
Taking Control of Your Life

How much of your life is your creation?

In this episode, Bill discusses the personal agency that we all have in our own lives. These are the things that we are in control of.  Are you making the most out of these areas?

Bill gives a few ways you can regain control of your life.

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Personal Brand Makeover #4 – Rebranding Sherri

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale continue the August Branding Makeover episodes. By the way, if you don’t have the Personal Brand Makeover Checklist yet, go to to download it.

Sherri is a Business English Trainer in Berlin Germany who is making the transition away from agencies and starting her own practice. With this new adventure comes new challenges and she is having some difficulty finding new clients. Bill and Bryan give her some tips on improving her online presence and how to get her story to be more compelling.

Have a question? Send it to us at [email protected]. Want to jump to the front of the line? Do it in a voice memo and send it on.

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Personal Brand Makeover #3 – Rebranding Sasha

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale continue the August Branding Makeover episodes. By the way, if you don’t have the Personal Brand Makeover Checklist yet, go to to download it.

Sasha is a Dental Practice Marketing Consultant who is looking for more speaking engagements with the end goal of taking on more clients. Sasha’s biggest challenge is how to best convey her story to prospects. Bill and Bryan give her some advice on how to improve her message and how to make that message clear in her online channels.

Have a question? Send it to us at [email protected]. Want to jump to the front of the line? Do it in a voice memo and send it on.

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Personal Brand Makeover #2 – Rebranding Michael

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale on on the second August Branding Makeover episodes. By the way, if you don’t have the Personal Brand Makeover Checklist yet, go to to download it.

Michael is an upcoming college graduate who has ambitions of being a business owner. The challenge for him is that there isn’t a clear path for him to entrepreneurship. Bill and Bryan give him some tips on how he can improve his digital presence and some advice on how to get started on creating his own path.

Have a question? Send it to us at [email protected]. Want to jump to the front of the line? Do it in a voice memo and send it on.

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#339: Better Stories = Better Selling – Bo Eason


How do you stand out from the pack— at work, in the sales process, anywhere? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale talk to THE expert on high-stakes storytelling in today’s episode. Back to The Advanced Selling Podcast by popular demand, Bo Eason shares his best practices for learning to tell your personal story effectively.

  • Where do you begin?
  • What is the first step you can take to learn how to share your story?
  • Why is it so important?

In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan ask Bo for advice you can use right away. If you think your story is boring, won’t be compelling or is just like everyone else’s, this episode is for you. Bo reminds us that as humans, we all crave interaction and connection. Your personal story will allow you to connect with your prospects and clients at a level you haven’t before. The minute you start telling your story is the minute you stop selling a commodity… and increase the likelihood of your success in the deal.  Sound crazy? Jump into this episode to find out more.

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Episode #335: Personal Branding – Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield

Can salespeople really build their own personal brand while still representing their company or product? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale learn the power and impact of content marketing from one of the world’s best— fitness expert Ben Greenfield.

Ben offers his tips and strategies for building your personal brand using activities you’re probably doing every day. Do you like to write or draw? Create videos on your iPhone? Post to social media? Ben will teach you how he used his own favorite medium to become an international fitness expert, allowing him to build his brand without spending millions of dollars on marketing and advertising.

In today’s episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan get a crash course from Ben on turning your content into your best marketing tool. Ben strives to make art every day— something that intrigues people and makes their life better. Learn how he does it and how you can too.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

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Does Your Story Make YOU Cry?



Something that most who know me will say I have none of. But, I get emotional when I do an exercise in my training and coaching when I ask people to tell me their story.

Most people are uncomfortable with their own story. They avoid it. They dodge the details. And, most of all, they run from the emotions of it. Read more