Tag Archive for: identity

Rethinking Your Sales Identity with Tom Batchelder

In this episode, Bill sits down with Tom Batchelder, author of Selling 180º.

Tom works with companies in business development by challenging the way many of us think about traditional sales communication.

They discuss what it means to be in sales today and why we should rethink our identity when it comes to sales.

To learn more about Tom and his book, go to https://selling180.com/


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Are You Willing To Change Your Identity?

Bill met with a VP of Sales recently who was working with a business coach. The VP felt pretty happy overall and even noticed some movement with him and his team, but he is considering taking a break from the coach. He told Bill, “the coach focuses a lot on issues inside the team and it always seems to get better for a while but goes back to the way it was.

All good Coaches should be working on two areas, Issues but more importantly, Identity. Not your Identity as in your name and race, but how you see yourself and your potential. When we change our identity, that is when real growth occurs.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

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