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Malcolm Butler, The New England Patriots and Being Ready

Last night, Malcolm Butler made a huge interception at the right time in Super Bowl XLIX.


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If you heard his interview this morning, you heard him say that he failed in practice last week to stop that very play. But inside, that interview he said, “But this time I was ready.”

“I was ready.” 


Such a simple word. Very clear….but….

When I heard that I thought to myself, “Am I ready?” When that opportunity comes, and it IS coming, will I be ready?” Will I be “Malcolm-Butler-ready?”

Bo Eason (, who coincidentally had a brother, Tony, who was New England’s QB in Super Bowl XX, says that over the course of a year, we’ll have 5-10 opportunities to succeed, but most of us won’t be ready.

What Being Ready Looks Like 

It’ll be that time when your client introduces you to the President of the company. And the President will ask you “What do you do?” Will you be ready with the right words?

It’ll be that time when your customer asks you for a price concession. You feel the pressure to cave. But will you be ready to stand firm?

It’ll be that time when things around you are turning to crap, and you have to summon all your courage to keep plugging. Keep trying. Right the ship. Will you be ready?

“Readiness” is in the eye of the beholder, but I think it’s an interesting question to ask of ourselves today.

Will we be ready? Will we be Malcolm Butler ready?