Entries by Bill Caskey

Using Inside Out Marketing

You might have heard of this concept before. While it’s nothing new, it’s still rarely used to its full potential. On this episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill reviews 4 assets you own that MUST be part of your personal marketing plan. As we coach and train sales performers everywhere, we find “lead generation” still […]

Episode #446: Flop Sweat in Front of a Prospect

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale play a clip from Kristin Zhivago, Author of Roadmap to Revenue, who explores the idea of the buyer process map. She also talks about one of our favorite topics which is intention, and how intention matters and how it’s […]

A New Strategy For Lead Generation

Everyone wants more leads, don’t they? Well, in this episode, Bill shares with you a strategy of how you can generate more leads using thought leadership– and do so in a way that distinguishes you from the masses (of average sales people out there:). He gives you 5 things you can do RIGHT NOW to […]

Taking Action on Selling a Premium Product – Part 3

This is part 3 of our 3-part series on “Selling a Premium Product in a Commodity Market.” In this episode, we deal with ACTION. What ACTION will you take to command a premium product in your world? This was a Facebook Live broadcast on 03/28/17. The prior three episodes dealt with the other sections of […]