4 replies
  1. Jim
    Jim says:

    Happened to stumble on this. It’s great you were trying to help share Zerbin’s story, but you have a few facts wrong here. Zerbin got into the Naval Academy on his first try while in high school. Another amazing part of the story is that he was hit head on by a drunk driver just before he was to report for his first summer at the Academy. The injuries from the accident left him unable to attend not any other reason. He went to Georgia Tech on an academic scholarship for a year until he was healthy enough to enter the Academy the following summer. He is indeed an amazing human being no matter how you look at it…This is just one more amazing obstacle he overcame. He graduates May 23rd.

  2. Phyllis
    Phyllis says:

    I want to add to the already great remarks! He is so humble and kind hearted. I had the awesome pleasure of meeting him at this function he was speaking at and invited him to speak to my students at the school I work at. He not only came and shared his story but inspired us all. I truly am in awe of him. I pray that he continues to stay true to his kind and loving spirit. He is truly an amazing person to know and I feel blessed that he is in my circle of friends now.
    with much admiration & Love,

  3. Stan
    Stan says:

    I went to Columbia High Shool with him and he seemed like an ok guy, even though I didn’t know him very well or at all for that matter. He was in the Magnet program and I was a resident student. Even though they’re both in the same school, they’re actually like too different worlds. Magnet and resident students always seemed to be seperated. I used to always hear about him around school however. I had no idea he had it that hard with his family issues and all, but I knew he would come out on top eventually, and now to my amazement he practically has. Really bright and has a great head on his shoulders.

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