How To Get Ready For Executive Coaching

If you’re a Caskey client and are ready to be coached, or are considering entering into a coaching engagement, this video shares 7 of the most pressing issues you should consider.

Bill reviews all 7 and gives you some additional tips so that you can be ready for personal growth in your coaching engagement.

A New Way To Look At Selling

Many of our models in our world are broken, but it’s hard for us to reinvent any model unless we look closer at what it is now.

In this video, Bill Caskey explains how the old sales model of “convince and persuade” no longer works. He offers a new way to look at selling and gives one tip to help you get the power back in the sales cycle.

**This sales training video took place in Indianapolis, IN on 5/1/12 at the Caskey Refresher Seminar.

Price Resistance Might Have Nothing To Do With Price

How you present things is how people see things.

A few weeks ago, a sales person came into our office and was pitching a new water system. They talked about the features and benefits of their offer, but NEVER asked me any questions about what I wanted.  And then I told them the price was too high.

If you’ve ever had a prospect say your price was too high, it could’ve been you forgot to ask the right questions.

‪How To Write An Email When A Deal Is Struck Or Stalled – Email Tips For Sales Professionals

In this video, Bill Caskey, Author of Email It — A Seller’s Guide to Emails That Work with 20 Pre-Written, Ready-to-Use Emails, discusses the most common questions on emailing he gets from his clients.

This is one of the most common issues we’ve noticed: How does the seller deal with the sales process when it gets stalled?

This email tutorial gives the EXACT framework you should use when you must write this email.

*You can learn more tips on how to write emails to a prospect or your client at: ‪‬

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You Want To Hear No At The Right Time!

“It’s OK to say no”- a feeling.  When we’re coaching people to execute the up-front portion of our selling philosophy where we tell the prospect, “It’s OK if there’s no fit here.”

We sometimes run into the lack of skill in delivering that message.  What it often seems like is a string of words that are only logical and not emotional. Instead, your mind should be thinking, “I really don’t want this prospect if they don’t have a problem, if they don’t have the money, or if they aren’t willing to invest it to fix the problem.”  When you think about it that way, it becomes more than mere words.

Plenty of Expertise Right In Front Of You – But You Have To Ask

Go interview a successful person and question their philosophy. I don’t mean question it as in ‘challenge’ them on it. I mean interview them to see how they think about:

  • Success
  • Other people
  • Their value
  • Their market
  • Their skill level

When you inquire as to another’s philosophy you will learn the core essence of why they’re successful. Take notes, feed it back to them. Try to understand a deeper level of success.

Flattery Tells Me You Don’t Really Care – So Stop

 Superficial flattery gets you nowhere. In fact, it might set you back a few paces.

We sales people have been taught to say something nice…to flatter prospects. But if it isn’t sincere, then don’t say it. We all have the BS detector running at all times. And at no time is it the loudest than when we hear those patronizing compliments.

-B. Caskey

‪How To Write Emails That Get Action‬

We tend to write emails in the state of ‘need’. Think about it…

  • Trying to get an appointment.
  • Trying to advance a deal.
  • Trying to your get point across.

But that’s not a resourceful strategy.

In this video, Bill Caskey, Author of Email It — A Seller’s Guide to Emails That Work with 20 Pre-Written, Ready-to-Use Emails, gives you the framework to use for ANY email you might write to a prospect or your client.

You can learn more tips on how to write emails to a prospect or your client at: ‪‬

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We Get Stronger With Resistance

Our strength grows out of our weakness. Out of resistance. This is a bit of Emerson (Law of Compensation) for the uninitiated.

Emerson believed that it wasn’t until we were ‘pricked and sore‘ that we got busy changing our behavior. That we get stronger with resistance.

And that to “sit on the cushion of advantage” means to go to sleep.  And when we’re asleep we’re not growing.  We’re dying.