Entries by Bill Caskey

Rule #7: Always Stay Behind the Prospect

This means to be slightly less positive than your prospect. This might go against everything you’ve heard about professional sales….”be enthusiastic…it’s contagious.” I don’t find that to be the case. If you’re going to be Selling From Strength, you have to create space for the prospect to convince you that they have a problem worth […]

A Great Man Is Always Willing to Be Little

“A great man is always willing to be little.” Not sure where I heard that first, but it makes sense in sales. Rather than playing the game of ‘impressing’ the prospect (which we all do, albeit unintentionally), why don’t you be insignificant. Let their pains and dreams take center stage, instead of yours. It just […]

Too Much Eagerness. Bad for Customers. Bad for You.

Last week, I had a coaching session with one of my clients who is a pretty talented business development person. I say ‘talented’ because she has all of the raw materials: enthusiasm, energy, work ethic, and decent communication skills. Then, last week she relayed a deal that her company is working on. As she described the situation, a […]

Prospect Pains

What kinds of pains/problems do you help people solve? Do you have a list of those? No? Shame on you. How can you be a problem solver if you don’t even have a menu of the kind of problems you fix? Start that list today.

Are You An Accidental Salesperson?

In October, we plan to release an online course called The Accidental Salesperson which presumes that many people who are drafted into sales today really didn’t set out with sales at their goal. This can include engineers, subject matter experts, accountants, lawyers and even a lot of salespeople. And yet, most of the training that […]

You Choose Your Position. No One Else

POSITION YOURSELF! NO ONE ELSE CAN DO IT FOR YOU We believe that frequently, the sale is won or lost based on your “position.” And no one (especially the prospect) will position your value in quite the same way you will. So you get one shot at it…usually in the first call. Position yourself as […]

One Minute Sales Process Rants

Bill and Brooke bring their ‘rant faces’ to this episode. They’ve each been through some sales processes where they’ve experienced life as the buyer. And they bring these up to with a word of caution: ‘Check out yourself’ to see if you make these errors… How you introduce yourself to people, How you introduce others in […]

Setbacks Have Great Lessons In Them

Obstacles and roadblocks…we all have them. You’ve heard the saying, “Kites rise against the wind, not with it.” And yet, we do all we can to avoid setbacks. Not saying you should look for failure, but it’s just a big universal feedback mechanism that should signal that you may be off track.  Use it as […]