Entries by Bill Caskey

Does a Strong Inner Game Begin With Self-Acceptance?

If you have listened to our podcast or read this blog, you realize that the Inner Game (our internal mentality) is a big part of what we teach at Caskey. We believe that if your mind is right, then your strategy and words will be right as well. And when all that is right, you […]

How To Improve Selling Skills

Recently, I’ve become interested in how elite performers become that way. There are the obvious things like studying the game they play or the craft they act in, there is the full practice and rehearsal, and there’s also the rituals they use to get ready for performances. But often, it still gets down to skills. […]

Sales People Hard To Find: So Says USA Today Article

If not for the Duchess’s pregnancy, this story would have been on the front page of USATODAY.com. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/07/21/sales-job-openings/2568003/ (It actually was on the front of the hard cover.) And it’s a good start to a dialogue we’ve seen building for years: the difficulty in finding good sales people. But we need more. It seems that […]

How To Call High In Your Prospect Company

We get this question a lot when we do seminars, conferences and sales training. How do I know who to call on inside a company? Usually the correct question is I have no idea because every company is different and every organizational structure is different so where do I begin? I’m convinced that our inability […]

Where Selling Skills Intersect With Social Media

As our team here produces the Advanced Selling Podcast, by the way if you aren’t a subscriber you need to do that right now, we see the vast interest in how salespeople can use social media to improve their results. It seems that we’re all trying to find the right balance between doing nothing and […]

Do You Know The Leader Of Your Client Firm?

This to be used with a previous post titled Don’t Call on Them Until You Know How To Talk to Them. As I re-read that after it was published, I realize there was a separate topic underneath that article and that is just as important to front line sales people and account managers: Your willingness […]

How To Build A Sales Force

You sales managers will like this one. I know how much sales managers struggle with selection, recruiting, and retaining great talent in the sales position. So consequently, when we were introducing our Sales How-To Video Series, we thought we’d put a couple of videos in there for sales leaders and managers. And the one we […]

When Do You Review Your Sales Call?

How many times have you been on a sales call and neglected to review the call right after it happened? Actually, a better way to ask that is, “Have you EVER stopped right after a sales call to review the results – either with yourself or with someone who accompanied you?” I wouldn’t say it’s […]

New Sales Training Video Series – Sales How-To

As you know from our blog and the Advanced Selling Podcast series, we share a lot of content, complimentary. This month is no different as we are introducing the Sales How-To Video Series which contains 12, 3-5 minute sales training and sales management tutorials on how to sell in today’s world. The purpose of these […]