Reclaim The Power Prospects Have Over You
This is the second in a series of seven articles outlining the need for NEW RULES in your selling efforts. In today’s article, we’ll look at the “Dynamic of Power.”
Who has the power in the sales process? Think about it. Who has it?
If you’re a traditionalist, you’ll say, “The prospect does, because they have the money.” We used to call it ‘The Power of the Pen’ (as in a ‘pen’ that signs the order.)
But not so today. In article one, I told you about the Dynamic of Pursuit.
Here, I want to talk about the Dynamic of Power.
The bottom line: You have the power. Not your prospect.
Now, it may not readily seem like that because you have goals and budgets you need to achieve. You’re constantly thinking, “What do I need to do, or say, to close this business?”
The New Power Shift
Sorry to be repetitive, but you have the power because you have the solution. Now, it may be that they don’t need your solution urgently. Fair enough. If that’s the case, then you must move on. Do not spend unnecessary time with a prospect who has no pain – or no reason for change.
But, let’s suppose you’re in front of someone who truly does have a problem.
The Only Question: Is their problem one that’s WORTH solving (to them).
That should be on your mind during every minute of every customer interaction. If you keep that in mind, the Power will shift – from them to you.
No, you don’t need to exert power OVER someone. That’s not good. They’ll feel it and will get rid of you (even if they did have a problem worth solving).
You want to have power over the PROCESS. Your process is THE method that gives you the power. Therefore, your process must be in their best interest – not just yours. I’ll touch more on process in my next article.
So, as you move through today, ask yourself the question: Does the prospect believe their problem is WORTH solving?
In order to answer that, you’ll have to know the answers to the following questions: What are their issues, how do these issues show up for them, what have they done in the past to remedy them, how open are they to an alternative solution and who else in their organization cares about solving the problem?
Do that, and you will have shifted the POWER in the process.
Resonate With You?
If you’d like to change your approach by changing the Dynamic of Power, go here and check out The New Rules of Selling. As I say, not everyone is ready for this change. If you think you are, click the button below to learn more.
Stay tuned for article three: The Dynamic of Process.