A friend of mine who is also in the training business spoke to me recently about his frustration with lack of eagerness to change on the part of his clients. I echoed similar thoughts about some of the work we do.
Our conclusion was that, more often than not, adults do not ask for much advice. And if they do, they are rarely eager to implement.
So the question becomes, why is that? Everybody says they want more but do they? Anybody says they want to improve but do they? The world is full of bad news about underemployment, unemployment, the economy, and prospects for future jobs, yet are we really interested in changing ourselves?
The answer to those questions typically is: NO.
My sense is that the answer to those questions runs much deeper. Perhaps deeper that I have the words for in a column such as this. But what the hell – let’s give it a shot.
The Comfort Zone Rears Its Ugly Head, Again
Most of the readers of this blog have very few Third World problems, like can’t find anything to eat, or are being pursued by rabid hyenas. Most of our problems are of a much higher order.
Consequently, we all live life in a comfort zone. Yes, things could be a little bit better but I don’t fear for my life every day like if I lived on the Serengeti. So we have to look to other areas for our inspiration and motivation and grit.
Here’s Where It Gets Deep
I think an obvious place to look is by asking the question, “Why are you here?” What is it you are put on the face of this planet to be – or to do? Why are you in the business you’re in? Why do you have the life you have? What is your story anyway? What is a message or cause you’re willing to fight and die for?
By answering some of these questions I think we get to the root cause of why so many of us hate change.
I had this very conversation last week with a client. He sells a product that represents an enormous value to customers. But his sales are way off. He says he really believes in the value of what he sells but I see actions that don’t coincide with that claim. He is content to make cold calls and wait until Web leads come in.
God Enters The Picture
Here is what I said, paraphrasing: “God gave you a voice to go use. He put experiences into your life that could benefit others. He gave you the opportunity to represent a product that actually helps people make better decisions in their business life which will coincide with more success in their personal life. You have all this – yet you refuse to do anything other than make cold calls and sit around and wait on leads to come in. Is that the best you can do? If you were given six months to live, is this the way you would spend those six months – waiting on web leads and making cold calls?”
“Of course not. You would get out and hustle. You would show a little grit. You would offer to speak at clubs where your customers might hang out. You would do everything you could to get this high-value solution into your customers hands. But the reason you don’t do that is because you’re in your comfort zone. If people buy, fine. If people don’t buy, fine. If people hear about it, fine. If they don’t, that’s fine too.”My question to him is: “Is that the best you can do?”
It reminds me of a scene in Walk The Line (story of Johnny Cash with River Phoenix). Cash has shown up for an audition with legendary producer Sam Phillips. After 1 minute of play, Phillips stops him cold.
Sam Phillips: Mr. Cash, we’ve already heard that song a hundred times. Just like that. Just… like… how… you… sing it.
Johnny Cash: Well you didn’t let us bring it home.
Sam Phillips: Bring… bring it home? All right, Mr. Cash, let’s bring it home. If you was hit by a truck and you was lying out there in that gutter dying, and you had time to sing *one* song. One song – that people would remember before you’re dirt. One song that would let God know how you felt about your time here on Earth. One song that would sum you up. You tellin’ me that’s the song you’d sing? That same Jimmy Davis tune we hear on the radio all day, about your peace within, and how it’s real, and how you’re gonna shout it? Or… would you sing somethin’ different. Somethin’ real. Somethin’ *you* felt. Cause I’m telling you right now, that’s the kind of song people want to hear. That’s the kind of song that truly saves people. It ain’t got nothin to do with believin’ in God, Mr. Cash. It has to do with believin’ in yourself.
What about you? Are you doing the best you can do right now in giving voice to the value that you represent either personally or in your business? What’s the kind of song you’ll sing (or message you’ll send) that’ll save people?
Gives you a different perspective, doesn’t it?