out on their own but they have hired technology coaches.  Great idea. Read more